Monday 9 February 2015

The reality of modern British politics

I have been asking you to think about and discuss reality. The reality we are faced with in today's Britain has been graphically explained on all of our news channels all day. In the real world today we are governed by two major parties who have been actively supporting major banks in corruption and criminality. Both Labour and the Tories are knee deep in scandal as to their conduct with respect to the banking and financial system in the full knowledge of massive tax evasion and avoidance by people who are intimate with the top party leaders in Westminster. It beggars belief that these people did not know what was happening, but another reality is that even if they did not know, they have still not done a thing about it since they were made aware.

In other news the police in South Wales have been let off another corruption scandal in that they knowingly sent innocent men to prison for murder, that they lied, hid or destroyed evidence and convinced people to go into the witness box and perjure themselves with the intent to send five innocent men to jail for life. That is reality in modern Britain, corruption, lies, cover-up and a refusal to hold the guilty to account while happily destroying innocent people's lives for no other reason than that they have the power to do so. If the police don't do it Westminster will.

As I repeatedly tell you, Westminster is finished, it is beyond parody and beyond repair. How anyone can seriously ask us to vote Labour, Tory or Lib/Dem at the coming election is beyond me. What is worse is that people will actually ignore the evidence that is now overwhelming and cast a vote for either of these criminal organisations.

The next time you listen to a Westminster politician persecuting people on benefits and demanding that they are sanctioned as cheats and scroungers, ask them, if you get the chance, what they intend to do about bankers and businessmen who are actively and persistently breaking the law, and about the politicians who have been encouraging them and making the conditions that will allow them to continue doing so. If you're looking for the real reasons, if you are seeking a clear picture of the political reality that has brought Britain to financial crisis, to the edge of bankruptcy, to the era of foodbanks and one million children living in poverty and bringing the United Kingdom to the brink of losing Scotland, then look no further than the cesspit that is the Westminster Parliament.You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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