Saturday 25 November 2017

There are liars, damned liars, and the British establishment

As a member of the EU, Britain is involved in, and committed to, multiple capital projects that cost billions of pounds. From most of these programmes the UK gains many benefits, such as regional development funds and large capital projects like hospitals and schools. The present programme that covers such things apparently lasts until 2023, and Britain has financial responsibilities towards such projects in common with all the other 27 member nations. A major part of the Brexit negotiations is involved with both the EU and Britain attempting to come to some kind of agreement as to what Britain owes the EU for its part in, and its responsibilities for, these programmes. The dominant narrative in the UK is that the EU are blackmailing Britain for triggering Article 50 and daring to leave them. I watch news programmes of reporters questioning people on the streets of Britain on this issue and it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant the British, or perhaps I should say the English, are on such fundamental matters. Almost to a man and woman, they respond by telling the reporter quite bluntly that we should simply walk away and pay nothing as this money only goes one way and we gain nothing from it, that it is simply unfair and we are being robbed. But more importantly from the perspective of democracy and governance this is the dominant narrative being propagandised by the government, the Tory Party and the right-wing press; it is barefaced lying and disinformation of the highest order. I should point out here that British national news organisations such as the BBC and ITV almost never interview people from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland on such matters, the only views we are presented with are those from the streets of English towns and cities. That is why, to people from other nations tuning in to British TV and reading the British national papers, Britain appears to be so insular and nationalistic.

However, I do not accept for one moment that such public ignorance is either excusable or acceptable. If Britain is anything, it is the information capital of the world. The British have the greatest choice of media and divergent viewpoints available to them in the world, yet they still prefer the poisonous propaganda and lies spewed out daily by the Mail and the Express. It is a choice they make. What is happening is that the large parts of the British media appear to be in some kind of collusion to misinform the public on all matters pertaining to the EU and our relationship to it, and the British, particularly the English, love it. The Tories have not yet managed to establish their desired ability to control all media output and so this situation has not yet reached a kind of totalitarian propaganda exercise because many people are aware of the issues, but in order to sift through the propaganda and seek a sense of reality you require to work at it and consult widely, and most people are simply too lazy to do that. What is of particular concern is that even when the facts are explained to them, the average Brexit supporting, foreigner hating citizen simply ignores the facts, preferring the lie because its suits their racist and bigoted view of reality.

We see a similar phenomenon in the US with respect to the 45. I saw an interview on CNN where a 45 supporter told us that he would believe the 45 before he would believe Jesus Christ. This is not only a cause for great sorrow, but also for great alarm. Bob Dylan told us not to follow leaders and beware of parking meters, but people on both sides of the Atlantic are increasingly prepared to ignore lying and demonstrable insanity and incompetence as long as they are being fed a daily diet of information that fits with their prejudices. The Daily Mail survived in Britain, despite being an enthusiastic pre-war supporter of Hitler and National Socialism, so we must logically assume that a goodly number of people in this nation did so as well, and that such support survived the war. This would explain the modern rise of fascism in our nations as parents and grandparents passed on such ideas to their offspring and they have been lying dormant waiting for the right conditions to nurture them. None of this excuses our leaders and our media organisations. But, once again I alert you to the real culprit, a dominant ideology that encourages and applauds greed, hatred and complete selfishness. That is how the hatemongers and bigots flourish and are bold enough to emerge from the sewers. They are encouraged by the hatemongers and bigots who occupy the highest positions in our society and enthusiastically promote this hideous ideology. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday 23 November 2017

The UK, welcome to your third world status!

Brexit hasn't even happened yet but here is just a flavour of the state of the UK after seven years of Tory government and eighteen months after the Brexit referendum. The following is merely four headlines from the British press this morning.
"UK facing the longest fall in living standards in sixty years"
"Britain has fallen out of the world's top five economies"
"Britain loses its seat on the International Court of Justice"
"UK faces twenty years of no earnings growth"
And that is just headlines for one day!

