Tuesday 31 May 2016

Thatcher's legacy, the most corrupt country in the world!

Roberto Saviano, the Italian journalist and author who wrote the best-selling exposés Gomorrah and ZeroZeroZero, and spent more than a decade exposing the criminal dealings of the Italian Mafia has written that the United Kingdom is the most corrupt country in the world. He told an audience at a literary festival that 'It’s not the bureaucracy, it’s not the police, it’s not the politics but what is corrupt is the financial capital'. I agree with him.

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it in this blog, but I have decided that the dominant ideology in the west, but in particular within the United Kingdom is what I would describe as anarchic fascism. I repeatedly write that the dominant characteristic of the British elite and the financial system they are in thrall to, is their complete refusal to be constrained by decency, concern for other people, or the moral and ethical norms that they demand that the rest of us must be subject to. They simply refuse to be constrained by any form of regulation on their behaviour, whose object is to loot as much of the national wealth of society as they possibly can and transfer as much of the nation’s resources upwards into their own personal and collective pockets. So, let me explain, as many of you may well come to decide that I am talking rubbish as I am well aware that the term anarchic fascism appears to be a contradiction in terms. I decided on this description over a period of time because I decided that their behaviour is itself a contradiction.

Without wishing to insult your intelligence, anarchy is a condition where people, singularly or collectively, refuse to recognise authority. As you will be aware, Pierre Proudhon described anarchism as a political philosophy that advocates stateless societies founded on voluntary associations. The present economic and political system that dominates the UK is the child of Margaret Thatcher whose defining approach to policy-making was described by her as ‘there is no such thing as society.’ Thatcher herself described society as ‘a living structure of individuals, families, neighbours and voluntary associations.’ Thus, Thatcher’s purpose was to deny the collective entity we know as society. Her position was self-evidently rubbish, but was very successful as she waged unceasing war against the very state that she was elected to be principal guardian of by denying any form of collective social responsibility and attacking the very institutions that make society function. As a result, we reached a situation within the UK where any form of state control over economic and financial matters came to be regarded as illegitimate and the business and financial sectors of society, openly encouraged by the British government, rejected any authority over their activities. They demanded to be ‘free’. They demanded autonomy and the deregulation of their activities and the British economy descended into a state of anarchism with respect to business and finance, but with particular emphasis on the financial sector. It was this state of anarchism that was of course responsible for the financial crash of 2007-08 and which will usher in the next.

 As a result, the dominant economic neoliberalism that is regarded as holy writ in the west is a form of anarchy. However, its bedfellow, political neoliberalism is a form of fascism. That is why it is failing, because it is a contradiction and a fraud, as the political and the economic are incompatible. Again as I have written before, todays Conservatives are not conservatives. Today's Tories are a contradiction as they seek to conserve nothing but to implement radical change over everything in order to effectively destroy the traditional institutional and cultural institutions of the UK that will act as barriers to their programme of looting the national treasury and reducing the working people of the nation to a state of slavery. They may utilise the Conservative Party name, but they are not conservatives. This post is getting too long, so I will return to this theme and expand on it. I trust you will stay with me and be patient because I wish to explain how the modern Tory has a very different notion of freedom to that which we are accustomed, and their notion of freedom will ensure that the rest of us are deprived of ours. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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