Monday 27 June 2016

Welcome to the dark side; England post Brexit.

I have seen literally dozens of ordinary people interviewed in our media who voted to leave the EU in both England and Wales and every one of them, without exception, gave as their reason immigration. As they all say, I'm not a racist, but....! Well, I'm sorry England and Wales, but you have been exposed for harbouring a deep seated and vindictive racism that was just waiting for an outlet. In the pigsty today, at Prime Minister's Question Time, the Camoron had to pledge several times to combat the outright threats and intimidation that foreigners have been subjected to, openly on our streets in broad daylight. People have had literature posted through their letterboxes telling them to f..k off back home where they came from. Modern Britain is a disgrace and I shall no longer call myself British as it is a shame and a badge of dishonour. I watched an interview with a young man in Ebbw Vale in Wales who passionately voted leave because of immigration. When he was asked what immigration there had been in his part of Wales and how it had affected it he was speechless as there had been none. This is the type of country we have become, where our politicians are shameless liars and our electorate are happy to collude with such lies and scapegoat people whom they must know are innocent of what they are being accused of. This referendum was conducted on purely emotional grounds with no regard to facts or honesty. The electorate were targeted on what we call their affective interests, their emotions, and all reason and logic was abandoned in favour of raw hatred and prejudice. I was reminded of the warnings of Sigmund Freud when he told us that

"Students of human nature and philosophers have long taught us that we are mistaken in regarding our intelligence as an independent force and in overlooking its dependence on emotional life. Our intellect, they teach us, can function reliably only when it is removed from the influences of strong emotional impulses; otherwise it behaves merely as an instrument of the will and delivers the inference which the will requires. Thus, in their view, logical arguments are impotent against affective interests, and that is why disputes backed by reasons…produce so few victories in the conflict with interests. Psycho-analytic experience has, if possible, further confirmed this statement. It can show every day that the shrewdest people will all of a sudden behave without insight, like imbeciles, as soon as the necessary insight is confronted by an emotional resistance, but that they will completely regain their understanding once that resistance has been overcome".
                                             Sigmund Freud, Thoughts for the Times on War and Death (1915)

The British public has indeed behaved without insight, like imbeciles, rendering logic and reason impotent and delivering the inference that the collective will of far too many of the British people required .

My criticisms of the leave campaign have been substantiated by events as they are now openly admitting that they did not mean what they told the public. One of the principal themes of their campaign was that the EU free movement of people was the fundamental cause of uncontrolled immigration. They are now telling us that they wish to continue accessing the single European market after we leave the EU and that will mean signing up to an agreement that allows for the continuation of the free movement of people, and so, they will not be able to effectively control immigration, the core pledge of their campaign. They are admitting that they did not mean it when they told us that they would pledge the £350 million per week savings they would make by leaving to the NHS with Britain's Eichmann telling us on national television that their promises were simply ' a series of possibilities'. These promises were plastered all over the country on posters, on the literature they posted through people doors, and on all of the transport they utilised during the campaign, and you wonder why I refer to Westminster as a pigsty and tell you that we have some of the most appalling politicians imaginable? The gang of scoundrels who made up the leadership of the leave campaign are indeed quite probably psychotic as their conduct, lies, and lack of shame is quite breathtaking.

But, as I have told you before, sequences carry with them consequences. The two most prominent newspapers in Scotland, the Daily Record and the Herald, both of whom campaigned strongly for a No vote in the Scottish referendum have come out in support of independence following this most disreputable and mendacious campaign. In addition, prominent anti-independence people such as JK Rowling and the Labour ex-First Minister Henry McLeish have stated that they are now going to support it. In addition, the Scottish papers are full of people writing to say that they have changed and that they have made a mistake by supporting the leave campaign. If the Scottish Labour Party, who are engaged in their usual dithering and vacillation do the only thing that will save them as a viable force and come out in favour of an independent Scotland, then independence will become a certainty. Scottish Labour will have to do something positive in order to survive because if you are watching events in this sorry nation you will see that the British Labour Party is in the process of committing ritual seppuku. The United Kingdom is finished. As Nicola Sturgeon told the nation, the United Kingdom that the Scottish people voted to remain with in 2014 no longer exists. Britain is in a serious political crisis of its own making and the denizens of the pigsty really have not grasped this fact, they are really so out of touch in their own little elite bubble. But if it is bad just now, wait until all those working class voters in the North of England, the North East and Wales waken up to the fact that they have been duped and betrayed. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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