When the Camoron took office in 2010 his Chancellor George Osborne assured us that the UK deficit would be eliminated by 2015. In 2015 they told us it would be 2025, it has now been stretched to 2050. This is from the party that claims to be the fiscally stable and responsible party. By the government's own figures from yesterday's budget there will have been 5 billion pounds spent simply on the administration necessary for leaving the EU by the time we actually leave. The implication of losing our seat on the Court of Justice signifies Britain's relative irrelevance as a nation any longer. The 'Great' in Great Britain has become an international joke. The press are also carrying reports on how EU diplomats hold Britain's top politicians with disdain and scorn and note how the Brexit negotiations are in such a state of disarray because of 'the chaos in the Conservative government.' As I predicted, both David Davis and Boris the Spider are held in utter contempt by EU politicians and diplomats. Their arrogance and demonstrable stupidity means they are guaranteeing that the UK Brexit saga will end in tears and disaster. You get what you vote for.

The problem the British face is that their politicians, civil servants and leading government political and economic advisers are in an intellectual no-mans land. They are so socialised by the dominant neoliberal ideology that they neither understand the problem nor the solutions. What is so wrong about the Westminster pigsty is that they cannot see that they are the problem. You cannot solve a problem by treating it with the policies that caused it in the first place, and that is what they are persistently trying to do. This is a mirror image of what is happening in the USA as well. In neither nation is the state the problem, it is the political class and its obsession with the free market in economics, and individualism in politics. People forget that the state is not a thing. It is simply a reflection of those personnel who control it, and it is the Kommirat's conviction that only state driven initiatives can begin to solve our problems. This does not mean socialism in the sense that Americans and the Tories understand it. It means socialism in the sense that only a centrally driven and socially motivated collective effort will begin to alleviate the problem. What I mean by that is that public policy will have to be driven by social criteria rather than economic. The social must begin to take precedence over the economic as the social problems are now too acute to be subservient to further economic dominance. I feel that this is also the case in the US. Racial and class divisions in the US appear to be threatening the stability of the whole society. I hope I am wrong about that and my American friends are not offended, but I feel quite bewildered by how Americans appear to be quite unaware, or at least unconcerned, about the class nature of their society.

What this also means is that both the British and Americans must turn to people who understand the problem and can offer meaningful solutions. That means that the British must abandon the Tories and the Blairites in the Labour Party and Americans must completely abandon the present Republican Party. Of course that is not going to happen and so, as I said yesterday, I see no real hope for either country in the short to medium term. Brexit is going to happen because it is driven by racism and a hatred of foreigners, and the inevitable consequences will occur. We will become a third world country in a relatively short time. America will take longer, but it is headed down the same route. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday 22 November 2017

If you think a Tory cannot get any lower than he/she already is, think again

If you think a Tory cannot get any lower than he/she already is, think again. In an insight into what life will be like in the UK after Brexit, the Tories mustered a majority to vote down an amendment to their legislation for withdrawing from the EU that denies the status of animals as sentient beings. In other words, the Tories are putting legislation in place that denies that animals feel either pain or emotion. The Green MP Caroline Lucas had tabled an amendment seeking to preserve an EU clause in British law following Brexit that protected animals by declaring them sentient beings and the Tories whipped their MPs into voting it down. This of course is a precursor to abolishing animal protections embodied in European legislation, allowing for torture and experimentation on animals, the reintroduction of foxhunting and stag hunting etc. at the UK's convenience and sport. Humans will be next. Workers rights, animal rights, legal protections, the Tories are clearing the decks for their long-term strategy of imposing a Tory dominated authoritarian state. This is, as I always remind you, the long-term policy strategy of the Blessed Margaret. It is also the logical outcome of free market economics.

