Monday 7 September 2015

The refugee crisis, caused by the free market, may bring about its demise.

I apologise for the length of this post as I am sure people do not like to have to read a lengthy piece, but events are too profound for levity and typical of the British media, their analysis of the present crisis is, as usual, missing the crucial fundamentals.

The refugee crisis is highlighting one of the fundamental facts about the human being and that is their social nature. Despite thirty years of constant right-wing free market propaganda and the ideological filth spewed out daily by American Republicans, born again Christians and their bleating little lambs in the Westminster Parliament, all preaching the survival of the fittest ideology of free market philosophy, people right across Europe are responding to the refugee crisis with a surprising spontaneity of compassion that is even managing to shame the British Westminster establishment and our quasi-Nazi government who refer to the refugees as a swarm. In the UK we have a piece of human detritus called Katie Hopkins who called the refugees cockroaches and told us that her answer to the refugees crossing the Mediterranean was to send a fleet of gunboats to sink them all. I am quite sure she would have been heartened to see the body of the three year old child washed up on a Turkish beach. It will have gladdened her soul and that of the editorial board of the Sun newspaper that prints her poisonous evil. It is significant that people like her stay well clear of Scotland as they know what kind of reception they will receive if they try such stuff here. But it is equally significant that she is feted as a celebrity in other parts of the UK.

The core ideological belief of the free market, the aggressive and rational individual and the denial of the social nature of the human being, summed up by Thatcher's famous 'there is no such thing as society' is being shown to be the nonsense that I continually tell you it is. I am going to remind you once again what the so-called founder of this pernicious claptrap, Adam Smith, wrote about such things, because whilst Smith was indeed the founder of modern day economics and wrote extensively about markets and human economic behaviour, what he said was very different to what today's intellectual scoundrels and fraudsters write. The core of Adam Smith's philosophy is that the human being is fundamentally motivated by a sympathy for our fellow human beings, and that the human being is undeniably a social being. It is that sympathy that is rearing its head throughout Europe and is even being manifest in the UK.

Thirty years of incessant propaganda has produced, in the UK at least, a selfish greedy and callous majority of the population that hate foreigners and who opinion polls tell us do not want any refugees to darken our shores. However, shining through that cloud of ignorance and hatred is a change looming that is worrying Downing Street and showing them up for the scum that they truly are. As you know I have little time for religion, but I am a great fan of Pope Francis who is exposing our so-called Christian rulers in both Britain and the US for the liars and hypocrites that they are. But most importantly, events are giving the lie to the dominant free market narrative. Human collective sympathy is emerging that even the Daily Mail and the Express are loath to criticise. They are still spouting the Tory narrative and repeating their lies, but they are at least retreating from their usual foreigner hatred and bile. They are trying (unsuccessfully) to appear concerned and charitable whilst seeking excuses to help as little as possible.

A significant minority of British people are at last questioning the Tory narrative and registering their disgust with their approach. More and more of the rest of the UK are looking to Scotland for guidance on a collective and humanitarian response, because England has been largely purged of normal human empathy with the unfortunate. But there are encouraging signs of change. The heartless will counter-attack, make no mistake, but this may be the beginning of the end for the ideology the Pope branded 'the dung of the devil'. Watch this space, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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