Friday 13 May 2016

Isn't it ironic that the 'Great' British are so rotten?

The British have, if nothing else, a delicate understanding of irony, after all they elected Mad Tony three times after he repeatedly told them that he was 'an honest sort of guy.' Another explanation is that, as a nation, they are utterly shameless and have abandoned all pretence at decency and dignity. That is, of course a generalisation as it does not apply to everyone in this sorry country, but it does generalise enough to be stated with a fair degree of accuracy. This week we have the Tory Prime Minister hosting an international conference on corruption whilst his own party are subject to 27 (at present) cases of electoral corruption and criminality by 10 different police forces, whilst another police force is investigating electoral corruption by a Tory Police and Crime Commissioner who was elected just last week in Devon and Cornwall. Today we had the Electoral Commission taking the Tory Party to the High Court for failure to disclose crucial documentation concerning the aforementioned electoral irregularities following the Tories failure to disclose this information after two requests over the past three months. The law applies only to the little people in Britain as I have told you repeatedly.
The Westminster pigsty are trying to con the whole world with calls for financial and business transparency when their own Crown Protectorates are the most corrupt states on earth and the pigsty point blank refuses to do anything to rectify it, whilst the Tory government are in danger of finding a whole tranche of their officials and candidates being charged with criminal offences. Now, I have absolutely no faith in the British legal system actually bringing anyone to account for their criminality, unless it involves a working person or someone on benefits, as our legal guardians are every bit as corrupt as the pigsty. The British believe that justice is a horse running in the Grand National and is a nation where no-one in a position of any authority is ever held to account, because, as we unceasingly tell everyone, Britain is a meritocracy and therefore everyone in a position of authority is in that position by merit and everyone who is not in a position of authority is a failure and a waster who does not deserve the normal considerations. Thus, should anyone from a working class background, a trade unionist or someone on benefits be suspected of any form of criminality or fraud, they will be prosecuted with the whole might of the law. However, should that person be of Asian extract or even worse, Islamic, then we should not really bother with the legal process as they are obviously guilty, and anyway, the only people of any merit and deserving of consideration are white middle class Protestants. Therefore, prosecuting working class people and benefit scroungers is the right thing to do because such people pollute the environment simply by existing and non-whites and Islamists obviously deserve all they get. In Britain we have been watching programmes about the process of the Hillsborough disaster (and, as I told you before, are revisiting the miners strike and the events at Orgreave in Yorkshire where the police launched a military style campaign against the miners) and the corruption of politics and the legal system highlighted by these programmes is genuinely hard to believe, involving government, the coroners office, judges, the police, the media and ordinary politicians. As I told you before, the truth about Hillsborough only came to light due to the tenacity of ordinary Liverpudlians and the legislation of the European Union. So, its no use the pigsty or the establishment congratulating themselves for 'justice' being served in this enlightened nation when they have spent the past 30 years doing everything in their power to prevent the truth coming to light.

I don't suppose that Britain is really any worse than other countries because that is what all governments and systems of power do, however we would do well to exercise a little humility and caution when presenting ourselves as the beacons of rectitude and the rule of law. As this post began by highlighting how the British government is being investigated for criminality, we should be reminded of the American Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis, who told us in 1928 that ,
“If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for the law. It invites every man to become a law unto himself. It invites anarchy.”

It does not need to be stated that a civilised society must be morally founded on rule by law, as opposed to rule by people exercising power. The Roman philosopher Cicero argued, “We are all servants of the laws in order that we may be free.” As a result, if our rulers refuse to be subject to the laws that they themselves establish and are the supposed guardians of, can we truly call ourselves free? Indeed can we honestly call ourselves a civilised society?
The Athenian statesman Pericles, describing Athenian democracy told us that:
"Our polity does not copy the laws of neighbouring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. It is called a democracy, because not the few but the many govern. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if to social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition....Where the law is subject to some other authority and has none of its own, the collapse of the state, in my view, is not far off; but if law is the master of the government and the government is its slave, then the situation is full of promise and men enjoy all the blessings that the gods shower on a state."

These are not trivial points because when British politicians persistently invoke the concept of sovereignty, what they are in actual fact doing is demanding the right to do whatever they want unrestrained by law, custom, decency or civilised behaviour. By their fruits shall you know them a wise man once told us. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


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