Monday 14 August 2017

I warned you the Tories would enslave you!

 Since the start of this blog I have been telling you how free marketeers, championed by conservatives of every hew and by the Conservative Party in the UK, have sought to reduce working people to a condition of modern slavery, devoid of rights and of meaningful mechanisms by which to challenge their terms and conditions of employment. Although I have not been challenged on this on this blog site, when I discuss such things with people I have been persistently viewed with scepticism and downright hostility accusing me of gross exaggeration and indeed lying. I have been arguing this for over thirty years since it first dawned on me what Thatcher's real agenda was, but also understand why most people genuinely cannot accept that such things could happen in the modern world and particularly in a nation like Britain which they doggedly insist on viewing as both civilised and decent. Most people simply want to get on with their everyday life and don't want to think that they belong to a collective body that would not only permit such practices, but actively encourage them. However, the evidence is now too overwhelming and, as Edmund Burke (ironically a classic Tory) reminded us, all it requires for evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing.

The British National Crime Agency has released a report that tells us "Modern slavery and human trafficking is far more prevalent than law enforcement previously thought, with a recent crackdown lifting the lid on the “shocking” scale of the crime and potentially tens of thousands of victims in the UK"
I trust you note how in the UK alone there is a suspected tens of thousands of victims. They also tell us that throughout the world there are more people enslaved today than over four centuries of slave-trading which generates twenty-five times the profits of two centuries ago when the slave trade was at its heights. The Crime Agency estimates that worldwide there are at least 21 million people being held in slave like conditions and the total could be as high as 46 million which compares to the 13 million who were captured and sold as slaves between the 15th and 19th centuries.

Now, admittedly, todays slaves are not held as the personal and legally owned property that they used to be but they are considered in a state of slavery because they are "those coerced to work or to sell their bodies or to part with their organs." This is about the subjugation of the poor, the vulnerable, the disadvantages and the weak. It is the story of the deliberate and consistent removal of rights and protections in pursuit of never ending profit and the expansion of the free market by those who insist that a free market must mean exactly that, an economic system that has no constraints or fetters. That is why economic textbooks describe it as unfettered.

As you will know if you read this blog it is the Kommirat's mission to expose and condemn the very idea of the free market and to persuade you never to support those who support this vilest of ideologies. I also want you to stop and consider who it is who champions such ideas. These are the people who inhabit the pigsty, the people who are so desperate to remove us from the EU, from the legislative protections of the European Court of Justice and who of course have a visceral hatred of the European Court of Human Rights. These are the people who deny that people have human rights, because they don't regard working people, the poor, the disabled etc. as human. We are the untermenschen, the ballistexistenzen of Nazi mythology, and if you still think I am exaggerating or being unfair then simply consider the figures and tell me how such things can happen in a nation that supposedly honours the rule of law. If I have been aware of such conditions and the processes whereby the Tories have allowed such things to prosper and flourish, are you telling me that the authorities have been unaware?   

This is a worldwide problem, but I can only speak for the UK. Why are such things happening? Simple, because we allow it, we ignore it and turn a blind eye, and anyway it only involves foreigners so who cares? Well it doesn't only involve foreigners, what do you think the Tories unceasing war against trades unions is all about? Why do you think the Mail, Express. Telegraph etc. never miss an opportunity to damn trades unions and working people. Why do you think that the strike weapon has been likened to terrorism by these people? Was this Thatcher's real purpose in her destruction of the union movement, of course it was. It was Thatcher who called trade unionists the enemy within. It was Thatcher who told us that every trade unionist was a potential Soviet spy. Slavery is profitable and employment rights eat into profits and so they must go. In a money economy in a modern economic system, you get money by working for a wage. If you are forced to accept whatever terms and conditions are on offer then you become a wage slave. If you are in a situation where you have no control over your own life, you are in a state of slavery. This is now the normal condition for the bulk of British workers and the Tories are planning to entrench this condition and make it even worse. That is the principal motivation for Brexit. It is then only a small step to the hideous condition of modern slavery that the National Crime Agency is describing. In some of our major employment firms we are getting to that condition, Brexit will consolidate it. This is what you get when you vote Tory. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 


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