People often wonder if I exaggerate concerning the Tories and their agenda, which, as I always tell you, is quite deliberate. A study this week, published by the British Medical Journal, accuses the Tories of 'economic murder' stating that their policies of austerity since 2010 have been responsible for over 120,000 avoidable deaths, an average of about 100 per day. The authors conclude that without a radical change of direction the death total will reach 200,000 by 2020. From 2001 to 2010 mortality rates in the UK had fallen steadily but have risen sharply since the Tories took office - coincidence? I think not. You see, to the free marketeer, competition, as I persistently tell you, is the only legitimate motivator of human activity, and that includes competition for all forms of resource, whether monetary, medical, housing or even food. It is a winners and losers mentality and if you have no bargaining power then you take what the neoliberal is prepared to give you or you die, simples! However, more importantly, not only will you have to accept a slave like status or perish, but in the modern free market narrative, you deserve to. If you have no market value then you have no value as a human being, because your market value is your definitive value to these people. You are, as I am sure you are fed up with me reminding you, untermenschen, and you may be fed up with me reminding you, but I will never get fed up telling you. Remember the Blessed Margaret, there is no such thing as society. Well just as she was determined to destroy society, so her disciples are determined to destroy civilisation, and the 45 and his equivalent imbeciles in British government is a good reminder that they are winning. If you disagree with me please explain the Tories voting that animals are not sentient beings. I will also remind you that to the Nazis untermenshen were not considered as sentient beings either.

It may seem rather dramatic, but the survival of the human race is dependent on abandoning, and destroying, the entire concept of free market economics. It is the driver behind Brexit, behind global warming and the entire consequences of climate change. It has no values, no moral or ethical compass. People are of no value, they are simply consumption units, economic actors with no social or political dimension outside the free market narrative. Britain and America are doomed and cannot survive as meaningful nation states unless they change course dramatically. Should America descend into a race war it will be as a result of their economic structure and ideological commitment to the free market. Britain's obsession with neoliberalism has given us Brexit and a bitterly divided nation. I fear it will reinvigorate conflict in Ireland. I am confident it will lead to Scottish independence. We cannot continue on this trajectory, but I see no meaningful prospect of change as we have no politicians who even seem to be aware of the problems never mind the solutions. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Why is it so easy for a Christian to turn a blind eye to immorality?

I have been contemplating the surreal situation on both sides of the Atlantic where, regardless of their crimes or misdemeanours, right-wing politicians appear untouchable as their core supporters seem quite unconcerned with their behaviour, indeed it appears that as far as Tory or Republican voters are concerned their representatives can do exactly as they please. This becomes even more acute with those righteous defenders of morality and probity, our pious Christian brethren who seem quite animated by sexual misconduct. As long as someone opposes abortion or same-sex marriage, our ethical policepeople are quite indifferent to their personal conduct. As the 45 famously noted, he could shoot someone in broad daylight on the streets of New York and these people would still vote for him, and he has taken unethical behaviour to new heights.

If an alien being landed on earth who was a stranger to human nature and witnessed the indifference of men about the misery of their inferiors, and the regret and indignation which they feel for the misfortunes and sufferings of those above them, that alien being would be apt to imagine, that pain must be more agonising, and the convulsions of death more terrible to persons of higher rank, than to those of meaner stations. It appears to be a characteristic of mankind, to go along with all the passions of the rich and powerful, and it seems to be this proclivity on which the distinctions of ranks, and the order of society is founded. Even when the order of society seems to require that we should oppose them, we can hardly bring ourselves to do it. That kings are the servant of the people, to be obeyed, resisted, opposed or punished, as the public conveniency may require, is the doctrine of reason and philosophy; but it is not the doctrine of Nature. This disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition, though necessary both to establish and to maintain the distinction of ranks and the order of society, is, at the same time, the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments. That wealth and greatness are often regarded with the respect and admiration which are due only to wisdom and virtue; and that the contempt, of which vice and folly are the only proper objects, is often most unjustly bestowed upon poverty and weakness, has been the complaint of moralists in all ages. We frequently see the respectful attentions of the world more strongly directed towards the rich and great, than towards the wise and virtuous. We see frequently the vices and follies of the powerful much less despised than the poverty and weakness of the innocent.

