Wednesday 10 September 2014

Self-serving parasites, call their bluff!

I have been motivated to post by the undisguised bullying and scaremongering coming from the Better Together camp today. They have quite genuinely neither self-respect nor decency. We are being told that businesses will relocate, that it will stop raining for a year and that President Putin will send Spetznatz squads to annexe Glasgow so that the Russian team can use Hampden as a decent training ground if we vote yes (well I can invent stuff too, but my inventions are actually more plausible than what we are getting from the No people). As to the notion that firms like Standard Life will move their headquarters, so what? I mean that seriously. These people are capitalist financiers, that is their business. As to their character, they are shameless, devoid of any decency or morals. They exist in an ethical wilderness and if they dropped ten pence into a 100 gallon drum of human excrement they would immediately dive in headfirst to recover it without a moments hesitation. Should they decide to reform their business in the event of a Yes vote they will leave a gap in the market that will be immediately filled by another set of shameless predators who will sense an opportunity. That is the nature of modern neoliberal free marketeers. In other words they will never be missed. Having said that, they won't go in the first place, why? because there will still be lots of profits to be made in an independent Scotland.

But if they are serious then let them all go. Capitalism, like nature, abhors a vacuum and if one appears to be being created then something will rush in to fill the void. You must never lose sight of the fact that you are dealing with people who have no scruples, no dignity, no self-respect and no loyalties other than to their own bank account. If I had any position within the Yes campaign I would meet with such people as Standard Life, RBS, British Petroleum and Lloyds and tell them that if I received one more threat I would immediately revoke their licence to trade and their certification. They would be banned from a market of over 5 million people and I would invite other people to take up their positions. Actually, if I were in power I would nationalise these parasites. The British elite and its financial captains are the genuine scum of the earth, they are bullies who have to be confronted. Indeed, if we do vote Yes, watch the ruthlessness with which they respond, but, as I said, they are bullies and therefore cowards and we should not fear them. We should never put the future of our country in their hands or submit to their intimidation.

As to jobs, I have posted before how the largest potential employer in the UK is local government. By regenerating local government and returning its functions I am confident we could eliminate unemployment within two years. You see, all of the scenarios highlighted by Westminster and its festering scoundrels are predicated on the economic model that has failed us spectacularly but is still the only one on offer. If we adopt a different economic model with different goals and structures we would have our future in our own hands. I remind you, Britain was a capitalist and wealthy country before Thatcher, but its wealth was more evenly divided and was more equitable even if it was still deeply unequal. I leave you with a quote from JK Galbraith "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." and he was writing about a set of conservatives that would make this lot look like Marxists, and I include Labour in my definition of conservatives. These people are totally self-serving, they don't care one jot for Scotland or its people or its future. Don't be fooled, don't be feart, as Dylan tells us, don't follow leaders and watch for parking meters. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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