Tuesday 14 June 2016

This referendum is destroying the United Kingdom

The betting on the EU referendum is now 8/15 to remain and 7/4 to leave. So, we are still favourite to stay in according to the betting, with the Leave campaign rapidly closing the gap. However, I am beginning to think that we may actually leave, because it must be difficult for people outside the UK to envisage just how poisoned and polluted our politics has become during this campaign with the blatant racism and hatred of foreigners that is posing as a concern for immigration and the Leave campaign targeting all of our baser and lower instincts and prejudices. What is the worst part of this is that it is working. The Camoron's decision to call this referendum has become an unmitigated disaster. The Leave campaign has descended below the gutter in its lies and propaganda and their propaganda genuinely reflects the type of filth last seen in 1930's Germany. Yesterday, in the wake of the tragedy of the Orlando night club massacre, Leave launched a national poster campaign seeking to capitalise on this tragedy and claiming that the same thing will happen in the UK unless we leave the EU because of radical Islamic immigrants, which are all the fault of the EU of course and have nothing to do with British foreign policy or their wars in the Middle East. Their poster actually said "Islamic extremism is a real threat to our way of life. Act now before we see an Orlando-style atrocity here before too long". This is politics in modern day so-called Christian Britain, and I have been taken to task for telling you that Britain is drifting into a fascist style state. The people who peddle such atrocious filth have neither decency, dignity nor self-respect, but more importantly are quite indifferent to the consequences on ordinary Muslims and other immigrants of their poisonous hate, and they are the people at the very heart of the British political elite. They are determined to win at all costs, and is why I told you in my last post that the pigsty is showing itself in its true colours. Because of this type of politics we are witnessing, in all of our news bulletins, the England football supporters in France for the European Championships rioting, fighting with other supporters and the police, and chanting "F..k off Europe we're all voting out". As a result of their behaviour before the competition has even begun, the English, along with the Russians, have been told by football's governing body that if there is any more violence they will be banned from the competition. Thatcher's legacy? I hope she would be proud!

If you demonise immigrants it is next to impossible not to breed hatred for all foreigners, because you cannot contain the ripples you have caused by throwing the stone into the pond. Immigrants are foreigners and we are now telling such people loud and clear that they are not wanted here. My comment about the type of language not heard since 1930's Germany was actually the comment of a lady on last week's Question Time who immigrated to this country over twenty years ago and she stated that she was really scared now because of the language being used as a matter of course as well as being presented as matters of fact. I persistently tell you how such people refuse to accept any restraints on their activities and now they also refuse to exercise any restraint on their language and hatred. As a result of their determination to defy any authority or respect the common decencies, they have abandoned all self-respect or self-constraint, and it is a common truism that policies decided at the top of any organisation will filter down and affect the behaviour of those at the bottom. As a result, what is certain about this disastrous referendum is that the United Kingdom will never be the same again regardless of the result because Britain is being poisoned and hatred is becoming institutionalised, and I will return to this theme in my next post as this post is getting too big. I want people to understand the type of Britain that is likely to emerge from the wreckage of this horrendous referendum if the Leave camp win, and I trust you will remember who warned you.

This morning, the Sun newspaper, the flagship paper for the Murdoch empire in Britain, came out in headlines backing Brexit. It did not do so in its Scottish edition because in Scotland it always attempts to curry favour with Scottish nationalists who are promoting the Remain agenda (Murdoch always seeks to back a winner, but more importantly he will support almost anything that will damage the British state and the British elite for whom he has a visceral loathing). In seeking to explain why Murdoch would do this two weeks before the actual referendum, the columnist on the London paper the Evening Standard, Anthony Hilton, wrote how he
"once asked Rupert Murdoch why he was so opposed to the European Union. 'That’s easy,' he replied. 'When I go into Downing Street they do what I say; when I go to Brussels they take no notice.'"

With respect to my warnings about Britain becoming increasingly fascist and how the people that lead the Brexit campaign are, in my opinion, latent fascists, the columnist Andrew Brown, whose father was a British diplomat who spent the Second World War years as a prisoner of the Nazis, writes in today's Guardian newspaper about the Leave.eu campaign. I will simple reproduce part of Brown's article in which he says
 "Last week Arron Banks’s Leave.eu campaign tweeted out a cartoon so disgusting that it would have reminded my father of the newspapers he was given to read as a prisoner of war. The cartoon shows a sailing ship, representing the EU, heading over a waterfall, while behind it a lifeboat labelled Brexit escapes into the sunrise, a Union Jack for its sail. So far, so unimaginative. But in the central section of the EU boat things get vivid. Two swarthy, bearded figures, one carrying a scimitar and one a bag of money, would have been immediately familiar to my father, except that in the cartoons of his captivity they would have been Jews. Here they appear to represent Muslims. The one with the scimitar is forcing a blond Aryan young man carrying a Swedish flag to walk the plank while the one with the money bag holds it excitedly. At the front of the boat another of these figures attempts to grope the figurehead. A cannon on the afterdeck labelled “Diversity” is firing a hole in the bottom of its own ship. Oh, and a shark labelled “political correctness” is waiting to devour the figure representing Sweden when he is forced off the end of the plank. The cartoonist really does not believe in subtlety. These tropes are not just racist. They are callbacks to the particular style of nationalist antisemitism that we thought had been purged from Europe for ever in 1945. The figures in those cartoons are drawn from the same stock as those that populated Nazi papers".

I have been warning of these trends for years now, and I understand how people, before now, had difficulty taking me seriously, but the evidence is now too graphic to be denied. Britain has become seriously divisive, perhaps terminally so, and it is the fault of the British elite and their slavering poodles in the pigsty. Perhaps we will vote to remain in the EU and I will keep you up to date with the bookies predictions, but regardless of the outcome, we will never be the same country again in my lifetime. If leave win I shudder to contemplate the consequences, particularly in a nation that will be effectively run by Rupert Murdoch. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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