Monday 26 October 2015

The British are the turkeys who vote for Christmas

The government have rewritten the ministerial code of conduct in a manner that should arouse outrage and is another step in Britain's descent into barbarism. The ministerial code of conduct contains a clause that demands an
“overarching duty on ministers to comply with the law including international law and treaty obligations and to uphold the administration of justice and to protect the integrity of public life”.

The former head of the government's legal services, Paul Jenkins, has told us that this requirement caused intense irritation to David Cameron and so this government has quietly replaced this with a clause that says that there is only an
 “overarching duty on ministers to comply with the law and to protect the integrity of public life”.

With one fell swoop British government, without debate or with the approval of Parliament, has abandoned any obligation to respect international law or treaty obligations. Now, as well as removing all trade union rights, seeking to remove itself from human rights legislation and leaving the EU, Westminster will now determine for itself if any minister who deliberately breaks international law, or defies the judgements of international courts, is guilty of misconduct or illegal behaviour. This, I suspect, is Westminster's way of getting Mad Tony and his criminal government off the hook for his illegal wars, as well as clearing the way for the Tories to act illegally in the near future, probably by bombing Syria. This will also, I remind you, allow the British government to ignore the Geneva Conventions and allow them to treat refugees and immigrants however they wish without worrying about the UN. Britain has effectively abandoned the rule of law. The only law they will respect in future is their own.
As must be quite clear by now, Britain is becoming a fascist state and will slide into totalitarianism if things don't change and people don't challenge this genuinely dangerous government. As this is happening, the government are planning to reduce the number of MPs in Westminster from 650 to 600 and are altering the constituency boundaries. In addition they are introducing EVEL (English votes for English Laws) that will seriously erode the equality and balance of votes in Westminster. Bit by bit the Tories are removing all obstacles to their aim for total rule and their ability to loot the national treasury at will. Their political moves are designed to prevent any other party, but particularly Labour, from challenging their dominance in Westminster. Sadly, Labour are too stupid to realise that this is the Tories real agenda and has nothing to do with democracy, fairness or any of the other lies spouted by this most heinous of governments.  All politicians lie, Westminster politicians have raised lying to an art form, but even the governments of Mad Tony pale into insignificance beside this lot. This of course is all good news for supporters of Scottish independence but is so sad for those people in the rest of the UK who are so wrapped up in soap operas and reality shows that they have no idea what is going on. Ipsos Mori have estimated that 27% of people whose whole income comes from social security voted Tory in the last election. That must be as close to insanity as you get; they are about to see their world come crashing about their ears and they will fully deserve it. At least the British are slowly coming to realise the lying propaganda they have been subjected to over Russia. As I said before, Russia may be your enemy, but she isn't mine. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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