Friday 4 September 2015

You live in a council house? White Trash!!

One of Westminster's persistent lies about immigration is that there is no accommodation available for all the people that are 'swarming' in to the country. However, according to the Empty Homes Agency the latest Government data on vacant dwellings shows over 610,000 empty homes in England with over 200,000 long-term vacant dwellings (that is homes unoccupied for over six months) and in 2015 alone there was a rise of 29% of people becoming homeless due to their rental agreement being terminated. Assuming 2.4 people per family, that is enough accommodation for 1,464,000 people and that is only in England. Many of these empty homes are former council houses.

My very first reaction, back at the end of the 1970's, to the announcement that Thatcher's Tories were going to sell council houses was horror. My next reaction was a cold rage that pervaded my soul and solidified my hatred for all things British Conservative that has never weakened. That was when I realised that the suspicion that I had harboured that the Tories were indeed fundamentally evil was in fact a reality. This was a policy that was bred out of pure spite and malice and was one of the most purely political policy decisions that any British government had ever taken. There was nothing remotely economic or social about this policy, it was pure class warfare.

I know it may sound puerile to say that I predicted everything that would happen as a result of this policy, but I assure you, anyone who knows me will tell you that I predicted the outcomes that have all occurred. It was obvious to me why they had taken this decision, and the outcomes were equally obvious. The financial crash that was one of the direct results of this policy was not obvious to me at that time, but began to become apparent soon after Mad Tony took office and I began telling people that the crash was a racing certainty soon after the beginning of the 21st century.

I have written before in this blog that if I were asked to give one measure that defined Britain maturing as a civilised society I would reply that it was the establishment of council housing. By the same logic, I predicted that the sale of council housing marked the beginning of Britain descending into barbarism. I have been scorned and vilified over the years because of my position on the sale of council housing, but I can now confidently say that I was right and they were all wrong. I live in a council house and am repeatedly met with quite genuine astonishment that I have not purchased it. I have been bombarded over the years by agencies wishing to give me quotes on its value and trying to get me to enter their schemes for its purchase. Were I in a position in government, I would compulsorily re-purchase all council houses at the price the owners paid for them. There would be no market value attached and no-one would be allowed to make a profit from them. Today, forty percent of all council houses sold have been purchased by private landlords who rent them out at a vast profit and it is known that around one quarter of Westminster MPs are amongst these parasitical gangsters.  In this matter I was wrong, because I predicted that this would happen at a much higher percentage than that so I'm surprised that it's not higher than forty percent. I knew this was going to happen because when this odious policy was first introduced I watched people buying their parents and their granny's houses so that they would have them at an inflated profit when their mammy and their granny died with every intention of selling them off for as much as they could. It was certain that the gangsters would move in and exploit this situation and of course that's why Thatcher designed it, so all her mates could make fortunes out of property.

Privatisation has been a disaster, but few have equalled the damage inflicted by the privatisation of council housing. The first financial crash was predicated on a housing crisis and the next one will be exactly the same. This month saw the sale of a former council house in London for over £1million. The concept of a housing market is a fraud so serious and cruel that it is a crime. When the next crash happens, remember these facts. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

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