Wednesday 6 January 2016

Don't take ill if you are on benefits!

I have been reflecting on the state of the United Kingdom and of how I am aware that people have difficulty taking me seriously when I write that the Conservatives, who are the public face of free market fundamentalism, will not rest until the British working class are effectively reduced to a state of slavery. This is what their masters in the business and financial world want and that is what they are dedicated to deliver. David Cameron and George Osborne have assembled a group of ideological zealots in charge of public policy who are genuinely dangerous. We are now facing the first ever all-out withdrawal of labour by the medical profession in our history. If that is the way that the Tories are dealing with doctors, one of the pillars of bourgeois society and the kind of people the Tories went to school with, then what chance has the ordinary worker got? Thankfully, given that the Scots are a far more civilised and intelligent people, we will be spared this action. Tories disgust the Scots and whilst there are a residual 15-17% of Tories in Scotland fouling our politics and shaming us, their prospects for power are slim indeed, and for that the Scots are grateful. Indeed the only prospect for Scottish Tories is that those selfish public sector hating middle class who supported Mad Tony's New Labour because they realise that voting Tory in Scotland is a waste of time and that Labour will give them what they want anyway, will switch to them in despair at the state of Scottish Labour. So they may get a slight boost in May.

However, I am left with the empirical reality of a nation that is rapidly descending into barbarity. There was a very brief period in British history from the end of World War 2 until the election of Thatcher when Britain could be called a civilised society. This was a time when, however imperfectly, we genuinely attempted to build a more equal and opportunistic society, a society where everyone had the opportunity for decent housing, health, education and enough to eat. Thatcher was determined to destroy that society and she and her successors have achieved their aims. We recently had the spectacle of a lady in Dundee having her benefits sanctioned because she missed a meeting with a benefits adviser. For those of you outside Britain, if you transgress any of the rules regarding benefit claims you will be sanctioned regardless of your circumstances. This means that your benefits will be completely stopped for at least 30 days. That is, you have no income whatsoever in a money economy. The lady in Dundee's crime was that she missed the meeting because she was rushed to hospital with a miscarriage. That is not a good enough excuse in Iain Duncan Smith's Department and so her sanction was effectively put into place, she should have attended the meeting. There are thousands of cases like this in modern Britain, indeed people with terminal cancer but who are diagnosed with at least six months left to live are considered as being fit for work and if they do not make enough attempts to find work for the six months they have left to live they will have their benefits stopped. I could fill pages with such examples, such is the reality in modern Tory Britain. So please don't even try to tell me that Britain is a civilised society.

In 1990 42% of people in Britain lived in council housing, today it is less than 8%. British rail travel is six times higher than our nearest rivals on the European continent. The whole free market privatisation experiment is a disaster, but of course the propaganda of economy, efficiency and superior service was always a lie and even Thatcher didn't believe it. It is simply a mechanism to make vast profits out of the people most in need. Housing in Britain is in permanent crisis and unbelievably expensive. We now have over 1million people in the 7th richest country in the world dependent on foodbanks. Channel Four News uncovered a train journey that costs £1000. We have Dickensian levels of child poverty and malnutrition. The latest research shows that the average Chief Executive in Britain earns more in one day than the average British worker earns in a year. These few examples are just a flavour of life in modern Britain under free market obsessed criminals and gangsters. I was approached by a friend who asked to include in my blog for those people abroad who have difficulty understanding Scottish and Irish hostility towards British governments a wee reminder for them to do even a cursory look at British history and see what Westminster and our glorious monarchy did in both Ireland and Scotland, during, for example, the potato famine and the Highland Clearances. Such people are back in government today, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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