Thursday 29 June 2017

The United Kingdom - the antithesis of a just society

In the past month in the UK we have witnessed the terrorist attacks at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, at London Bridge, the Palace of Westminster, and at Borough Market in Westminster. On top of that we had the towering inferno of Grenfell Tower. Throughout all of these events, we have had remarkable acts of courage and heroism, but also of considerable self-sacrifice from our emergency services, the police, the fire service, the nursing and hospital services, ambulances and  paramedics. All such personnel have quite literally been outstanding, with all of those services working out of hours, unpaid, working throughout the night and all weekend, working themselves literally to exhaustion and putting themselves at considerable danger. Our politicians have been fulsome in their praise and falling over backwards to heap honour and thanks on them for their efforts and commitment. For all of you from outwith the UK who may read this, all those personnel are public service workers

What is to be their reward from a grateful Tory government? Well, for the past seven years all of those personnel have suffered a cap on their salaries of one percent. What this means is that their salaries have all suffered a significant drop in value over those seven years, during which many of them have received no increase at all. During that time, the Tories have dismissed seven thousand police in England alone and thousands of firefighters and nurses have lost their jobs. In the pigsty today, the Labour Party tabled an amendment to the Queens Speech, which is the government's proposals for the next parliamentary session, to recognise the outstanding service given to the nation by those public service workers and remove the pay cap and grant them a salary increase in recognition of their service. Marshalling all of its forces with the support of the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party, the Tories defeated that amendment and voted to keep the pay cap in place and refuse those workers an increase. The Tories victory in this vote was greeted by wild cheering from Tory MPs which you can see for yourself on You Tube if you so wish. As the Bible tells us, by their fruits you shall know them. That is the fruits of the gratitude of the Tories and pretty rotten fruit it is. To a Tory, a public service worker is working class scum who must be kept in their place. As Adam Smith told us, the great never look upon their inferiors as their fellow-creatures.

Those Democratic Unionist MPs who voted to prevent the public service workers an increase have just wrung a one billion pounds spending commitment from the government, and at the beginning of this week, the Tories announced a six million pounds per annum increase for the Queen. If you think that a Tory cannot possibly get any more disgusting, think again. If you think that the monarchy are nice decent people ask yourself why the Queen, the richest woman in the world, does not reject such a rise when over one million of her people are dependent on food banks, the NHS is in crisis for lack of funds, and over 50,000 of her subjects are homeless (and that's just in England). As the Kommirat persistently tells you, Britain is a society devoid of justice and today we have witnessed a graphic example of that. We are a shameful society, but we are also a shameless society, a society governed by hypocritical liars and criminals. I will end with reminding what Adam Smith warned us.    

"Beneficence, therefore, is less essential to the existence of society than justice. Society may subsist, though not in the most comfortable state, without beneficence, but the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy it. Justice is the main pillar that upholds the whole edifice. If it is removed, the great, the immense fabric of human society, that fabric which to raise and support seems in this world, if I may say so, to have been the peculiar and darling care of nature, must in a moment crumble into atoms."

This nation voted for Brexit, voted for this government, and voted for racism and greed. It is therefore somehow suitable that a party that promotes an ideology of atomised individualism will herald the atomisation of the United Kingdom. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Saturday 24 June 2017

The beginning of the end of the free market?

I haven't posted for a few days because I am watching events following both the Grenfell Tower fire and the start of the Brexit negotiations. What has become undeniable with respect to both these events is the utter incompetence of the British government and its hapless Prime Minister. The veil finally seems to have fallen from people's eyes and they are beginning to see their leaders in stark detail, emotionless sociopaths completely divorced from reality. Another significant change would appear to be that the dominant ideology is now no longer quite so dominant. I am cautiously optimistic that the free market narrative is in the beginnings of its death throes, although I never underestimate the stupidity of the average British voter and their blind subservience to their 'betters'. As my old granny used to ask me, 'do you really think that these people don't know what they are doing?' I told you before about the businessman who looked at me in bewilderment when I told him that Mayhem was thick and quite stupid and said, 'but she's the Prime Minister of Great Britain.'  People cannot contemplate that those at the top are useless, it frightens and worries them. They have invested their future in these people and so have a vested interest in wanting them to be good. They will thus give them a seemingly endless benefit of the doubt, because the consequences of their own stupidity for voting for such creatures is too much for them.

