Sunday 18 October 2015

The Anglo-American political system is quite insane.

The wisest piece of advice I ever received when I first got involved in politics I greeted with outrage. I was taken aside by an older and wiser political veteran after I had delivered a speech full of youthful passion and naivety and advised to be more cautious. His sage advice was "never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter". At the time I thought this to be quite the most outrageous thing I had ever been told. Ah, the sublime innocence of youth.

I was reminded of this on Thursday night watching Question Time when a lady in the audience broke down in tears after describing how she had always voted Tory and had put her trust in them only to be cruelly betrayed and now cannot manage to adequately feed, clothe and house her family. My first reaction to her plight was a complete lack of sympathy and a feeling that she got exactly what she voted for. I then paused to remember my own naivety, as she hadn't voted for that in her own mind. She had, like millions of others, simply put her trust in and believed, people she thought were honest and had integrity. Worse, she believed the British media, an institution that gets more like pre-war Germany or Stalin's Russia every day. One of Britain's great regrets will emerge when Scotland has another independence referendum because the sins of the fathers will most certainly bear fruit and not only the press and the BBC, but all Westminster parties, will find their propaganda falling on deaf ears due to the memory of the lies and deceit they engaged in last September. The Westminster failure to grasp why the SNP is on such a high is due to a refusal to realise that they are the cause. If anyone outside Britain is reading this, the Scots voters are not all nationalists, I most certainly am not, but the rejection of the Westminster cesspit is real and growing with every passing day. Scotland has turned its back on Westminster's cruelty, fraud and criminality and is demanding a different approach. At this time, the SNP are the vehicle for achieving a different type of society and a different type of politics and don't let all the London based media clowns tell you any different. London simply cannot come to terms with Scotland's rejection of this poisonous style of politics, which is quite wonderful because they keep on refusing to learn from their mistakes and therefore making independence inevitable. They really are that stupid.

I have to often step back and try to put myself in others shoes as I genuinely cannot understand people at times. It is obvious to me what the Tories agenda is as I write to you all the time, but in a quiet moment I do understand why people find it impossible to believe and think that it is me who is the extremist. But even then I find it difficult to comprehend who on earth with even a scintilla of intelligence would vote for either Boris Johnson or Donald Trump? They are not only demonstrable imbeciles but they are grotesque parodies of human beings, never mind politicians. More importantly, both these gentlemen are extremely dangerous. I came to the conclusion that Mad Tony was quite insane almost immediately after he became Labour leader and I could never understand how anyone would pay him any notice. I also accurately predicted what would become of the Labour Party as a result of his leadership. The fate of the Labour Party is a classic case of hubris, but they seem incapable of grasping the cause of their predicament. Jeremy Corbyn seems like a good enough person, but his first foray into Scottish politics resulted in him making two classic factual errors about the SNP that brought him ridicule with the result that Scottish Labour will be lucky if they don't end up in the same political situation as the Tories next May. The Scottish Labour Party has quite literally no talent within its ranks, it is a joke, a legion of the lost and lonely.

What is so desperate for the English lady on Question Time is that she has no hope. There is no person nor Party in England prepared to alleviate her plight nor the plight of the millions like her who are looking at a future of poverty and destitution from our wise masters in Westminster. Anyone voting for the Westminster political system, and all Americans, are voting for a system that not only approves of, but is determined to sustain, a system that allows one percent of the world's population to own and control fifty percent of the world's wealth. That is most definitely a definition of insanity. However, I come back to the same political truism, that is what you voted for, to impoverish the poor and enrich the wealthy, and don't say you weren't warned. I shall return to the theme of why we believe what we do and how you may seek to overcome it.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

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