Monday 5 October 2015

Your death may be necessary for economic progress

I have been watching the Conservatives at their party conference. There is no doubt that the British Conservatives and all their members and supporters have quite knowingly and deliberately abandoned decency, fairness and any humanitarian concern for other people. The free market concept of the totally selfish consumer has successfully triumphed and all public policy is now based on that concept. Interestingly, they have decided to endlessly propagandise the concept that they are the party of working people, and as Goebbels told us, if you are going to tell a lie tell a big one and tell it often. It will probably work on a gullible public south of Carlisle. As I persistently warn you, the Tories are determined to reduce the working people of this country to a condition of total dependency on employers that is nothing less than a modern form of slavery. They have now turned their attention to the medical profession, teachers, the police and the professional middle classes, people who watched with glee as the Tories hammered the industrial working class in the eighties and nineties, it is their turn now and they are howling with rage. I will say this about the Tories, they are consistent, they are actually quite publicly indignant that doctors are resisting having to work a ninety hour week.

This claim to be the party of working people is a quite clever attempt to stoke up hatred for people who cannot work, for the sick, the poor, the disabled etc. so that they can intensify their war against benefits with the goal of ending benefits in the not too distant future. If you are in work, regardless of how pitiful your terms and conditions are, you are one of the good guys in contrast to all the bad people who are sponging off your hard-earned taxes. Speaking out for the poor etc. marks you down as a socialist, a communist or even a terrorist threatening the British way of life. If anyone who is not British reads this and thinks I am exaggerating I invite you to visit the Daily Mail or the Daily Express and read them for yourself. You will think that you are in pre-war Germany and that Britain is awash with parasites and scroungers and in danger of being overrun by human vermin.

The Tories no longer have any concern for the needs, or even the existence of people who do not work, cannot work or are too ill to work in their policy making. They have no intention of identifying with what we refer to as the working class, the poor, the disabled or the disadvantaged. They have signed up completely to the American Republican ideology that people have no value unless they are economically active and support their vision of society. They have completely absorbed the right-wing callousness and indifference to anyone they see as a restraint on their activities or oppose their vision of a privatised free market free for all.

When the Republican Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked on the TV show 60 Minutes did she think that US sanctions against Iraq were worth the deaths of over half a million Iraqi children, a figure she never contested, she answered yes. That is a callousness that stuns anyone with a scintilla of intelligence. That is fascist. That is the attitude being displayed by the Conservatives towards the British people, if you are not with us, if you oppose us, if you are in any way disadvantaged we have no interest in you and you are disposable. The deaths of British citizens that are being reported daily in our newspapers as a result of government policy are considered to be a price worth paying for a free market paradise. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat     

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