Tuesday 28 October 2014

Labour - the politics of despair and scandal

It was George Orwell who told us that

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind".
I was prompted to remember Orwell when I was reading about the resignation of Johann Lamont, the leader of Scottish Labour who has spent all of her energies in the past two years telling us how wonderful the Labour Party is, how we must stay with and trust the Westminster elite, how we are so Better Together, and how Ed Miliband was the saviour of the human race. I hope she is proud of her role in the No campaign now that she feels impelled to tell us how hopelessly out of touch Westminster is, how the Labour Party is a bunch of control freaks who treat Scotland as some kind of branch office and how Miliband is so hopeless and a bully. Isn't it quite wonderful how she is now admitting what I have been telling you for some three years now? The Labour Party are shameless, particularly its Scottish branch who are now exposed as having lied shamelessly to us about our relationship to Westminster. That is what Westminster excels in, lying through their teeth and committing murder on an industrial scale in countries they have no business being in. Labour is a perfect example of pure wind having the appearance of solidity.

We must never forget that it was Scottish Labour and its so-called heavyweights who were at the heart of a campaign of fear, intimidation and outrights threats of reprisal. They shamelessly visited pensioners in their homes and told them their pensions would cease to be paid on the 19th September if Scotland voted Yes. They told us a Yes vote would trigger a recession, that mortgages would rise, that unemployment would soar, prices rise and all the banks would relocate. If you want to talk about a war of terror you need only look to Labour and the Better Together campaign as they attempted to terrorise the Scottish people about Independence.

This is a party in serious decline which may turn terminal. It is a deserved fate as it has abandoned all of its own principles, but most importantly all of its supporters and the people who look to it to protect them from the worse excesses of neoliberalism. Labour is quite simply a disgrace.

We are witnessing the same sort of Better Together onslaught against the EU. I have no longer any doubt that we will leave the EU. That will be a disaster and will herald the final demise of Britain as a civilised society. We can see without any doubt now the Westminster attitude to the disabled and the disadvantaged. Think what will happen to them once they lose the protection of EU legislation. This is what Scotland voted for on September 18th. You were warned, and you are again being warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday 16 October 2014

Britain is no longer civilised

Lord Freud has let the cat out of the bag and confirmed what I have been warning about in this blog since it started, how the Westminster elite has a hatred of the poor and disadvantaged and in particular the disabled, and are determined to beggar them and reduce them to modern forms of slavery. By claiming that as the disabled are not 'whole' people then they are not entitled to full benefits and should only get £2 per hour instead of the full minimum wage when they are in work, he is revealing the Westminster mindset that the disabled have been effectively dehumanised.

For the Westminster free market mentality, the only value that anything has is when it has a price attached. The only value they will admit to is that which produces their perception of wealth. If you don't visibly contribute to what they term wealth creation, then you have no value and are worthless. As a result, the unemployed, the sick, people on benefits and the disabled have no value to such people and are seen as a cost, and in the free market universe costs must be eliminated as a matter of priority.

Make no mistake, Lord Freud is not some sort of loose cannon. He has been tasked with floating such ideas in order to test the water. The fact that he has not been dismissed or disciplined for such talk is proof that he did so with the full knowledge of Downing Street. What he discussed will become government policy and the disabled will be restricted within the labour market in terms of what they are allowed to earn. Of course the disabled are just the first as the free marketeers in Westminster regard the poor and disadvantaged as what the Nazi's used to call 'useless eaters'.

We are returning to the mentality of the 18th century when many classes of people were not actually regarded as people at all, they were something else. When the Founding Fathers wrote the American Declaration of Independence they stated that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The man who wrote that was a slave owner. Four of the first five American Presidents were slave owners whilst in office and in total twelve Presidents were slave owners with eight of them owners whilst in office. Each of these men took an oath of office to uphold the American Constitution, a document which, at that point in history, was highly discriminatory to black people. Slavery in the United States at that time was of course the slavery of black people. Thus, the dominant thinking in the US at this time meant that these self-evident truths did not extend to black people. Black people were not included in the category of ‘all men.’ This ideology was then enshrined in the US Constitution which formally divested black people of two-fifths of their humanity as they were enshrined in the 'three-fifths clause'  Article 1 section 2 clause 3 of the Constitution. They were designated as three-fifths people and two-fifths property. As James Madison wrote in 'The Federalist Papers'

