Wednesday 16 August 2017

Donald Trump and Theresa May are enemies of civilised humanity.

I am writing this as I watch a programme on the history channel called "The Unseen Holocaust" documenting Nazi atrocities in the east, particularly in the Soviet Union, one hour after watching people carrying swastikas on the streets of Charlottseville chanting hatred for blacks and Jews and the Nazi slogan 'blood and soil'. I have just watched original footage of the discovery of a mass grave in Rostov containing 12,000 Jewish bodies followed by footage of the excavation of Babi Yar in Kiev where the Nazis managed to massacre 33,000 Jews in just two days. However, Babi Yar also contained graves containing a further 60,000 bodies of Russians, gypsies, the disabled etc. the untermenshen, the subhuman of Nazi mythology. I have personally visited Auschwitz and Birkenau and have stood in the gas chambers and at the selection site at the railway terminal in Birkenau. I have the full series of The World at War and have watched the series, The Nazis a Warning from History, three times. I also have Laurence Rees's accompanying books about Auschwitz and the Holocaust, including numerous other books about the Second World War with a particular emphasis on the Battle of Stalingrad. The Nazis were responsible for circa fifty million deaths in the Second World War with twenty-five million in the Soviet Union alone. It cannot be tolerated that we are witnessing American and British people openly demonstrating an allegiance to this political and ideological system on our streets and on our television. Every city, town, village and hamlet in the UK have monuments to the British men and women who died fighting these people to protect our way of life, and I expect the US has the same. If I were an American I would be demanding similar monuments to the victims of the slave trade and lynchings which was simply another form of holocaust because it was the systematic persecution and exploitation of a people considered untermenshen and expendable, instead these people erect statues to those responsible for slavery and lynchings. The black person was considered less than a human being when the US Constitution was written, and has been the subject of systematic atrocities since they first arrived in the Americas. The British treated them likewise in the West Indies and in the Indian subcontinent. Today we see our own citizens attempting to place this ideology at the heart of our nations and promote its adherents into public office, people who reject the concept of equality, who believe some sections of humanity are superior whilst others are inferior, who believe that races and ethnic groups will be polluted by mixing with others etc. If you believe Nazi and superiority ideologies then if you are in a position to do so you will happily enslave and exterminate other people; that has been empirically demonstrated throughout history. You will even justify it by reference to the word of whatever god you support.

I write this because there can be no justification whatsoever for attempting to draw a moral, political, or social equivalence between those who support such ideas and those who oppose them. The world watched events unfold in pre-war Germany because they could not bring themselves to believe that what eventually transpired was possible in what was one of the most cultured and civilised nations in the world, the nation of Goethe, Handel, Beethoven, Kant etc. Such is the power of ideas and the poisonous and cancerous growth they can manifest if they go unchallenged and unchecked. What the right in America has graphically demonstrated is that they will take America down that route in the blink of an eye. The right in Britain are just as culpable, but are more subtle. I remind you that the Daily Mail was openly supportive of Hitler, and we had a Prince of Wales who courted Hitler and his circle. If anything the Mail is even more right-wing now and is an organ of pure hatred.

By his words and deeds, Donald Trump has demonstrated his complete unfitness for office. Despite her condemnation of the ideas and philosophy of the KKK and white supremacists, by refusing to condemn Trump, Theresa May has disgraced her office and sold her soul, and the soul of the British people and should resign immediately. Trump is demonstrably insane, his narcissism is obviously a serious illness. May is simply a craven disgraceful human being, devoid of dignity, compassion, humanity, but most importantly, any form of responsible and rational leadership. She is, as I keep telling you, a particularly stupid person. May is a stereotypical Tory, sociopathic, completely selfish and, like the supremacists, filled with a sense of superiority and entitlement. We are in dangerous times. In the UK it is now accepted wisdom that Brexit had nothing to do with trade, the economy or any of the other excuses that Brexiteers invented to hide their naked racism. It was all about immigration and hatred of foreigners. Every attempt to seek an accommodation with the EU is thwarted and broken on the same rock, freedom of movement. Thus, could the holocaust happen again? Of course it could, and it could be coming to you soon. If these people get into power, it will definitely come to me, and don't ever forget the warnings of Pastor Niemoller. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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