Saturday 11 July 2015

If you think this government is brutal, just wait!

The papers this morning are telling us that David Cameron is seeking to include an opt-out from EU employment regulations in his negotiations with the EU in preparation for the coming referendum. His main targets are the Working Time Directive and the Agency Workers Regulations. I have repeatedly warned you in this blog that the Westminster elite are determined to reduce the British working class to slavery and have been mocked and scorned for this by all those patriotic geniuses who assure me that such a thing could never happen in this country. Let me remind you of some things.

The working time directive is a safeguard for workers that protects certain fundamental rights such as the right to a minimum number of holidays per year, paid rest breaks and a right to have at least eleven hours rest every 24. It also sets a limit of 48 hours that anyone can be compelled to work in any one week. The agency workers directive simply requires that agency workers are given the same terms and conditions as the people who normally work in any given company. The Tories are determined to scrap all of these protections. Now I ask any intelligent person, which of these above measures can be described as revolutionary? What is objectionable in any of these modest measures? All of these measures are simply nullified by a zero-hours contract in any case, that is why employers love them. So, by extending zero-hours contracts, you are effectively abolishing employment protection and employing people with no rights, no holidays, no sick pay etc. That is life in modern Britain, and if that is not a form of slavery, where your employer has absolute power over you and there is nothing you can do about it then someone will need to enlighten me as to what it actually is?

Thus, the Tories goal in opting-out of the European directives is their determination to reduce all workers to the same conditions as those already on zero-hours. Now I also want you to note that in order to achieve this they have to opt-out of the European protections, this is because once they opt-out they will have achieved their goal of being able to do exactly what they want with respect to working people because they have already achieved this within the UK. We no longer have any basic worker protection in this country, the only protections we have are those required by the EU. I have repeatedly warned you that the persistent claim by the Westminster criminals that there is no alternative is the foundations of a totalitarian society. Once they have achieved these opt-outs they will have total control. There are no further protections in law. This was the long-term goal of Thatcher and it is now coming to fruition, destroy the unions, make it almost impossible to strike, make it almost impossible to access the law by removing legal aid and making industrial tribunals far too expensive and you remove any possibility of meaningful resistance from working people to the removal of all their terms and conditions of service and you have successfully reduced them to a slave-like state. That is what the people in England and Wales voted for in May. I predict that by the end of this term of government the Tories will enter the next election with a commitment to ban trades unionism, as Edmund Burke wrote, "all it requires for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing". You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat     

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