“Let the case of the slaves be considered as it is in truth a peculiar one. Let the compromising expedient of the Constitution be mutually adopted, which regards them as inhabitants but as debased by servitude below the level of free inhabitants; which regards the slave as divested of two-fifths of the man”.
I have become convinced that Britain is increasingly adopting fascism and this is evidenced by public policy and attitudes being increasingly by our leading politicians and opinion formers. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


Monday 13 October 2014

Hate trade unions? You deserve all you get!

I am writing this on the day that the NHS workers are on strike. One of the principal victories of Margaret Thatcher was her demonisation of trades unions and with them working people in general. It is fair to say that trades unions in Britain are hated and by producing this climate of opinion Thatcher was able to impose her will on working people and begin the process of destroying their working conditions, beggaring their incomes, removing their rights and subjecting them to the remorseless bullying that has become the dominant culture in the British workplace. Remember, her agenda was a massive transference of wealth from the bottom tom the top. It worked.

I wrote many years ago that the British working class would pay a very heavy price for buying into the Tory hatred of unions, a hatred that has been adopted with gusto by the Labour Party. Despite all of their failings, trades unions are the only defence working people have against the gradual descent into modern day slavery that I continually warn about, and this is evidenced on a daily basis with zero hours contracts, part-time and temporary working, reduced holidays, no pensions, etc etc. I have to say, however, that most of our working people brought that on themselves when they adopted the Westminster attitude. At first working people still had the law on their side, but that has gone. They were still in full-time permanent contracts, but they have gone. They could take a case to a tribunal, but that has gone. The only avenue left for working people today is Europe, but that is going to go soon.

Westminster managed this war against the working people of this country because people were naive enough to trust them, I cannot tell you how often people have looked at me in disbelief and responded that I was just talking nonsense because 'they' would never do such things; 'they' being their wise and noble rulers, but in particular the Labour Party. People still have difficulty accepting Labour's determination to subject the unions and destroy their influence, both in the workplace and in the party that the unions both founded and finance. Britain's working people were doomed the day the miners returned to work. You see when the British bought into the neoliberal free market ideology they were buying into a belief system that advocates individualism and despises collectivism. This ideology has a hatred for the state and all its systems that have been erected to protect the concept of a whole people. Any public service is bad and must be destroyed and replaced by private. The largest barrier to the destruction of the public sector is the union movement and so that was the first and principal target.

I am afraid I find it difficult to sympathise with people who tell me it is wrong to strike, that unions are a bad influence etc. and then complain bitterly about what they are experiencing at their work and how their living standards are suffering. As I constantly tell you, you get what you vote for, and I repeat without apology, the Scots will pay a heavy price for voting No. I warned you about UKIP. If you are an ordinary working person, or even if you are in a profession like medicine or education, be very afraid, if you think Britain could not get any worse, wait until after next years election. At least there is still a possibility of going on strike, how long do you think that will remain? Westminster and all of its odious personnel are coming to get you. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Better Together - exposed as the hollow lie it always was

I have not been available for a few days and that is why I have not posted recently, however I have been contemplating developments and am responding to a dear friend who cannot come to terms with the results of the referendum and subsequent developments. My trusty Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus (2000) tells me that a vow is

a solemn or earnest pledge or promise binding the person making it to perform a specified act or behave in a certain way

The three main party leaders gave the Scottish people a vow before the referendum that they would deliver meaningful change guaranteeing stronger and sustainable rights and powers to the Scottish Parliament. Immediately the following day that vow was broken as it had been enshrined within a timetable that the Prime Minister failed to honour on day one. Within a week, we had Gordon Brown announce a petition to garner the support of the Scottish people to force Westminster to honour that vow. Gordon Brown is a typical Labour politician and is a compulsive liar and self-publicist, why? Because he did not start nor initiate that petition, it began on September 19th and had over 8.000 signatures before he was even made aware of it. What he was doing was trying to cover his back after instigating a massive confidence trick on the Scottish people. So, two of the three signatories to the vow lied to the Scots and we were only a week into the famous timetable. These are the type of personnel we were assured we would be Better Together under. I fail to understand how people like that can leave the house and face any normal respectable person. Brown has since announced that he wants to stand for the Scottish Parliament, surely no-one with a morsel of intelligence can vote for such an unprincipled incompetent. Have people actually already forgotten this man's performance in public office?