But people are now beginning to realise that the pigsty and its revolting personnel don't care a fig for them and are only in it to serve their own interests. It is now obvious that the Tories do not recognise those who are not of their social class or social circle as fellow human beings, they view them exactly the same way the Nazis viewed the untermenschen and the ballastexistenzen. They are at best a nuisance, and they are always expendable. As one of the survivors of the Grenfell blaze asked the Guardian "Why did they wait for all those people to die?" Well you know my opinion, they don't care. They really don't care. We actually had the spectacle of the British Prime Minister in the pigsty this week tell the nation that she and her odious government are sorry. Sorry for what? For ignoring their complaints, for treating them with contempt, for treating people as commodities, for treating them as of no consequence, for neglect, and for placing them at the back of the queue in the never ending quest for profit and exploitation. Mayhem will never admit that, but that is what they should be sorry for. What the Tories are really sorry for is being exposed for the inhuman venal creatures that they really are. As I told you last time, what was the real cause of the fire? deregulation, free market ideological dogma, the poisonous pigsty narrative and the propaganda spewed out on a daily basis by the Mail, the Express and the Sun. These people are the corporate murderers. They provide the ideological justification for the neglect, the contempt, the demonization of living human beings, for the obscene transfer of wealth ever upwards and for the continual erosion of human rights and human dignity. In this they are supported by an ever increasing racist and xenophobic electorate who lap up the daily diet of anti-immigrant, anti-people on benefits, anti-poor, anti-unemployed, anti-Muslim hatred that saturates our press and media. I have several friends who simply refuse to watch the BBC any more, and even the odious Alistair Campbell on Question Time called on the British people to stop buying the Daily Mail. He never argued that when the Daily Nazi was right behind him and Mad Tony when they invaded Iraq. However, a penitent is always welcome.

I trust you are all watching the British Brexit negotiations crumbling at the very first hurdle. It is going to be the disaster I have always predicted. I'm loving it! Polls now indicate that the British (but they really mean the English) are regretting their decision. Other polls show that Gove, Boris the Spider and Nigel Garbage are now the most hated people in the country. I don't know how long this window of reality will last as I am sure that many people will again retreat into their patriotic fantasy world of a 'great' Britain, but I feel that events may just have initiated a meaningful change that may prove irresistible. The whole rotten edifice rests on the basis of the free market narrative. Destroy that and the entire structure will collapse. The real war is a war of ideas and the foundations of the free market neoliberal lie may just be about to crumble. I live in hope. You have been warned. 

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday 19 June 2017

The Kommirat is back where he started

 I've just watched two senior Tories, an MP, Sarah Wollaston, and a Tory journalist, Toby Young, on Channel Four news, deny that Britain is suffering from anything called austerity, or that this austerity programme, which of course hasn't happened, had any bearing on the disaster of Grenfell Tower. Wollaston by the way, was a practising GP before she became an MP and so only met working people when they were whingeing, constantly complaining, and trying to procure a sick note to allow them to bunk off work on holiday, so cannot really be criticised for her utter contempt for such people. Young hates the working class because he is paid to hate them and they don't buy the right-wing Tory supporting press anyway, so, in a way they are threatening his livelihood and don't deserve any sympathy. If the working class were decent human beings they would read his upstanding patriotic journalism and share his hatred of the EU, immigrants, Muslims, the disabled etc.These two people are a good example of a person's ability to sell their soul, the essence of their humanity, thus allowing them, indeed justifying, defending the indefensible. It is now ten years since the financial crash and ten years of constant cuts to public services, the police, fire, the NHS etc. ten years of no wage rises, ten years of benefit cuts and freezes, but, according to these people, we have not suffered austerity. This is a classic example of how figures never lie, but how liars figure. I keep telling you about the moral bankruptcy of Tories at every level and of their complete lack of humanity, but events must now demonstrate to even the most ardent Tory supporter that a Tory has no humanity, no decency, no shame. The whole world has now witnessed this government's, and the Tory Kensington Council's absolutely abominable response to the worst fire London has witnessed since the Second World War. Made homeless by a fire, left with no clothes, no food, no money, the Tory Council gave the surviving residents of Grenfell Tower £10. Wasn't that wonderful, £10, which is about $12 or 13 euros, in London, the most expensive city in Britain. Is there no end to the Tories love of the unfortunate, no end to their outstanding generosity? I am breathless in admiration. £10 wouldn't buy you a main course in a London restaurant.

