Saturday 9 January 2016

The right to strike is a human right!

Just to update you on how you can be expected to be treated in modern Britain if you are on benefits, a lady from Essex in England who suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease received a letter from Iain Duncan Smith's Department of Work and Pensions telling her that she was not considered ill enough to qualify for her benefits on the day she died. Such incidents embody all the elements of Tory policy; incompetence, cruelty, brutality and callousness. If I can address another sinister aspect of Tory Britain, we can discern a pattern of the ideology that nothing other than economic criteria can be considered relevant in todays deeply sick society, an ideological position that affects every worker everywhere. Such matters should be alarming to all citizens in all societies because it is the effect of a poisonous dominant ideology that is destroying our world. This free market nonsense must become the focus of a concerted challenge from all who are suffering from its malignant presence.

I listened to a radio programme this morning where MPs and so-called experts were questioned by a studio audience and one of the questions asked was, should doctors, nurses and medical practitioners have the right to strike? I find such a question profoundly sad and alarming. I wonder about the intelligence of people who would even ask such a question, but even more about the evil of an elected representative who would agree with the position that they shouldn't. The arrangement between an employer and an employee is a contract. It is voluntarily entered into but it is a very unequal power relationship where the reality for the employee is that the only power available to them in a situation of intimidation, bullying, exploitation etc. is the removal of their labour. The right to strike is a human right and one of the few rights left to working people in todays neoliberal dystopia. Should anyone lose that right then they are effectively reduced to a state of slavery as they lose all control over their working life. You may say that they should leave, but that is not a viable option in a money economy, and even if you did, you would just be swopping one type of slavery for another. This is another case of relativity because, despite the ravings of Thatcher and her disciples, the right to manage your business as you see fit, is not an absolute right to do as you please, employers have responsibilities as well as rights. In Britain the police do not have the right to strike, but such exceptions are only manageable when the employees have carefully crafted safeguards and guarantees embodied within their terms and conditions of employment. Even with such safeguards, no body representing employees can ever trust the employer to honour and protect such matters. That is what the medical profession are finding out in their dealings with a government that is unbelievingly mendacious and untrustworthy. 

Westminster MPs of all shades of criminality persistently raise the matter of cancelled operations and cancelled appointments in the eventuality of a doctors strike. I will continue to persistently remind you of all the cancelled appointments and cancelled operations that accompanied the holiday that doctors were given to celebrate the royal wedding of William and Kate, just to mention the most recent of these joyous celebrations we are frequently subjected to. For those of you reading this from outside the UK, I would remind you that as someone who was born and bred in Britain and have lived here all of my life, I am not a citizen, I am a subject, and that is how the British elite want me to see myself, as subject to their rule and decrees. That is why they genuinely regard it as an affront that they can be challenged. The hypocrisy of the British when it comes to kowtowing to these dysfunctional reprobates is quite nauseating and I often think that the British deserve all they get. Don't misunderstand me, I haven't much sympathy for the medical profession as they are the type of people who keep the Tories in power and support all their vindictive measures against real working people, but that doesn't mean that I will not support their rights, I only trust that they will remember what it's like the next time they are inconvenienced by manual workers defending their conditions. When they Tories declared war on the miners, the steelworkers and all other manual trades, the doctors never dreamt they would someday come for them, they know now. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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