I have just reproduced, with some judicious amendment, the words of Adam Smith, from his The Theory of Moral Sentiments, published in 1759. It is quite astonishing that his words are so relevant to 2017 and only proves the old saw that the more things change the more they stay the same. I was once advised by a wise older person never to underestimate the stupidity of the average voter and the more I watch the current politics worldwide I'm afraid the wiser that advice seems. In Britain, the Brexit saga is reaching farcical proportions. All European personnel have consistently told the British that the Brexit process must follow a particular treaty based process and its as if they were talking to themselves. The British are either too arrogant or too stupid, although it is probably a combination of both as their stupidity is a consequence of their arrogance, to grasp this. The British government keeps repeating that the Europeans will have to be more flexible, and I keep asking why? It wasn't the Europeans who triggered Article 50, it wasn't the Europeans who decided to drag their nation back into the Middle Ages. But none of this utter farce appears to be making any impression on the British electorate, or rather the English electorate. They seem oblivious of the utter incompetence of the government, to the tragedy that is the Foreign Secretary, Boris the Spider. If anyone thought I was being rather harsh on Theresa May when she became Prime Minister when I told you she was thick and quite stupid, you can be in no doubt now that I was actually being quite complimentary because it is now demonstrable that she is far worse than that. Eight months into a process that must be completed in two years the British have accomplished absolutely nothing. We are not one step further forward, it beggars belief, but should not surprise anyone who reads this blog as I have been warning you as to the character of Tories for years now. Americans have their own Tories of course, right-wing ideologues who have no contact with reality, nor any moral compass. I am watching the saga of Roy Moore in Alabama with growing incredulity. As I said in my last post both Britain and America are in a very dark place. I will return to Adam Smith for solace and consolation as there appears to be no sources of wisdom and common sense in today's world. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday 10 November 2017

Both Britain and the USA are in a very dangerous place

There can no longer be any doubt that both Britain and the United States are cursed with the most incompetent political class in history. Both nations are rudderless and heading for the rocks as a result of a governing class who are devoid of honour, dignity or self-respect. Most importantly they are both politically and economically stupid. But the character of government in both nations goes beyond incompetence and stupidity and harbours both dangerous and sinister ramifications. The character of our governments is manifest in persistent and pathological lying, the scapegoating of individuals and minorities, a complete disregard for norms and values, for honesty and common decency. I could go on but simply want to impress that the character of the governing and ruling classes of both nations is sociopathic and, indeed, frequently manifests itself as psychotic.

This has not come about by accident. It is the result of the adoption of, and obsession with, a sociopathic ideology, an ideology of destruction, greed and selfishness that breeds a pathology that neuters normal humanity in those who adopt and embrace it. The British and American obsession with free market neoliberalism, particularly that version of it promoted by Ayn Rand and her Objectivist philosophy, is both anti-social and inhuman. It is inhuman because it denies all the basic qualities that define the human being, and openly denies the fundamental characteristic of Christianity, love thy neighbour. I have no truck with religion, and Christianity does not have an exclusive ownership of the concept of love thy neighbour, but it just expresses it so well. It is the concept that underpins all philosophies that stress the natural social nature of the human being, the necessity to recognise that all human behaviour is both interactive and interdependent. I know I go on about it, but people must really come to an understanding of just how damaging and destructive are the deeply sinister implications of Thatcher's insistence that there is no such thing as society before they can begin to fully understand the nature of modern government and society. This is sociopathy in action, sociopathy masquerading as public policy because if there is no such thing as society, then we can happily dispense with the concept of loving our neighbours, or indeed even recognising them, and that was Thatcher's purpose in pronouncing it. If there is no society then you have no responsibilities to anyone else, not even your own family as Ayn Rand explicitly told us. It is a dystopian philosophy of pure and total selfishness and its consequences must surely be obvious to anyone who contemplates British and American public policy and attitudes today. It has not yet achieved total control of public consciousness, but it has achieved a dominant control.   

