Wednesday 3 September 2014

There are no arguments for voting No

I have continually stressed that the fundamental issues lying at the core of the arguments for an independent Scotland have nothing to do with nationalism, the SNP, Alex Salmond, anti-Englishness or any kind of notion that Scottish people are better than anyone else. As I have again always said, when I talk about the Scots I mean the people who live in Scotland regardless of race, ethnicity or place of birth.

The vital issues of our time are those related to economics and democracy, to power and decision-making, to human rights and dignity, to fairness and equity. On all of those issues the Westminster parliament and all national political parties fall down and cannot stand scrutiny. Westminster politicians of all parties are corrupt in the sense that they have sold their souls and shamelessly lie and defend the indefensible without a single spark of conscience. Last year in a Papal Exhortation  entitled Evangelii Guadium Pope Francis said

“Just as the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say “thou shalt not” to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills. How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?"

I have not gone mad and adopted religion but it is so refreshing when someone with the authority of the Pope finally comes out and condemns the vile economic order that we have been subjected to since Thatcher first entered Downing Street. You see, this is the real driver for independence. We must develop a system and mechanisms whereby we can escape from the totalitarian clutches of neoliberalism, from the claim that there is no alternative and that we are all in it together, when it is graphically exposed that both those statements are barefaced lies. However, in order to do that we must first escape from the clutches of Westminster. We must break the power and the decision-making of the Tories, Labour and the Lib/Dems over us and the only way to do that is to vote Yes in September. That is the sobering reality of 21st Century Britain.

There is no place in a moral and responsible society for foodbanks, for zero-hours contracts, for poverty, for privatised health and education and all the other barbarisms that are being increasingly taken for granted and accepted as normal in this hideous parody of a civilised society, a society where people in power routinely abuse children, abuse their power, abuse their employees and then systematically abuse anyone who dares to challenge them. In all of these activities they are supported and defended by the police, Parliament, local councils, civil servants and the whole power of the establishment. As the Pope states very honestly and accurately, our economy kills, it kills our sick and disabled, it drives people to drugs, drink and suicide. But in addition, in its never ending desire for global domination it wages war and kills literally millions of people worldwide. Britain is a society of aggressive exclusion and quite staggering levels of inequality. It is also a society that is collapsing as a coherent unit. Forget Salmond and the SNP and examine the real motives of Better Together. Think about what I have said, and please reply and tell me where I am wrong. If you have any care at all about the society you live in you must vote Yes. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

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