Thursday 29 June 2017

The United Kingdom - the antithesis of a just society

In the past month in the UK we have witnessed the terrorist attacks at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, at London Bridge, the Palace of Westminster, and at Borough Market in Westminster. On top of that we had the towering inferno of Grenfell Tower. Throughout all of these events, we have had remarkable acts of courage and heroism, but also of considerable self-sacrifice from our emergency services, the police, the fire service, the nursing and hospital services, ambulances and  paramedics. All such personnel have quite literally been outstanding, with all of those services working out of hours, unpaid, working throughout the night and all weekend, working themselves literally to exhaustion and putting themselves at considerable danger. Our politicians have been fulsome in their praise and falling over backwards to heap honour and thanks on them for their efforts and commitment. For all of you from outwith the UK who may read this, all those personnel are public service workers

What is to be their reward from a grateful Tory government? Well, for the past seven years all of those personnel have suffered a cap on their salaries of one percent. What this means is that their salaries have all suffered a significant drop in value over those seven years, during which many of them have received no increase at all. During that time, the Tories have dismissed seven thousand police in England alone and thousands of firefighters and nurses have lost their jobs. In the pigsty today, the Labour Party tabled an amendment to the Queens Speech, which is the government's proposals for the next parliamentary session, to recognise the outstanding service given to the nation by those public service workers and remove the pay cap and grant them a salary increase in recognition of their service. Marshalling all of its forces with the support of the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party, the Tories defeated that amendment and voted to keep the pay cap in place and refuse those workers an increase. The Tories victory in this vote was greeted by wild cheering from Tory MPs which you can see for yourself on You Tube if you so wish. As the Bible tells us, by their fruits you shall know them. That is the fruits of the gratitude of the Tories and pretty rotten fruit it is. To a Tory, a public service worker is working class scum who must be kept in their place. As Adam Smith told us, the great never look upon their inferiors as their fellow-creatures.

Those Democratic Unionist MPs who voted to prevent the public service workers an increase have just wrung a one billion pounds spending commitment from the government, and at the beginning of this week, the Tories announced a six million pounds per annum increase for the Queen. If you think that a Tory cannot possibly get any more disgusting, think again. If you think that the monarchy are nice decent people ask yourself why the Queen, the richest woman in the world, does not reject such a rise when over one million of her people are dependent on food banks, the NHS is in crisis for lack of funds, and over 50,000 of her subjects are homeless (and that's just in England). As the Kommirat persistently tells you, Britain is a society devoid of justice and today we have witnessed a graphic example of that. We are a shameful society, but we are also a shameless society, a society governed by hypocritical liars and criminals. I will end with reminding what Adam Smith warned us.    

"Beneficence, therefore, is less essential to the existence of society than justice. Society may subsist, though not in the most comfortable state, without beneficence, but the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy it. Justice is the main pillar that upholds the whole edifice. If it is removed, the great, the immense fabric of human society, that fabric which to raise and support seems in this world, if I may say so, to have been the peculiar and darling care of nature, must in a moment crumble into atoms."

This nation voted for Brexit, voted for this government, and voted for racism and greed. It is therefore somehow suitable that a party that promotes an ideology of atomised individualism will herald the atomisation of the United Kingdom. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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