Sunday 10 January 2016

In Scotland, the Tories couldn’t finish second in a two-horse race

For those of you from outside the UK who are kind enough to read this blog, I understand you may have difficulty with comments I make about the difference between politics in Scotland and the rest of the UK. The following is the conclusion of an article in a British national newspaper, the Guardian, about the coming Scottish Parliamentary elections in May. For your information, the Scottish Labour leader referred to in the piece is a lady called Kezia Dugdale and the lady referred to as Ruth Davidson is the leader of the Scottish Conservative Party. As an aside it may interest you to know that with Nicola Sturgeon being the leader of the Scottish National Party, Scotland is in the position of having women leading all three major parties, a situation I trust you will agree is quite progressive and healthy, once again underpinning my argument that Scotland is by far the most intelligent and civilised part of the UK.

Sources close to the Scottish Labour leader have revealed that her greatest fear is to be beaten into third place by the Tories, in which circumstance she would simply have to go. As each opinion poll shows the gap between the SNP and Labour growing yet wider, so Ruth Davidson has grown bolder in her proclamations that the Tories could finish second in May. In Scotland, though, the Tories couldn’t finish second in a two-horse race. Her opponents need merely remind the Scottish electorate that Ruth Davidson belongs to the same party as David Cameron and George Osborne.

I do realise that it may be difficult to accept my descriptions of the toxicity of the Tories in Scotland but here you have a national British newspaper admitting that the Tories could not come second in Scotland in a two horse race. Admittedly the author of the article is Scottish, but he is being paid by a London based newspaper for his reports. In 1955 when the Tories were called the Scottish Unionist Party, they actually polled over 50% of votes cast. Their merger with the London based Conservative Party in 1965 was their undoing, and of course the election of Thatcher marked the beginning of the end as Thatcher made no attempt to hide her contempt for, and hatred of, all things Scottish. But of course the real reason for their downfall was their enthusiasm for free market political economy and their war against the working class. I am of course giving a very course summary of the Conservatives decline in Scotland and it is more complex than that, but those are the bare facts. Their contempt for Scotland and their hatred of working people led to the massive Thatcher led deindustrialisation of Scotland and the deliberate destruction of Scottish industry, particularly coal and steel. It is probable that the rise in Scottish Nationalism is a reaction to the strident English nationalism of the Tories and latterly Mad Tony's New Labour Party.

It is this elitist, monarchical obsessed English nationalism that will be the foundation of the forces that wish us to leave the EU. If that happens then Scotland will almost certainly leave the UK. The Scots will not tolerate being governed by racists and elitists who hate their guts and who are determined to destroy the NHS and the welfare state. I don't know what these people are taught at Eton, Harrow, Oxford and Cambridge, but it is certainly not an appreciation of their own history, nor a proper grounding in political philosophy. When the Scottish philosopher David Hume went to Cambridge he lasted six months and demanded his money back, and Adam Smith tells us in the Wealth of Nations that Oxford was a complete waste of his time. The Tories are simply incapable of learning from their mistakes as we see from their obsession with all things American and war. They love bombing and killing people, and inflicting pain and humiliation on the weakest and most unfortunate within society. They are completely morally bankrupt. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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