The fire was on Tuesday and it was not until Friday that Mayhem commented on it, and when she did made an international fool of herself. Even the Daily Mail, the most fascistic newspaper in the Western world was forced to condemn her 'robotic' performance and her complete refusal to answer one single question. You see, to the Tories the Grenfell Tower disaster was not a disaster, it was not a tragedy, it was a nuisance, an inconvenience, and after all, it wasn't as if it was of any importance because it only affected working people and immigrants. What this disaster has exposed is the complete inability of this Prime Minister and her entire party to comprehend the real world. It exposes their total lack of sympathy or empathy and their class hatred. It has also exposed that whenever there is a conflict between profit and taking care of people, then there is no contest, because Tories care nothing for other people, particularly if they are poor, because never forget, from the Tory perspective, poverty is a moral problem, highlighting deep personal failings within individuals, it has nothing to do with any social issues because society doesn't exist. There are no structural social issues related to poverty, there can't be. Indeed the Objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand that they all subscribe to tells us that poor people don't deserve to live. The Grenfell Tower tragedy has demonstrated tragically the bankruptcy of the dominant ideology, the destructive and fatal consequences of deregulation, the insanity of the concept of the free market. I consulted the very first post I made on this blog and here is what I wrote

For anyone accessing this I have to confess that this is my first attempt at anything like this. My purpose is to comment on news and current affairs, but in particular on the dominant ideology that exists within the UK and the way it is destroying the very fabric of our society. It is a truism that there is nothing as low as a Tory..... What I hope to achieve in the future is a clear recognition amongst people with a scintilla of intelligence that the neoliberal free market experiment has been well and truly demonstrated to be a disaster and is both practically and intellectually dead. Free market economic theory is a fraud and is based on flawed intellectual and theoretical assumptions, it is, if I may be allowed to quote Engels, ‘a developed system of licensed fraud, an entire science of enrichment.’ I hope to expand on these themes in the future and explain myself in full.

I have reproduced that because I feel that my quest is more urgent than ever. This nation has gone progressively downhill since I wrote that five years ago. The Conservative Party and the tabloid press have quite deliberately reduced Britain to a society driven by hate, by obscene inequality and a horrible and hatefilled scapegoat dominant narrative that openly demonises and discriminates. But a change is coming, must come. Rationality must begin to challenge the irrational. Society, that abstract concept that the Tories insist does not exist, is reasserting itself. That has been graphically demonstrated in the last few weeks, beginning in Manchester. It tells you everything you want to know about modern British politics that our social and moral leadership has come from pop stars who have completely shamed a Prime Minister and her government. As I write this news coverage is all about yet another outrage caused by a hate filled right-wing nutter who drove a van into a group of Muslims outside a London mosque. I hope the Tories, Farage, Katie Hopkins and the Mail and Express are proud of themselves. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday 18 June 2017

Chuck Berry the founding father of rock and roll, I don't think so!

I like Chuck Berry, not an avid fan, but an admirer. However, I am beginning to bridle at the hagiographic presentation of him that has emerged following his demise, culminating in the promotion of his new album from Decca describing him as the founding father of rock and roll. Propaganda and public relations exercises can subtly alter public perceptions and can indeed distort history to the extent that an exaggeration becomes a lie. Now I am not saying that the publicity surrounding Chuck's death is all a lie, but if there is a founding father of rock and roll it is undeniably Bill Haley. Rock Around the Clock was a historical event. That record changed history and genuinely revolutionised western culture to the extent that it gradually affected the rest of the world.

