Thursday 17 September 2015

God Save the Queen?

The quite hysterical reaction to the news that Jeremy Corbyn did not sing along happily to the national anthem tells you much that you need to know about the state of modern Britain. I cannot conceive of a situation where I would sing this awful composition either. I have nothing against the Queen personally, but I have a lot of problems with the institution of monarchy, and, if I believed in a god, I can assure you that if I was asking this entity to save anything and grant it long life it would be me and my family, not our gracious queen.

I have spent years responding to people who repeatedly tell me that the queen is a wonderful person by asking them how long they have known her? When they ask me what I mean by that I tell them that if they call the queen a wonderful person they must be personally acquainted with her, otherwise how do they know she is wonderful? If they don't know her personally then they are merely regurgitating what the powers that be tell them through an endless diet of propaganda and that they should ask themselves why they are constantly being told that. Now, the queen may well be a wonderful person, but there is no way of knowing that unless you have personally experienced it.

However, even given that she is a wonderful person, it is not her I object to but the system that she represents, maintains and is the figurehead for, a system of plunderers and parasites, a system that is too abominably filthy to be cleansed, and I am sure that my sentiments are very similar to those of Jeremy Corbyn and that he does not sing the national anthem for similar reasons. In addition, I have a problem with a song that contains the sentiments in its sixth verse

Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
God save the Queen

The recent remarks by the Tories that the Scots are becoming a threat to national security are quite likely to lead to calls that the Scots are indeed seditious and in need of a modern General Wade to crush them. Until the monarch officially orders the removal of such sentiments and that the national anthem be purged of them, I will not sing this abominable composition either, despite the fact that it is traditional to sing only the first verse. To the good patriotic citizens who express righteous indignation at people like Jeremy Corbyn and me, I can only tell you that you fall into the category of useful idiots.

I have written before that, in a country that openly despises people on social security and spews bile daily on what they call welfare scroungers and skivers, the biggest recipients of social security by a very long way are the royal family. If you want to have a go at a dysfunctional family dependent of welfare, look no further than the royals, their entire existence is totally dependent on public welfare, or, in the case of the Crown Estates, legalised theft. I will return to this theme later. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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