Thursday 13 August 2015

By the standards of the Times, Adam Smith was a Marxist

It is sometimes difficult to comprehend the degeneracy of politics in the UK today and this is clearly illustrated by the degree to which our language has been corrupted by the right-wing free market poison. The Times today described Mad Tony as centre left. They described him as having presided over a centre left administration for his three terms in office. If that right-wing American obsessed psychopath can be described as even approximating a left-wing position then I genuinely no longer understand the English language, and particularly an English political narrative (and I mean English as opposed to a wider British narrative). It also goes to show how successful the Westminster elite have co-opted US cultural norms and values into our political language. An American wouldn't recognise a left-winger if one punched them in the face. As I reported recently, Americans describe Obama as a leftie, it defies any logical comment.

Today, any suggestion of the nationalisation of any national infrastructure is immediately condemned as leftism, bordering on communism. Post-war British history teaches us that the bulk of the nationalisation of Britain's infrastructure was carried out by the Conservative Party, not Labour. Similarly, any suggestion of building council houses is greeted with horror and threats that we are heading into a Stalinist nightmare. Once again, our history shows that council housing was almost exclusively down to the Tories. When Thatcher began her privatisation war, she was rebuked by the former Tory Prime Minister Harold McMillan for selling off the family silver. That was because it was his governments that were responsible for the bulk of the nationalised industries she was desperate to privatise. I could go on about this all night but I trust that anyone who has a British education is fully aware of it.

None of these policies bear any relation to socialism. They are embraced by leftist parties, but they have their roots in Liberalism and one-nation Conservatism. This is an issue that both leftists and conservatives can find common ground. It is the same with comprehensive education and national health, there is nothing remotely socialist about such things, despite the ravings of republican lunatics in the US Congress. For crying out loud, nationalised public works were advocated by both Adam Smith and Alfred Marshall (two real Marxist nutjobs, eh?). What we find today is the extent to which atomistic individualism has triumphed over collectivism. Thatcher's greatest triumph was to alter our language structure so that today we no longer understand that collective ideas are interactive between different political narratives. That is no longer the case. Aggressive individualism, imported from America via Ayn Rand and the Chicago school of Milton Friedman and his fellow imposters have won the battle of ideas thanks to Thatcher and her children such as Blair, Brown, Cameron and Osborne and any hint of a collective solution to any of our social and economic problems is immediately demonised as "socialist" (cue the theme tune to Jaws) it is by definition not to be considered as an option. This is the result of a totalitarian approach as our newspapers increasingly adopt the style of the Volkischer Beobachter. Do not fall for this insidious Tory brainwashing as practised by both the Conservatives and Labour, it is bad for your health, both physical and mental. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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