I consider that there have been three records that have had historical consequences, the aforementioned  Rock Around the Clock, Heartbreak Hotel and She Loves You. Bill Haley was responsible for the phenomenon that emerged into the world, the teenager. Before Haley, young people were not represented as a distinct social group and his music resulted in a definable social entity, the teenager, out of which emerged, fashions, cultures, language and a considerable and worldwide demonstrable economic outcome, the pop music industry. Haley was a genuine revolutionary. Heartbreak Hotel introduced the world to Elvis. If any one person must rank along with the most defining individuals of the twentieth century Elvis must take his place in their ranks. She Loves You introduced the world to the phenomenon of the Beatles, who, before that record were largely confined to a British audience. There can be no debate about the impact of the Beatles on music, culture, and historical development in British society and beyond. I once watched an interview with Sir Malcolm Sargent the great classical musician and conductor who was asked what had created the greatest impact on classical music in his lifetime and he answered without hesitation, the Beatles. A bewildered interviewer asked him to explain and he told how the Beatles had generated such a massive income into the musical industry that record companies could now record symphony orchestras and classical musicians that they would not have done before because they could not afford it. He explained how a classical recording was so expensive it may take twenty years to recoup the costs but thanks to the Beatles and the resultant British pop explosion, companies now had the assets to allow them to do that and the Beatles explosion had led to a huge increase in classical output and investment. He concluded that the classical music community owed a massive debt to the Beatles.     

Chuck Berry was good, and was influential, but when asked about their influences, the Beatles for example, replied Buddy Holly. No-one has ever had the influence, nor the imitators, that Elvis has had and continues to have. If any artist from the twentieth century is still being played and bought in the twenty second century, it will be Elvis. He still outsells everyone from the twentieth century, even the Beatles, forty years after his death. Yesterday stands as the most recorded song ever, having been covered by over 3,700 different artists including people like Sarah Vaughan and Frank Sinatra, Bob Dylan, The Berlin Philharmonic, to mention a few, defining the enormous influence the Beatles had on music and culture. All such developments are the result of Bill Haley and Rock Around the Clock. It may be argued that this movement was just waiting to happen and if it hadn't been Haley it would have been someone else, but it was Haley, it wasn't Chuck Berry.

I was fortunate enough to attend a Bill Haley concert and he was as good live as he was on record. People will always debate such things and will challenge my opinions and that is good, but the founders of rock and roll were Haley, Elvis, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Fats Domino, and of course Chuck Berry. After Haley and Elvis you can put them in any order you like, but you cannot realistically put Chuck in the same category as those two giants in terms of influence and impact. Haley was the father of modern pop music with Elvis its greatest ambassador and exponent. The Beatles were their greatest legacy. That is the Kommirat's opinion, and I have been fortunate enough to live through it all and see many of these greats in concert. It has been a privilege.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday 15 June 2017

The Conservative Party and humanity are mutually exclusive

As you will all be painfully aware, we have had a major disaster in the shape of the Grenfell Tower inferno in London's Kensington area. This, as you will also be aware is the richest piece of real estate in Europe, if not the world, but which also, paradoxically, contains parcels of working class habitation, of which Grenfell Tower is one of the best examples. It has now become a symbol of all that is wrong with Tory government, the free market, and neoliberalism, and of what I have been writing to you about all these years. People are desperately searching for reasons to why such a tragedy has occurred and I will give you the answer in one word, deregulation. These terrible events vindicate everything I have been writing about and concluding that 'you have been warned.' It honestly gives me no pleasure to write this but I quote the Grenfell Tower residents action group who have told the nation that

