Friday 4 August 2017

What does it tell you when a High Court judge says he is ashamed to be British?

As the neoliberal free market world begins to crumble, it is being discredited and abandoned by more and more people who have finally come to understand its pernicious destructiveness and inhumanity. They are too few too late, but at least they are beginning to make themselves heard. No-one will ever take people like me seriously because I am no-one, unimportant, but now more and more important people are beginning to admit to what they have studiously ignored for so long. The evidence of what I have been warning about for so long is now becoming too overwhelming to ignore. As you are probably fed up hearing me telling you, at its core the free market's biggest crime is its insistence on deregulation. This is the driving force behind global warming, but with respect to everyday news, its most graphic manifestation was the Grenfell Tower fire that was the result of successive governments completely dehumanising people in the pursuit of never ending profit. This saw the deregulation of health and safety and the refusal to hold people responsible for what amounts to criminality.

In the aftermath of the financial crisis we have had to suffer the false doctrine of austerity, an official lie and an unnecessary imposition on the British population that has had far-reaching and often tragic events. By quite deliberately starving important public services of funds the pigsty, particularly under the Tories, has created a series of crises. In open court yesterday, in a case involving a mental health patient, Sir James Munby Britain's most senior judge in family law publicly stated that “I feel shame and embarrassment. Shame, as a human being, as a citizen and as an agent of the state, embarrassment as president of the family division and, as such, head of family justice" Commenting on the situation with respect to the pigsty's public policy on families, care for the vulnerable and the mentally ill the judge told an open court that “It is a disgrace to any country with pretensions to civilisation, compassion and, dare one say it, basic human decency” He made these observations because the state of affairs within the family and mental health system has rendered him helpless to offer any form of civilised solution to the case he was hearing.

I have been taken to task many time over the years for describing Britain as only paying lip service to a civilised society, devoid of compassion and decency, but here we have a high court judge endorsing my observations. This is the end result of free market economics, an ideology of greed, selfishness and lacking in any form of ethical values. Again I tell you, this is the legacy of Thatcher and Blair, and if what I understand of the United States is accurate, then they are victims of the same poison that is rotting the body politic in this country, producing levels of inequality that historians are assuring us have not been seen since the Roman Empire. There is no institution within Britain that is not suffering some form of crisis in terms of finance and personnel. Our prisons are a national scandal as are the NHS, education, housing and so on. The free market policy of privatisation has proved a disaster, deregulation has proven fatal, Brexit is a pantomime. I could go on, but we always come back to the same common denominator, the fraudulent antisocial lie that is free market economics. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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