Saturday 25 June 2016

We're out and the future is definitely not what it used to be!

Well it's happened, and the bookies got it so wrong. I told you last week that I was coming to the conclusion that Britain would vote to leave the EU, but could not really believe that the bookies could be so wrong, but such is the division and volatility of politics in this sorry country today that it is almost impossible to predict what will happen next. What is of great concern is how the English working classes have swung very sharply right, because make no mistake, the entire leave campaign was about immigration and a xenophobia which was utilised as a scapegoat for the hardships imposed by the government's ferocious austerity. The other great concern is how this campaign, like the Scottish referendum was won on a farrago of lies. The morning after the Scottish referendum the British government immediately went back on its word and betrayed the Scots. Already the out campaign leaders are going back on their word and showing that they were prepared to lie through their teeth to get the result they wanted. That does not bode well for the future because one of the main themes of this campaign has been the shocking lack of trust between the public and the pigsty and already the people they put their trust in in this referendum are betraying them. One of the great themes of the referendum that was on all of the posters and plastered on the buses they utilised for transporting the great and the good was a promise to invest £320 million pounds a week that we send to Europe in the health service after we leave. They have immediately denied that today, and it is not going to happen. Britain is now going to be governed by the biggest gang of liars, scoundrels and charlatans imaginable, but also by the most right-wing neoliberal government in our history. The British have just delivered a catastrophic vote and will have to live with the consequences, but we in Scotland don't and won't. I have no hesitation in saying that this decision will give new meaning to the concept of a Pyrrhic victory. The other major consequence of this vote is that it could have profound consequences for Northern Ireland and its fragile peace.

Another serious consequence concerns the future of the Labour Party as they have been decisively rejected by their own traditional supporters. Already a vote of no confidence has been lodged by Labour MPs against their leader Jeremy Corbyn whose conduct during the campaign was quite disgraceful for a major party leader as he was almost invisible and failed to speak at any of the major debates. Significantly, we had Donald Trump in Scotland today to open his new project in Turnberry telling us that Brexit was fantastic. That tells you all you need to know about leaving the EU. We are truly facing the possibility of a fascist British state as the joy within all the far right European parties has been unconfined and that is who the leavers are identifying with.

As the Scots are far more intelligent and civilised than the rest of the UK, they voted en bloc to remain in the EU, with not one electoral district voting out. The Scots voted 62/38 to remain in contrast to the rest of the UK with England voting 53/47. Only Northern Ireland voted to remain. In England I pay homage to the noble people of Liverpool who voted remain and who I hope will be made honorary Scots. The Scottish people were persistently warned during their own referendum that the only way to ensure continued membership of the EU was to reject independence and vote to remain within the UK. That was clearly a lie as we now find ourselves being forced out of the EU against our will and the Scots now have no doubts left that everything the pigsty tells us is a lie and are now becoming clearly disgusted with everything Westminster stands for. We have had a parade of leading politicians in Scotland who campaigned strongly for an in vote in 2014 telling us how they have now changed and are prepared to support independence. The Scottish government are already laying the groundwork for another referendum on independence and are in talks with the EU to see if there is a way that Scotland can remain within the EU despite what the English and Welsh have just done. On that matter, it is astonishing that the Welsh have voted Brexit as Wales survives on EU funding. I will end by simply asking people what on earth can they expect under Prime Minister Boris the Spider. The man is a clown and a pathological liar and will only hasten the breakup of the UK. I will keep you informed to the best of my ability. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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