"All our warnings fell on deaf ears and we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable and just a matter of time.”
Anyone who reads this blog will probably be fed up with me telling you how free market zealots, led
by the Conservative Party, constantly demand that all barriers to what they call wealth creation are removed because such barriers are costs and drive down profit margins. The greatest of such barriers are regulations constraining the ability to do whatever you want especially with respect to health and safety. This is one of the great drivers of Brexit, to make, as Mayhem neatly put it, a bonfire of regulations. That was the driving ideal behind Thatcher's wars against trades unions, to undermine and undo the regulatory framework they had erected protecting workers, their rights and their health and safety. Grenfell Tower is the demonstrable result of greed and political and economic insanity driven by a catastrophic ideology. It is the ultimate end product of Thatcherism. I have written before how the free market destroys people, communities and nations and we now have a graphic example that cannot be denied. As the Labour MP David Lammy told us today, this is corporate manslaughter, which is a bit rich as he was one of the cheer leaders for Mad Tony and Daphne Broon who were just as zealous for the free market and deregulation as any Tory, because they of course are Tories by another name. But a penitent is welcome. I wrote in my last post about the selfishness and exclusivity of the Tories, and with respect to the Grenfell Tower disaster would bring to your attention how in 2016, the Tories ganged up on a Labour amendment to the Housing and Planning Act and voted down a clause that sought to ensure all private landlords made certain their homes were “fit for human habitation”. Seventy-two of those voting against this amendment were themselves private landlords, amongst whom were the then Prime Minister, The Cameroon. Now think about that, here we have the Conservative Party, the party of government, led by the Prime Minister, who claimed to be a God fearing Christian, voting to prevent measures being taken to ensure that homes must be fit for human habitation. If that is not barbarity and inhumanity on a breathtaking scale, then perhaps someone can explain to me what it is? That is what free market neoliberalism is, barbarism and inhumanity on a breathtaking scale. The then Housing Minister, Brandon Lewis, another of the 72 Tory private landlords, refused, in 2014, to compel developers and private landlords to fit sprinklers on the grounds that it would raise the cost of building. The one thing you will never blame a Tory for is inconsistency. To a Tory, the cost of fitting health and safety in any building is a far greater burden than ensuring the lives of the human occupants of that building, and I trust you will not accuse me of exaggeration in saying that because you have the empirical evidence of the Tories actions before you. 

Under Boris the Spider's mayorality of London, 600 firefighters were sacked and ten fire stations closed. Across Britain under the last five years of Tory government, 7,000 firefighters have lost their jobs. No-one can now say that austerity is not a threat to people's lives. Although the Kensington Tory council are the owners of Grenfell Tower, its management was privatised to a group calling itself the Kensington & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation, a private property company contracted by the council to provide services and repairs. On its website this group claim to own 10,000 homes in West London. The Grenfell Towers residents association, the Grenfell Action Group, had repeatedly complained that health and safety laws were being breached as a result of what they deemed to be failures on the part of the KCTMO. In a blogpost last year entitled Playing with Fire, they wrote: “It is a truly terrifying thought but the Grenfell Action Group firmly believe that only a catastrophic event will expose the ineptitude and incompetence of our landlord.” Welcome to free market privatisation, welcome to the Devil. In a policy paper the Tories actually admitted that one of the great benefits of Brexit in the eyes of these Tory landlord MPs was that they would be able to opt out of EU building standards, thus making building standards in Britain even worse than they already are.

I will stop here because I am getting more disgusted, angry and depressed. There is no low that a Tory will not sink to. Mayhem visited the scene of the disaster today and actually refused to meet any of the victims or any of the residents, who were left to show placards to the media asking 'where are you Theresa May?' At the same time, pop stars such as Adele, Lily Allen and Rita Ora were down helping, comforting victims and giving aid. Ariana Grande has just been made Manchester's first honorary citizen because of her reaction to the Manchester bombing. As I continually tell you, a Tory has no shame. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday 12 June 2017

The Conservative Party and democracy are mutually exclusive

A friend asked me why I appear to be so unrelentingly hostile to the Tories. Surely they are not all bad she asked? Good question that deserves an answer. It is not a question of good or bad, Toryism is a fraud and a lie and can never benefit people like me, working class and Scottish to give just two aspects of my reality. For example, the Tories tell us they seek to govern in the interests of all the British people and that is a barefaced lie. What do I mean by that? The Tory party’s name is the Conservative Party. So, ask yourself, what is it they seek to conserve? Class rule, privilege, and power concentrated within a hereditary elite. That is so obvious it never ceases to amaze me that I need to explain it to people, but to the British it is such a natural part of their way of life that they take it for granted, and, as our voting patterns demonstrate, think that this is the way it should be. 