Brown was so alarmed by Westminster's behaviour, he in effect admitted, by raising the need for a petition, that the vow was already dead in the water. I wonder what a solemn pledge or promise means in Westminsterese? I have no idea but it bears no resemblance to the English language. But that's not his fault I hear you say, oh yes it is! What on earth did he discuss with Cameron and Clegg when they agreed on the wording of the vow? Did he not seek personal assurances? Or was he simply in such a panic at the thought of a Yes vote that he was prepared to do whatever was necessary to stop that with not a thought about the consequences? This man was a Labour Chancellor and Prime Minister who learned his trade under Tony Blair and was a member of the most unprincipled group of people ever to hold office in this sorry country. I would have thought that over 2 million No votes in the referendum was a sufficient enough petition to prick Westminster, and the Tory Party's conscience, but not a bit of it. Never underestimate the depth of contempt that Westminster holds for the British people and never underestimate its determination to do whatever it wants to regardless of the wishes of any section of the population. This is what Better Together meant, subjection to the biggest cadre of unprincipled scoundrels it is possible to imagine. These people have no intention of honouring their vow because they are completely devoid of honour, principle, or self-respect. A Westminster politician is the genuine scum of the earth. I also trust you are disgusted by the deafening silence of Westminster's Scottish Labour poodles. I can put it no better than the words of Robert Burns who tells us

“Go on sir. Lay bare with undaunted heart and steady hand that horrid mass of corruption, called Politics and Statecraft. Dare to draw in their native colours those ‘calm thinking villains whom no faith can fix’ whatever be the shibboleths of their pretended party.”
As to the content of their vow, as of now there has been no detail nor agreement as to what they are going to offer. They have still to get past Cameron's announcement that it will be dependent on denying Scottish MPs the right to vote on English matters. Cameron knew exactly what he was doing when he did that, he was killing the vow off before it even took root. I warned you before the referendum that Westminster would take its revenge, and I sincerely hope that the people who voted No on trust will take a good hard look at the people they trusted. You were warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday 2 October 2014

Adam Smith and his condemnation of today's Westminster Parliament

I have written many times in this blog about the Westminster Parliament's contempt for, and hatred of, working people, the poor and the disadvantaged. You can now be in no doubt about this following the speeches by the Prime Minister and the Chancellor at the Conservative Party Conference. There will be increasing cuts to benefits, a freeze on all wage rises in the public sector, but generous tax cuts for the top 15% of wage earners, the people who need help the least. This is a party that is taking a public and undisguised pleasure in being cruel to those who are already suffering from their cruelty. The displays of glee and applause from the conference delegates when the welfare cuts were being announced was quite nauseating, they were indeed a scandalous witness to what modern Britain has become. These people claim to be following the model of free market economics as designed by the classical economists, in particular Adam Smith. Let me tell you unequivocally that this is nonsense. For a start, Smith never uses the term, the free market. He never uses the term laissez faire, and he never uses the term perfect competition. These are modern neoliberal terms that have no relationship to the writings of Adam Smith. In response to the Tories plans for after the next election I give you a quote from Adam Smith from his book, "The Theory of Moral Sentiments"  

This disposition to admire—and almost to worship—the rich and the powerful, and to despise or at least neglect persons of poor and mean condition, is (on one hand) necessary to establish and maintain the distinction of ranks and the order of society, and (on the other) the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments. Moralists all down the centuries have complained that wealth and greatness are often given the respect and admiration that only wisdom and virtue should receive, and that poverty and weakness are quite wrongly treated with the contempt that should be reserved for vice and folly.

