Friday 2 October 2015

You think you live in a democracy?

If anything convinces you about the criminality and total corruption of the Westminster gang it is surely the revelations about car emissions. If that doesn't convince you then nothing will and you must be as corrupt as this Tory government. Not only does this highlight the criminality and corruption of the whole Westminster elite and its governmental machine that has had the knowledge of this criminal activity for over two years and has suppressed it, but it highlights the lie that underpins any lingering pretence about the myth of a free market. It's no use the British trying to blame this on the Germans, it is now revealed that our good, god-fearing Prime Minister was asked by the Germans to conceal this information and thus lie through his teeth to the British people. He was quite happy to oblige because after all, such polluting omissions, although covered by laws to protect our health, are after all just pollutants and laws are only for little people. Suppressing pollution is a cost and costs must never be allowed to restrict profit-making, the activity for which god created the Tory Party.

Another insight it gives us is the mentality of our neoliberal class. Nothing must impede the relentless drive for ever greater profits and ever greater opportunities for exploitation. Not even your health and the health of your family. These are the people who live and work in London and its immediate periphery. They are therefore exposed, and quite deliberately and knowingly exposing their loved ones on a continuous basis, to the most concentrated and horrendous pollution in the United Kingdom that is a direct result of the policies they are promoting and protecting. This is a genuine insanity. They are suppressing and concealing information that they know is slowly killing them and their families, such is their obsession with free market ideology and, in the case of the civil service, their slavish and completely irrational loyalty to their masters. When you contemplate the mentality of the ruling elite in this country it is not only extremely scary, it is almost unintelligible, although on reflection, as god has sanctioned the activities of the Tories, he/she must have given them some kind of dispensation and pollution does not affect them. However, it also shows you, that given the right circumstances, they will do anything if they have the power to do it. They are completely devoid of any form of moral or ethical constraints.

I have written about the creeping fascism in Britain and the activities of our civil service are ample testimony to this. They unashamedly lie and deceive on an industrial scale at the behest of their masters. This applies to the whole governmental class and to the security services, the police and the government's public service mechanisms. They cover criminality, suppress information, protect child abusers, child murderers, financial criminality and anything that may impede the interests of the ruling elite. I trust you have all witnessed the shocking propaganda and outright lies that the Westminster system has indulged in over the Scottish referendum, the election of Jeremy Corbyn and anything that concerns Russia, just to name a few. You think you live in a democracy? Aye right.
You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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