I am a democrat, I believe in democracy, in the Periclean concept of a demos kritas. Human society will always consists of classes with divergent interests, but a proper demos kritas will seek to ensure that no one class can establish a hegemony of privilege and power, which is precisely the whole raison d’etre of the Conservative Party. If you are a genuine believer in democracy you cannot possibly be a Tory because Tories are opposed to real democracy, they despise the concept of a demos kritas, indeed they dread it, they are in essence anti-democratic. As I have written before, despite their claims to represent all of the people, the Conservatives are exclusive and constantly seek ways to exclude people from their rights and benefits, but most importantly from power and influence which the Conservatives claim as their sole prerogative. Ask yourself why the stock market falls, why the value of the pound falls, after an exit poll signals the prospect of either a hung parliament or a Labour victory? Because both those events signal that the financial class may see some of their opportunities to loot the national treasury under threat. They may be restrained or even called to account, something that will never happen under the Tories, who make up the financial elite. Compared to your modern Conservative or Republican, the Mafia are amateurs.

That is also why I am not a communist as we understand communism in modern politics. Soviet style communism entrenched class privilege just as surely as the Tories do and why I call the Soviet Union a workers state ruled by fascists, and is why I never associate Marx with what we call communism, I may be naïve, but I see Marx as a demos kritas person.

That is why The Donald is so dangerous, he may be insane, but he is not a fool. Posing as the champion of the working man he seeks to establish an elite financial and business class dominance that will both deprive and exclude the American worker from any meaningful participation and progress. The Donald is a true class warrior a champion of privilege and power, even more exclusive in his policies than a British Tory. I could write a book about this, but am aware that I must not write too much in a post. I will of course return to this theme in future, but for the moment you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

Sunday 11 June 2017

Why spoil a good theory with facts?

I am deeply ashamed. The return of thirteen Tory MPs to Westminster has dealt a hammer blow to my faith in the innate intelligence of the Scottish people. Thirteen aptly sums up our run of luck at the moment in this poor benighted nation of ours. I sat down to post here in the aftermath of the election and then decided to wait until it sunk in as my immediate reaction was immoderate to say the least. I am angry at the SNP because, as you know, I have always considered that the call for another independence referendum was far too hasty and liable to be damaging, and that has unfortunately turned out to be all too true. Given the state of the Labour Party in Scotland, the unionist vote coalesced around the Tories, and unionists submerged all their concerns into one single issue, blithely ignoring the Tories record and the damage they have inflicted on the nation. There were actually two different elections in Britain last week, one that took place in England and Wales and the other in Scotland, because they were fought on entirely different issues. Thus, the Scottish unionist vote assisted in the Tories winning enough of a UK vote to attempt to form another government. Well, as I always say, you get what you vote for and the Kommirat will never cease telling them in future that I told them so. And here am I, assuring you for the past many years of the inherent good sense and decency of the Scottish people. I indeed humbly repent in sackcloth and ashes. Although the SNP still retains 35 seats out of 59, the fact of thirteen Tories soiling our polity is hard to take and seems like a defeat. It is most certainly a defeat for common sense and dignity.

There are some lights at the end of the tunnel. The end of Thatcherism and the free market is in sight. Mayhem turned out to be more stupid and incompetent than even I gave her credit for, and although people in other nations watching us may find it almost impossible to believe, the Tories are actually seriously considering replacing the Mayhem with Boris the Spider as Prime Minister. Can you imagine it, replacing a demonstrably stupid incompetent with a demonstrable imbecile? I would seriously pit my Yorkshire Terrier against the Spider in an intelligence test. As you also know, I hope that he becomes PM because the disaster that would follow is the kind of thing that may finally bring the British electorate to their senses. Mayhem took them halfway there and the Spider would surely finish the job. I mean what can you genuinely make of an electorate that supports such people? What does it tell you about the shallowness, the greed and selfishness, the irrationality of a population that supports congenital liars and idiots, but more importantly, supporting people who govern against the interests of the British people, who have systematically destroyed our living standards whilst blatantly serving the interests of the financial class to the detriment of the health and welfare of the nation.