British government is in meltdown and its daily displays of incompetence would be a spectacle to behold were they not so serious. We have a political class who neither comprehend, nor care about, the fundamentals of democracy and the rule of law. They are so blinded by entitlement and class privilege they genuinely think they can do as they like without consequences. What other sane and rational political system would elevate people like Priti Patel and The Spider? They are reminiscent of medieval aristocrats for whom the rest of the world is simply there for their pleasure and they should be able to do and say what they want without challenge. Likewise the American political class are so obsessed with their own individual self-interest they are watching their nation being systematically undermined by a psychopath and his court of gangster buddies and refusing to challenge him. You see, the economic system has rewarded them and keeps them at the top courtesy of their wealth and connections, and nothing, neither the welfare of the people or the greater interests of society will be allowed to challenge that. Therefore, as they have their wealth safely tucked away out of reach, where they can access it if they need to flee from the imminent collapse of the society they have caused to collapse, they are completely indifferent to everyone else, and that is how it should be according to the philosophy that they live by. 

Make no mistake, this is generally how these people think. If you do not believe me consult 'On All Of Our Shoulders' published by the American Catholic Church in response to Paul Ryan's bid for the Vice-Presidency for a very rational analysis of neoliberalism. Better still read Ayn Rand for yourselves and experience philosophical insanity. These people will destroy the world if they continue to get their own way. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday 7 November 2017

There is no longer any doubt, the British elite are at war with their own people

If you need anymore proof of my persistent assertion that the British elite engages in active war against the British people then look no further than the revelations contained in the newly published so-called Paradise Papers. Between the Panama Papers published last year and this weeks revelations we now know that the British elite have over £350 billion secreted away in overseas tax havens, the equivalent of 15% of British GDP. We find that even the Queen and Prince Charles have resorted to this methodology of denying the British people their fair share of the national wealth, so much for the Royal Family empathising with the poor. I can find no better description of the British ruling class than that of Aneurin Bevan who told us they were lower than vermin. As a result, as I have persistently told you over the years, austerity is a fraud and a symptom of the class warfare that the Tories live, but more importantly rule, by. There is no shortage of cash for the NHS and education etc. such shortages are artificial and are the result of the British government colluding with, and assisting, a greedy and rapacious elite business and financial class to loot the national treasury at their will. There are no excuses for zero-hour contracts and all the other injustices and indignities that the Tories heap on their own people and people can scoff at the Kommirat no longer. As both Adam Smith and Karl Marx told us there is no wealth without labour. All of that wealth being secreted away overseas has its genesis in the labour of ordinary working people and the British ruling class are absolutely resolute in their determination that the people who create the wealth will not benefit from it. The elite don't create wealth, they only steal it. As I've written before, Adam Smith tells us that "All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind", and this is just as true today as when Smith wrote it in 1776. Today's revelations also strengthen Smith's observation that "the great never look upon their inferiors as their fellow creatures".

This is a graphic example of how something can be perfectly legal and completely wrong, an example of how law is made with specific interests in mind, but also how a gullible electorate can be persuaded to vote for people who are their enemies, not just ideologically or politically, but in everyday practical matters, whose entire policy agenda is to rob and cheat them at every opportunity. The tragic lesson of this however, is that even after all this evidence is presented to them, the ordinary British person will still stand and sing God save the Queen. It is enough to make you despair. The meaningful destruction of British society began with The Blessed Margaret and her sinister claim that there is no such thing as society. Piece by piece St Margaret and her fellow Crusaders, her cohorts and neoliberal successors of all parties, eroded and eliminated the entity that we used to identify as Great Britain, destroyed the community, the normative order and value system in the name of the free market, a fictitious and illusory concept that is quite meaningless. I see no real redemption for this sorry nation of the United Kingdom. A realistic assessment of the policies, and particularly the personnel, that govern these islands only produce pessimism and a profound despair. In studying politics and economics, those who seek instruction and guidance look to Socrates, Plato, Machiavelli, Locke, Mill, Paine, Hume, Smith, Marshall etc. The British elite and their hirelings in the Westminster Parliament look to Don Corleone, Tony Soprano and Nucky Thomson. Ironically, none of those gentlemen would have survived in competition with these people, they at least had a code of sorts, a sense of honour, regardless of how perverted it was, but the British elite and ruling class are completely devoid of any sense of honour. They do not possess a scintilla of self-respect or dignity never mind respect for anyone else. Their only code and guide to behaviour is their self-enrichment, regardless of who it damages. But sequences of events produce consequences and the future is most definitely not what it used to be. I mean, put simply, the entire British elite, including the Royal Family and the British government are all engaged in collusion to defraud the rest of the British population, there can be no other interpretation of the facts that have come to light. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday 3 November 2017

