Tuesday 11 August 2015

Britain becoming a totalitarian state? Surely not!

 Norman Baker the ex-Liberal MP who wrote a good book on the assassination of David Kelly is quoted in today's papers as telling us that Britain is sleepwalking into a one-party state. It is good to see a Westminster criminal finally coming to see reality, and I keenly await his apology for his part in helping to advance the aforesaid one-party state, but he is a bit late.

I have been writing about Britain's decline into a totalitarian one-party state for years now as any reader of this blog will know. I have been writing that we are in the first stages of a fascist society where there will be modern forms of slavery for working people and the removal of all human rights. Mr Baker is right, but he is wrong in one part. The British are not sleepwalking into this situation, they are embracing it quite enthusiastically. As I repeatedly tell you in this column, the claim that there is no alternative is the foundation of totalitarianism, and, as we see from the hysteria surrounding the rise of support for Jeremy Corbyn, it is a real and present danger. Corbyn's presentation of a mild and not very system threatening alternative vision to the free market poison has sent the British establishment into overdrive. Before the votes are even counted in the Labour leadership election, there are full-blooded plans to challenge him and unleash a coup against him if he wins. Supporters of Corbyn's election have been called everything from morons to traitors to being brain-dead.

Britain is a country motivated by hate. The establishment and its lackeys in the media foster hatred for everyone and everything that poses a challenge or a threat to their dominance. The British hate their own people if they are trade unionists, Muslim, black or gay. They hate foreigners, especially Europeans (and of course the dreaded Russians) whilst supporting football teams with no British players in them. They adore Americans who are genuinely not considered foreigners, unless of course they are black. They detest immigrants, as long as they are not football stars ( who of course are celebrities and can never be deemed immigrants). Free market neoliberalism poses as the foundation of a free society whilst in reality it is totalitarian and is slowly but surely killing off any form of democracy. I repeat, if something has no alternative and is consistently portrayed as the right thing to do, then any alternative must be both damaging and wrong and must be prevented. That is what Thatcher and her successors have successfully convinced the British public of by fostering their hate of others and their hate of anything that poses any form of threat to the Thatcherite narrative.

The Cameron government is sinister, motivated by policies designed to stifle any resistance to its dominance whilst its politics is driven by the imperatives of free market economics. That is why they continually attack unions. They wish to remove any resistance to the mastery of employers over their workers, and to remove the bulk of the funding from the Labour Party, thus removing the political resistance to their dominance in Westminster. That is why the Scots must become independent, it has nothing to do with nationalism, but everything to do with removing the odious criminality of Westminster from our lives. Independence will save the Scots from the oncoming totalitarianism and slavery that Westminster has in store, a totalitarianism and slavery that the people in England and Wales appear to be welcoming. It is refreshing that at least one Westminster criminal has begun to see the light, but remember, you heard it here first. You have been warned.   

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