What the Tories did in Scotland was launch a powerful emotional assault on the electorate, an appeal to the irrational, to myth and an inbuilt subservience that far too many British people harbour towards an unscrupulous monarchical and aristocratic elite. They were very successful and enough Scottish
voters once again bowed the knee to a class of people who despise them and hold them in utter contempt. I leave you with an observation I have used before as it is worth repeating

"Students of human nature and philosophers have long taught us that we are mistaken in regarding our intelligence as an independent force and in overlooking its dependence on emotional life. Our intellect, they teach us, can function reliably only when it is removed from the influences of strong emotional impulses; otherwise it behaves merely as an instrument of the will and delivers the inference which the will requires. Thus, in their view, logical arguments are impotent against affective interests, and that is why disputes backed by reasons…produce so few victories in the conflict with interests. Psycho-analytic experience has, if possible, further confirmed this statement. It can show every day that the shrewdest people will all of a sudden behave without insight, like imbeciles, as soon as the necessary insight is confronted by an emotional resistance, but that they will completely regain their understanding once that resistance has been overcome".

                   Sigmund Freud, Thoughts for the Times on War and Death (1915)

You have been warned. Your Servant

Doktor Kommirat


Tuesday 6 June 2017

This election, a real change is imminent, and its emerging in the US as well.

I normally cannot be bothered with general elections and try to avoid watching politicians lie through their teeth every time they appear on TV. I know what I am going to vote and know why I am doing it, and I most certainly do not need help from any politician or political commentator to interpret reality. However, this election is different and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

When the Mayhem first called the election it was obvious that the Tories would have to put in a superhuman effort to try to lose it and they are actually managing to do just that. Now I am not saying that they are not going to win, but they are haemorrhaging support and public trust with a speed that has shocked everyone and a Labour victory, or at least a hung parliament, is now a distinct possibility. The great unknown in the election is if enough of the English electorate are actually noticing what is going on between watching reality TV and blaming immigrants for everything. What is undeniable is that there can no longer be any debate over my repeated assertion that Mayhem is thick and quite stupid. She is demonstrating that with every passing moment. I never thought anyone could challenge Boris the Spider for gold medal imbecility but the Mayhem is giving it a good shot. What is also demonstrable is that she is not only stupid but incompetent.

The other thing that is now undeniable is the madness of King Donald. It is heartening that throughout the United States elected officials are denying Trump and condemning him over climate change and for his attitudes towards London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan. When a coalition of states and city mayors are denouncing him on such diverse matters, his presidency is in real trouble. So many people in the US are now distancing themselves from his demonstrable insanity and telling him, not in my name. If only we had politicians in this sad nation with half their courage, as the Tory Party in Britain still go out of their way to suck up to him and refuse to criticise him. What America needs is an ideological revolution to heal the scars left by their addiction to the concepts of the free market and individualism and open their eyes to the Republican poison that has seeped into all their democratic institutions including the Democratic Party. That is what has changed in Britain. Thatcher claimed that her greatest legacy was Mad Tony and it is only now that Labour are realising that they had actually become Tories under a different name, something I have been telling you for the past five years. They are now wakening up. I have just watched a CNN news programme where four US commentators all agreed that the Republican Party, led by a president who is completely out of control, have lost the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. That is a very American metaphor. Until they come to terms with both these fraudulent concepts they will not be able to solve their fundamental structural problems, both economic and political, as it was the result of such problems stemming from their adherence to those concepts that led to the Donald in the first place. A major problem for Americans is that they do not recognise that this is a problem. If Americans had the courage to sup with the devil and consult Marx they would understand that their political, social and ideological flaws arise from their flawed economic base. But I have no confidence that Americans will ever consider consulting Marx, as they suffer from a serious ideological barrier, an irrational allergy that has no real foundation.

