Tuesday 6 October 2015

The State is not an Optional Extra

I am returning to a subject I have touched on before. The reason that Britain and indeed the world's economic system is in such a mess is that both are based on ideological foundations that are wrong. They are the proverbial houses built on sand. The Labour Party has been agonising over the fact that, following the financial crisis they allowed the Tories to build up a propaganda coup based on Labour's responsibility for the crisis, a responsibility they deny, with some justification. However, my point is that the reason Labour failed to counter the Tory narrative was that they themselves did not understand what had happened.

Since the election of Mad Tony until the election of Corbyn, Labour has been ruled by a gang of right-wing neoliberals who are indistinguishable from the Tories, that is why I refer to this abominable collection as the Westminster gang of criminals, as they were indeed all in it together. They take their collective inspiration from right-wing American nutcases who in turn take their inspiration from the genuine psychopathic writer Ayn Rand. The ideology that the Westminster criminals look to as their Bible is a genuine insanity that I call anarchic fascism. I am fully aware that this is a contradiction in terms, but so is the ideology and that is why it is so dangerous and so destructive, not only to the body politic, but to the nation state.

The dominant free market concept that underpins all public policy in both Britain and the US, of the rational individual consumer who is fully aware of their own best interests, is simply nuts. It is founded on a human being that does not, and indeed cannot, exist. Human beings are essentially social, by that I mean that their social state is the very essence of their being. There is no such thing as an individual in the essence that free market philosophy portrays, and, if anyone reading this genuinely believes that the human being is rational then do not read any further. As they are social beings, individuals need other individuals because each of our personal individualities is actually a social individuality, an individuality that is determined by our social being and our environment. As a result of this social existence the human species is a regulatory species and has a need to regulate its environment. Aristotle told us that "man is by nature a social animal" and then goes on to tells us that "it follows that the state belongs to a class of objects which exist in nature, and that man is by nature a political animal; it is his nature to live in a state" (Aristotle; The Politics, Penguin Classics) He then goes on to significantly tell us that "He who by his nature and not simply by ill-luck has no city, no state, is either too bad or too good, either sub-human or super-human" Aristotle goes on to describe such a being as either a beast or a god.

As a result, the deregulated minimal state of the neoliberals dreams is an unnatural and anti-social creation. That is what the Westminster criminals either fail to, or refuse to, understand, not only the cause of the crisis they created, or for any meaningful solution other than to blame everyone but themselves. They are incapable of solving the problem because they don't even begin to understand it. These people are genuinely dangerous as their vision of society can only be achieved by the suppression of human reality and by violence. Should anyone wish me to expand on this I will be happy because this post is already too long. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


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