Monday 31 August 2015

If Mad Tony is against it it must be good

The debate surrounding Jeremy Corbyn's candidacy for the Labour leadership highlights, not only the intellectual stupidity that prevails in modern Britain but the intellectual barbarity. I am continually reading how Corbyn's policies will be unworkable and that is where the British reveal their stupidity. Of course they will work, you may not like them, you may not like their outcome but they will work, why? because most of them are a return to policies that have worked in the past. Their stupidity is shown by the fact that people cannot, or will not, see this naked propaganda for the naked lie that it is. When you get Mad Tony and Daphne Broon ganging up with Cameron and Osborne to condemn something then you can only concede that it must have some merit that is terrifying them in case it works and shows them how useless they really are.

The British are so fixated with the Thatcher narrative of a free market heaven that they are intellectually incapable of considering anything else, and the barbarity comes from the fact that these are the policies that are killing people, impoverishing them and destroying the state. Do these people not understand that if there is no change of political and economic direction then the British state will cease to exist when the Scots take their independence from this semi-fascist mindset that is open class warfare and aggressively exclusive to the extent that if you have any form of disability or disadvantage then you are effectively excluded from the political and economic life of the nation and classed as a skiver, a scrounger, a non-person, what the Tories great heroes referred to as untermenschen.

I am not particularly impressed by Corbyn but he is saying the right things and asking the right questions. The free market dominance must be broken, at the risk of boring you it is a lie and a fraud. There is no, never has been, nor ever can be a free market. All human activity must be regulated as it is both interactive and interdependent. We can see all around us the result of the Reaganite/Thatcherite experiment. At every level it is a disaster, causing war, global warming, terrorism, inequality that is a disgrace and modern forms of slavery that require the destruction of all hard-won human rights.

I hope that Corbyn does not win his election, just as I hope that the Republicans win the American Presidency, preferably under Donald Trump. It beggars belief that any supposedly intelligent people can even consider such a grotesque parody of a human being, but if he wins then the American state will descend into serious crisis, and if the Tories in both Conservative and Labour triumph and we continue with our economic and political direction then the free market dominance will collapse in chaos and even the British will not be able to deny the cause. My only caveat is that I am also aware that it could result in full-blown fascism, and I will be one of their first targets. That is why Scottish independence is now a necessity. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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