Monday 7 August 2017

Brexit won't restore you're national sovereignty, but I could!

As you will know if you read this blog I believe it is imperative that Scotland becomes independent as I also believe that the Westminster pigsty has become irredeemably corrupt and beyond meaningful salvation. The Conservative Party are a gangster led criminal organisation intent on reducing the British working class to a state of modern slavery and looting the national treasury to the point of bankruptcy. I have said all this before. I believe that there is no use waiting for a racist unionist electorate to waken up because they are too determined to scapegoat other people for their own failures and refuse to see reality. The Labour Party are not much better given that they have abandoned the people who labour for a living and share the Tories hatred of the EU, foreigners and immigrants.

There are alternatives to the pigsty's dominant narrative, but the problem is finding people who could be trusted to carry them our successfully and with the passion necessary to succeed. I have come to the conclusion that what Britain needs, if it is to remain as a United Kingdom, is a sustained period of a command economy. This is not socialism as the inevitable braindead will immediately accuse me of. Britain had one of the most sustained and successful command economies during the Second World War, and I feel that this country is in an almost similar emergency now. This time the enemy is not a nation but a coalition of international criminals in the shape of financial interests and corporations who will just as successfully destroy this nation as Hitler would have had he been successful, and the ideology of these international gangsters is every bit as vile as fascism.

As I told you before, the Grenfell Tower fire was in the London borough of Kensington. Seven weeks after this disaster, the residents have still not been rehoused or adequately cared for whilst within this borough 1,650 empty properties lie vacant. That is just in one London borough. The clarion call during the EU referendum was to bring back control. If these people are genuine about that, why not start by taking control of their housing stock and putting it to use to help solve some of our national problems? You see the British political class are pathological liars and their version of taking back control means giving them the ability to remove all the regulatory framework erected by the EU over the years to protect the environment, workers rights, health and safety etc. This is to allow them to impose even greater control over their own population and allow them to sell the national assets of the British people to the highest bidder.

I would begin an immediate programme of renationalisation of all our national infrastructure and public service functions. The raison d'etre of our public institutions is of course to serve the public, but the minute you privatise such institutions that ceases. Corporations exist to make profits for their shareholders, regardless of whether they are providing what is supposed to be a public service or not. As a result, no private sector corporate body must be allowed anywhere near a public service. That is why all public service privatisations have been such a disaster. Banks and financial services must be carefully regulated and continually monitored. It is no use telling me that under such conditions private industry will go elsewhere; that is a carefully constructed Tory lie. These are capitalist enterprises we are talking about. If there is any form of profit to be made they will be there, despite having to adhere to a regulatory framework. These people are parasitic, they are incapable of ignoring the scent. This is obviously a big topic, but this post is already too long. I just hope to have given you the flavour of how we can successfully begin to regain real control of our nation and direct resources where they should be going. I have no confidence any of this is possible in modern Britain, but will continue to promote such ideas anyway. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat    

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