Thursday 23 November 2017

The UK, welcome to your third world status!

Brexit hasn't even happened yet but here is just a flavour of the state of the UK after seven years of Tory government and eighteen months after the Brexit referendum. The following is merely four headlines from the British press this morning.
"UK facing the longest fall in living standards in sixty years"
"Britain has fallen out of the world's top five economies"
"Britain loses its seat on the International Court of Justice"
"UK faces twenty years of no earnings growth"
And that is just headlines for one day!

When the Camoron took office in 2010 his Chancellor George Osborne assured us that the UK deficit would be eliminated by 2015. In 2015 they told us it would be 2025, it has now been stretched to 2050. This is from the party that claims to be the fiscally stable and responsible party. By the government's own figures from yesterday's budget there will have been 5 billion pounds spent simply on the administration necessary for leaving the EU by the time we actually leave. The implication of losing our seat on the Court of Justice signifies Britain's relative irrelevance as a nation any longer. The 'Great' in Great Britain has become an international joke. The press are also carrying reports on how EU diplomats hold Britain's top politicians with disdain and scorn and note how the Brexit negotiations are in such a state of disarray because of 'the chaos in the Conservative government.' As I predicted, both David Davis and Boris the Spider are held in utter contempt by EU politicians and diplomats. Their arrogance and demonstrable stupidity means they are guaranteeing that the UK Brexit saga will end in tears and disaster. You get what you vote for.

The problem the British face is that their politicians, civil servants and leading government political and economic advisers are in an intellectual no-mans land. They are so socialised by the dominant neoliberal ideology that they neither understand the problem nor the solutions. What is so wrong about the Westminster pigsty is that they cannot see that they are the problem. You cannot solve a problem by treating it with the policies that caused it in the first place, and that is what they are persistently trying to do. This is a mirror image of what is happening in the USA as well. In neither nation is the state the problem, it is the political class and its obsession with the free market in economics, and individualism in politics. People forget that the state is not a thing. It is simply a reflection of those personnel who control it, and it is the Kommirat's conviction that only state driven initiatives can begin to solve our problems. This does not mean socialism in the sense that Americans and the Tories understand it. It means socialism in the sense that only a centrally driven and socially motivated collective effort will begin to alleviate the problem. What I mean by that is that public policy will have to be driven by social criteria rather than economic. The social must begin to take precedence over the economic as the social problems are now too acute to be subservient to further economic dominance. I feel that this is also the case in the US. Racial and class divisions in the US appear to be threatening the stability of the whole society. I hope I am wrong about that and my American friends are not offended, but I feel quite bewildered by how Americans appear to be quite unaware, or at least unconcerned, about the class nature of their society.

What this also means is that both the British and Americans must turn to people who understand the problem and can offer meaningful solutions. That means that the British must abandon the Tories and the Blairites in the Labour Party and Americans must completely abandon the present Republican Party. Of course that is not going to happen and so, as I said yesterday, I see no real hope for either country in the short to medium term. Brexit is going to happen because it is driven by racism and a hatred of foreigners, and the inevitable consequences will occur. We will become a third world country in a relatively short time. America will take longer, but it is headed down the same route. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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