Wednesday 5 August 2015

If you believe in a free market you will believe anything

An influential report published today tells us that the British people largely support the austerity measures of the government, and this should not surprise us, given the relentless propaganda of the British media and the lack of publication of any meaningful alternatives. Add to that the hysterical condemnation of any suggestions that challenge the dominant narrative and you have a barrier to any intelligent understanding of reality that would have made Goebbels proud. For example, in the United States, we have the spectacle of people accusing Obama of being a socialist and such illiterate garbage is taken quite seriously by people who should know better. I can only conclude that people in the US have no idea what socialism is! However, before I am accused of insulting Americans, the situation is not much better in this country. I actually read one imbecile describe Obama as a Marxist.

One of the markers of an intelligent society is that it can utilise the writings of some people that are fundamentally opposed to its cultural and ideological structure. Not everything Marx wrote was wrong. He was a genius whether you agree with him or not. To adopt a socialist or a Marxist idea does not make you either a socialist or a Marxist, it just shows that you are capable of intelligent thought. Even the appalling Andy Burnham has concluded that the privatisation of our railway system has been a disaster and is now advocating its nationalisation. I mean, the obvious must filter through to these free market imbeciles eventually. Nationalisation is neither socialist, Marxist, or any other, it is simply common sense.

To the free marketer anything that looks in any shape or form as collectivist must be damned, ridiculed and crushed. Anything remotely collectivist is immediately damned as socialist as if this was some kind of terminal illness. That is why austerity is popular, because it is founded on a hatred of collectivism and panders to the individualist dominant ideology that is both anti-social and destructive. The type of individualism spouted by the Tories and their minions is a selfish, greedy and anti-social form of humanity. Indeed, I will contradict myself and say that it is not actually a form of humanity, but a form of inhumanity. It is in the ascendancy now because the British have become selfish, greedy, uncaring and lacking in humanity. They care more about their holiday timetable being disrupted than the plight of desperate and persecuted human beings. They don't give a toss about the plight of working people, only that these same working people accept whatever their employers want without protest in order that their lives are not disrupted by industrial disputes. However, the human being is a social animal, that is its nature, and as Marx rightly tells us, our individuality can only be mediated within a social structure. Our individuality is a social phenomenon and the concept of individuality that free market theorists base their philosophy on does not, nor cannot exist. That is why austerity will ultimately fail and destroy a meaningful society. That is why Scotland will attain an independent status, because the Scots still retain a fragment of decency and intelligence and will not buy into Westminster's lies and propaganda. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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