Smith wrote that in 1759 and it beggars belief that it sums up the United Kingdom and its Parliamentary representatives in the 21st century. As a nation we should curl up in shame when we read such things and realise it is as applicable today as it was when it was written. It demonstrates better than any modern commentary how far we have regressed since Thatcher came to power in 1979 and shows how Westminster is turning the clock back to conditions we thought had been abandoned to the history books.

What Smith is telling us here is that the dominant ideology is the source of our corruption. The contempt for the poor is the bedrock of a vicious class system, but also the breeding ground for selfishness, neglect, exploitation and downright villainy throughout society. Britain is a deeply sick society whose morality and ethical system is completely corrupt. Indeed, in response to such a situation, Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations as a guide as to how economics could be utilised for the benefit of the whole society. His economic writings were designed to show how economics could produce order, stability, fairness and good government. His economics would never have produced a situation where 45% of Scots want to be independent of Westminster. Remember, Smith was himself a Scot. Smith wasn't a Marxist, he wouldn't be writing for another 100 years after Smith wrote that. This is what Britain has become and it is going to get worse. How long the British tolerate it remains to be seen because as of now they are in agreement with it. This is what they vote for, and continue to vote for, but these are the social conditions that nurture crime, demonstrations, riots and revolution.
You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday 1 October 2014

A Conservative victory next year? Be very afraid.

I had intended following my post on Marx with one on democracy but I afraid that I cannot pass on the most recent development from the Conservative Party Conference. I trust you will have taken notice of Cameron's committment to abolish the Human Rights Act. I also trust that you are alarmed by this development and very afraid. Welcome to the Tories Better Together new Britain.

I have repeatedly commented on this blog how rights are a constraint on government, and that is of course what they are supposed to be. In addition I have consistenly told you that rights do not come from governments, they are an integral part of your humanity. They are your rights, they are not the governments who then loan them to you on condition that you behave yourself. The rights that impact on most people most of the time are employment rights. Since the Thatcher election Britain has degenerated into the worst country in the developed world in terms of employment rights and protection. In addition, they have scrapped the automatic right to trial by jury, habeas corpus, introduced closed and secret court proceedings, made it almost impossible to secure legal aid, privatised the probation service and made it almost impossible to access employment tribunals. I am going to give you a lengthy quote from Lord Neuberger, the President of the British Supreme Court from the 5th March 2013 and I hope you will forgive the length. Neuberger said

"Unless you have access to legal advice for poorer people, you have not got the rule of law...we are at risk of denying access to justice and that damages the rule of law...people end up being disillusioned with government and the whole democratic system. You get more and more people who don't believe in the government we have, which is very undermining, or who end up taking the law into their own hands, or a bit of both, which is not good for us, nor for the country....the two most important functions of government are to protect the country from invasion and attack from abroad and to ensure the rule of law at home. Unless you do those two things you might as well not bother with welfare, education, health and housing because it is not a country worth living in. Access to justice and an efficient justice system are an essential ingredient of the rule of law."

 Thus, according to the President of the Supreme Court, not Karl Marx, not Alex Salmond, not Doktor Kommirat or any other of the British establishment's pet hates, Britain is becoming a country not worth living in. Governments are tasked with protecting and upholding your rights, not abolishing them. I repeat, the government's determination to remove human rights has nothing to do with the European Court, the war on terror or any other political excuse. These are just that -  excuses. Their determination stems from the fact that our rights are constraints on the elite robbing as much of the country's wealth as possible. Everything Westminster does, and this applies to Labour as well, has an economic motive. They say they will introduce a British Bill of Rights, but what on earth will that be if you do not include habeas corpus, trial by jury etc. Social Security (I refuse to call it welfare) is a human right, it is the price the rich pay for their privilege of exploiting our human and physical resources for their own enrichment but you are being brainwashed into thinking that it is a gift of a benevolent state to mitigate the effects of you own incompetence and stupidity. The tragedy is that the gullible British public are buying this nonsense. You should be very afraid. I could write a book about such things, in fact I have done just that and am almost finished another. The Tories are going to implement another £7 billion of cuts on top of the £25 billion they announced yesterday, that is the result of their announcement on future tax cuts. These people are barbarians and that is what Scotland voted for on the 18th. Be under no illusions, you are going to get what you voted for. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat