Wednesday 4 February 2015

Labour are the authors of their own misfortune

Hubris, if you want to know how the Labour Party has reached the state it is in Scotland just look to the Greeks. It is Labour's overweening arrogance that has brought them to their present sorry state and it is to be welcomed. Labour are a disgrace and nowhere more graphically so than in Scotland where they went round team handed telling pensioners that they would lose their pensions if Scotland voted Yes and telling immigrants they would be deported. As I have continually told you, all Westminster personnel are pathological liars, it is all they have as they are devoid of self-respect, dignity or decency, and Labour are the most guilty as they have sold their soul for power and wealth. To call a Tory vermin is to demean genuine vermin. A Tory is not as good as that. However, they have the distinction of at least knowing what they are, Labour on the other hand pose as some kind of decent and honourable group who we should be able to trust, when in fact they have actually sunk lower than the Tories since Mad Tony took office.

You see Britain's problems all stem from its devotion to neoliberal free market economics and its political bedfellow, the neoliberal elitist and centralised political model that is so deeply embedded in Westminster. Karl Marx was correct when he told us that the political and social superstructure was a reflection of the economic infrastructure and as long as political parties are wedded to neoliberal economics then the political model will remain corrupt and elitist because that model is necessary for the success of the economic model. Labour have already committed to sustaining and entrenching the neoliberal economic model before the election has even happened and therefore, as I said yesterday can expect no support from anyone with even a scintilla of intelligence. Thus, there is no Westminster party even willing to offer any form of meaningful change to the austerity driven economic programme or the elitist and inequality driven political structure. For any hope for the majority of the people the Westminster model must be broken. As there is no possibility of that happening on a UK level (because the English electorate is largely supportive of the dominant economic and political model) then the only alternative is for Scotland to get as much independence as possible, govern as much as they can on their own terms and demonstrate that there is a real and workable alternative to the Westminster model. There is no possibility of that happening under any form of Labour government. The only hope for Labour is that it gets hammered in Scotland, divorces itself from London and reforms as a genuine Scottish Party.

Now I must admit that even if that happened I would never vote Labour again. I would never trust a Labour politician again. As I have repeatedly told you I am not a nationalist and my support for the SNP is strategic as the only hope of escaping the poisonous clutches of Westminster. However, if that happens then there will be other parties that may well offer me what I seek from a democratic party offering genuine social justice. On the other hand, the SNP may well deliver a genuine democratic solution that will hold my support. There are alternatives. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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