However, the good news in Britain is that this election should sound the death knell for the free market economic experiment and finally bury the legacy of Thatcher. The British are not as wedded to the concept of individualism as the Americans and our social cohesion has actually been strengthened by the recent terrorist attacks. So free market appeals to individualism are falling on deaf ears. I have to mention the American singer Ariana Grande whose Manchester concert was targeted for attack. I had never heard of this young lady and had to consult my 10 year old granddaughter who enlightened me. Her response has been to her great credit and she has contributed to a sense of community and cohesion that must shame our political leaders. It took courage to return to Manchester and host a benefit concert, it also took considerable organisation. Perhaps she should go into politics.

I accept that this post has been a bit rambling and all over the place, but there is so much to say on all these issues and people don't want to read a dissertation. The only thing for sure is that this election is not going the way anyone, including the Kommirat, expected it to. That is a good thing. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday 2 June 2017

Lets have our Marxist type socialist Tories back!

No-one, not even the Blessed Margaret, has ever accused Britain of being a socialist country. Even in their most strident propaganda, the Tories may have accused the Labour Party of wanting to turn Britain into a socialist country, but have never actually accused them of doing so. I raise this because of the atrocious level of political discourse in this pathetic nation and to illustrate the political ignorance that bedevils us, particularly from the pigsty and their supporters in the media. But most importantly to illustrate the lies and the depth of depravity the Tories will sink to perpetuate their free market fraud.

The human being is a social animal, that is beyond debate. As a result, human existence is a collective existence and public policies that genuinely benefit a social and collective species must be, by definition, social policies. Policies that have a negative impact on the social and collective are therefore anti-social and detrimental to the collective good of the species. Now I immediately confess that this is a generalisation that admits exceptions, but policies that are not necessarily social and collective that may impact positively are exactly that, exceptions, and very rare. This is important because in today's political narrative, everything that even hints at a social and collective outcome is immediately attacked by our dominant press, media, and free market obsessed politicians as socialist and therefore bad. By socialist they mean communist, Marxist, Soviet or any of the other adjectives they utilise as an insult and a threat to our way of life. That is why I tell you that they do not understand what socialism is, their socialism is a very narrow political label that really doesn't tell you anything.

Of course social and collective ideas and policies are socialist, because they are designed for a social environment. In my lifetime Britain has had the benefit of policies that are today branded as the work of the devil. For example council housing. It was a Conservative government that built over 300,000 council houses every year for over five years in the 1950's. It was Conservative governments who were responsible for the largest nationalisations seen in this country. We have had free further and higher education with generous grants, comprehensive education, regulated banks and financial institutions and high levels of personal taxation. We had workers rights, free collective bargaining, the NHS and generous welfare, unemployment benefits and old age pensions payable from age 65 for men and 60 for women.

Those are just a flavour of some of the things that the British have enjoyed in my lifetime, and we have never been considered a socialist society because Conservatives agreed with much of those policies and indeed were the authors of many of them. In that time the world didn't end, the sky didn't fall and England won the World Cup. We were a prosperous and wealthy society, but importantly we were an inclusive and healthy society. Crucially, we were still a capitalist society operating a successful mixed economy. That is why the modern Tory is a liar and a fraud, because if all such policies are Marxist type socialism as they persistently propagandise, then most of the Conservative governments we had until the loathsome Blessed Margaret soiled our political system were Marxist type socialist governments.

What such policies are defined by is common sense and humanity. They should never be defined politically and ideologically. They were designed to meet needs, whereas the modern Tory designs all his/her policies to meet ideological criteria. Such policies were functional, to cater to social necessity and to give people self-respect, dignity and a share in societies wealth and success, shorn of ideological prerogatives. But they involve costs and must be paid for and therefore to the modern Tory or Republican, they are taboo because they interfere with the necessary day to day business of robbing the British and American people and looting the national treasuries. Our societies are being ripped apart by greed and inequality and it must be resisted. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat