Thursday 30 July 2015

You don't need to consider the needs of the subhuman

I watched a report on various news channels yesterday about how child trafficking in the US has reached epidemic proportions and is getting out of control. The situation in this country is not quite so serious but is heading that way. Paedophilia is running rampant in both Britain and the US and transcends class, race and gender. However, it is the paedophiles that inhabit the higher echelons of British society that are allowed to pursue their victims with little chance of being apprehended as they enjoy governmental and state protection. This is becoming increasingly apparent as the press are finally reporting things they have known about for many years but refused to speak about before.

At the same time, we are listening to the Prime Minister labelling migrants and refugees as a 'swarm' threatening to overcome us, thus likening living and desperate people to locusts and other forms of insect life.

What these two issues have in common is how people in the west are becoming increasingly dehumanised under the influence of free market neoliberal economic and political policy. As I have been telling you for a long time now, free market economics reduces everything to commodity status, including people. Thus, workers are a cost, the sick and the disabled are a cost, the unemployed are a cost and in the free market universe costs must be minimised and eliminated as much as possible. Workers are a cost and are only there for the benefit that they accrue to their employer. Thus the employer has the right to demand their total obedience and the worker has no right to exercise the only fundamental right they possess, the right to remove their labour. This is because the worker is never regarded as either an asset or a wealth creator. The only thing of any value in a free market society is something that has a price attached. Thus the only value that a child has is when they have a price attached and can be traded as any other commodity can be traded. Children are increasingly being commodified, they are commodities first, human beings second. Immigrants and refugees are not even considered human, they are parasites and locusts, and they are not only a cost, but an unwanted burden.

To return to workers, when they withdraw their labour all we hear about is the disruption they cause. The legitimacy of their case is never considered, only the inconvenience they cause to a people who are totally selfish, self-absorbed and completely indifferent to other people's misfortunes. Thus, the majority of British people will quite happily see their fellow citizens in a system of bondage and slavery as long as it doesn't inconvenience them and of course doesn't happen to them. It amuses me to see lawyers and doctors contemplating industrial action in pursuit of their self-interest when I have listened to them all of my life condemning working people doing the same thing. In the past such people never needed to consider their working conditions as they were very well protected and rewarded. The reality of neoliberal austerity is now impacting on them and they don't like it. I ask you to research the miners strikes and read the comments and opinions of the professional classes who hated the miners with a passion.

I have warned you that we are entering a period of fascism. The Nazis were the experts at dehumanisation and used words like parasites, untermenschen, ballastexistenzen, and referred to the sick and the disabled as useless eaters. That is what we are increasingly reading in our press. If anyone in our society has no financial value because they are sick, disabled or unemployed they are a scrounger and a skiver, in other words they are a parasite living off the backs of "hard working people." This is what the British voted for, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

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