All power to a repentant sinner

I have been writing to you since the start of this blog warning about the Tories determination to privatise the NHS and introduce an American style health system. Tories persistently deny this and accuse me of what they now label fake news and consistently tell us that the NHS is safe in their hands, and even friends of mine who would never vote Tory look at me pityingly and tell me that even the Tories would not do such a thing. If I wrote on this blog that the NHS is about as safe in the hands of the present government of Tory Brexiteers as a pet hamster is with a hungry python, I'm sure that I would be dismissed as usual as talking rubbish and simply promoting anti-Tory and anti-Brexit propaganda. That however, came from the ex-Tory Prime Minister John Major, and I invite anyone who doubts me to simply Google it.

Once again I am in the uncomfortable position of being in the same company as, not only a Tory, but a past Tory Prime Minister, but I welcome any penitent to the cause of highlighting Tory right-wing fraud and lies. As I trust you will appreciate, it is not me who is changing my opinions and views, but an increasing number of free marketeers who are beginning to realise what their criminality has nurtured and begun to spawn within our sorry society, and they are worried because they realise they are deeply at fault for their past record in office. In the case of people like Major, they simply did not really understand what they were doing and it is now dawning on them. Slowly but surely the Kommirat world view is becoming the norm.

Today a number of prominent medical personnel have initiated legal action against the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt and the Department of Health over their proposals to restructure the NHS into a US style private health insurance-based system. It is reported in today's press that senior health professionals and campaigners have now come together to take legal action and demand a judicial review, to ensure full parliamentary scrutiny of the proposals. According to the papers, Dr Colin Hutchinson, Professor Allyson Pollock, Professor Sue Richards and Dr Graham Winyard are all working together to put the case to the Department of Health. As reported, Prof Pollock, a British Medical Association council member and co-author of the NHS Reinstatement Bill, said the proposals were an attempt to Americanise health care in England and that the NHS was progressively being dismantled. According to these healthcare professionals plans have been tabled to convert the NHS into a public/private enterprise, which they say is based upon the US private health insurance-based system.

For those of you who are not British and who so kindly read this blog, I write such things because, although they do not directly affect you, they must raise serious alarm bells as to the nature of modern politics. Such things show us that the description of Britain as a democratic nation could hardly be farther from the truth. The British elite govern totally in their own interests as they have nothing but contempt and hatred for ordinary people. I have written before that my view is that this is also how politics is practised in the United States. We are constantly being told that the Brexit referendum has shown us "the settled will of the people" and that it is people like the Kommirat who are undemocratic for refusing to accept the result. I remind you that the referendum was 52% in favour of Leave and 48% in favour of Remain, and I also remind you that the Brexiteers warned us, most famously by the abominable Farage on national television, that if the vote resulted in a 52-48 vote in favour of Remain, they would refuse to accept such a result and would demand a second referendum. In addition, it is now beyond question that the entire Leave campaign was one massive fraud and a lie. I do not recognise any form of democratic decision-making on such a basis. On the same basis, the entire Tory programme is a fraud and a lie, but at least some people are beginning to recognise them for what they are and it speaks far more powerfully than the Kommirat can ever speak that it is now coming from pillars of the establishment and indeed Prime Ministers. The 45 is producing a similar form of response within the American establishment. There may yet be hope. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat