Tuesday 21 June 2016

Britain, where is the decency and sanity?

With two days to go till the referendum the momentum appears to be swinging back to Remain according to the latest betting with the Remain betting getting tighter at 1/4 again and Leave going out to 3/1. With the opinion polls indicating a very tight race with a one or two point lead for Remain, the betting is indicating a minimum 60/40 vote to Remain with the average forecast at 63% for Remain. So, one of them is getting it wrong. I am beginning to think that the bookies are probably correct, but not quite accurate, as the odds suggest an 80% vote for Remain but that is not going to happen, and the 60/40 prediction is much more plausible. There has been a definite change in tone in the campaign since last week's tragedy with the leading Tory Brexiters desperately trying to distance themselves from Nigel Garbage. It tells you something when people like Gove and Boris the Spider are registering their disgust and disapproval of the language and tactics of The Great Garbage. Gove told us on national television that UKIP's latest poster campaign 'made him shudder', and yesterday we had the prominent Tory peer, Baroness Warsi, abandoning the Leave campaign and joining Remain because of the 'hate and xenophobia' of the leavers. However, this is definitely a case of rats deserting a sinking ship as those leading Tories are every bit as culpable for stoking up the fear and paranoia about immigrants and foreigners as The Great Garbage, but they have realised that they are now tainted by their racism and xenophobia and are in danger of being unable to escape it, so like all good members of the pigsty they are acting with total self-interest now (not that they ever do anything else). As far as this forum is concerned they will never be allowed to escape their racism and xenophobia, and there is indeed a definite scent of good news because Gove has been hinting that if the vote is for Remain he will pick up his ball, leave the field and withdraw from the government. We can only live in hope.

As I have repeatedly said over the past few weeks, all of this turmoil, hate and racist opportunism is the lasting legacy of the Blessed Margaret. It is the result of the cult of individualism she so assiduously fostered, the denial of human social nature, her insistence that no-one had any responsibility for others, the irrational hatred of the state and her 'no such thing as society' nonsense. Her ideological aim was a society of selfish atomised individuals, good Samaritans in reverse gear. She was very successful. All those cultural weapons she so skilfully utilised were designed to rid society of obstacles to the unfettered free market she so idolised and to begin the process of dismantling the institutions that Britain had erected to produce a fair and equable society as far as it was possible. Thatcher began the process of gradual enslavement of the working class in Britain and was ferociously exclusionist in that anyone who failed to share her ideology or who was not prepared to submit to her elitist class based structural vision would be allowed any part in the social and political life of the nation. She spent her premiership systematically excluding such people from any meaningful participation in the Conservative Party. When this was successfully completed she extended that principle into public life and determined to control appointments and policies throughout the entire fabric of the state system. This was then adopted by Mad Tony who did exactly the same thing within the Labour Party with the result that, by the time Mad Tony left office there was no talent of any substance left in either of the two major parties and why we are now saddled with incompetents like the Camoron and Osborne. Both Thatcher and Mad Tony ruthlessly marginalised anyone with a speck of brains who might be seen as a challenge to their domination, or who might point out such obvious things like there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. That is why even the best brains in today's Westminster pigsty barely reach the level of mediocrity and why this referendum campaign has descended into such filth. These people have no substance, no gravitas, and no discernable intellect. Above all, they have no dignity. The exception is the intake of minor party candidates at the last election such as the Greens and the SNP. A British politician today has less credibility than a car salesman and is universally distrusted and widely loathed. I mean, in what form of intelligent polity could a man such as Boris the Spider ever gain prominence let alone national office? The important point about all this is that those same personnel all widely applauded what Thatcher and Mad Tony did because they benefited from their cringing acquiescence and subservience, and are now paying the price; the universal contempt of the electorate.

 There will be no real hope for Britain, even with a vote to Remain, until we begin the process of seriously dismantling the Thatcher legacy and rebuilding an ethical society based on the concept of the human being as a social animal whose individualism is recognised as a reflection of his/her milieu, of his/her socialisation, that is, a recognition that each individual is firstly a social being. This will necessitate a complete rejection of free market neoliberalism and the poison of individualism. The recovery of a decent and sane society, represented by sane and decent people, must start with a philosophical and ideological rejection of the dominant ideas that are destroying decency and sanity. I am not confident that can be achieved, but will continue to try. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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