Friday 12 September 2014

The Scottish Referendum - The lasting legacy of Thatcher

I was speaking to a friend who expressed bemusement when I mentioned how the referendum was the natural outcome of Thatcherism. "Aw surely you canny blame Maggie for that?" was the response, and I confess I was equally bemused that someone could not accept what to me is blindingly obvious.

The referendum is the enduring legacy of the esteemed Mrs Thatcher. She would hate to have been accused of that, but she is without doubt the guilty party. Thatcher ushered in the economic policies and doctrines of free market neoliberalism, an ideology that brooks no constraints on its activities and repeatedly tells us that there is no alternative to it. The claim that there is no alternative originated from Thatcher herself. As I have indicated before, if there is no alternative to something then it must be true. Thus, if you believe in Thatcher's economic and political ideology then you are the guardian of the truth and everyone else is by definition wrong. This is of course a totalitarian perspective. Thus, armed with the sword of truth, Thatcher and her disciples proceeded to embark on a holy crusade with a ruthlessness not hitherto witnessed in British political life.

If you oppose the truth you are by definition either a heretic and evil, or an ignoramus who deserves nothing but contempt and to be ignored or silenced. Thus, Thatcher and her minions never saw opponents in either political or intellectual life, they only saw enemies, the unions, the left, and most importantly the Scots with their 'benefits culture' the stereotypical scroungers and skivers who persistently voted Labour and persistently opposed her reforms of the industrial structure which of course meant large-scale unemployment and poverty in Scotland.

The Conservative Party thus developed an abiding hatred of the Scots and determined to punish them at every opportunity. This attitude became even more entrenched following 1997 and the purging of the Conservative Party from any seats in Parliament. However, they need not have feared as the effects of their policies in Scotland were continued under Labour who embraced the neoliberal agenda with a gusto. What helped to save Scotland was the establishment of the Scottish Parliament and it was this experience that has led directly to the referendum. The Scots have had it demonstrated that they can have a better and fairer society, that there is an alternative and that they have been persistently and systematically lied to. I am always amused when I see the statue of Donald Dewar proclaiming him the father of the nation. I remember Dewar in the 1979 referendum outside the Central Station in Glasgow every morning during the referendum campaign desperately encouraging passers-by to reject devolution. He was one of the staunchest opponents of any form of Scottish devolution. Labour only came round to the concept of devolution when their dominance in Scotland was challenged by the SNP and Dewar obediently switched to being a supporter of devolution when Blair told him to. Devolution would be the weapon to stop the nationalists in their tracks, devolution would kill the impetus for independence. They even designed an electoral system to make certain that the SNP would never be able to form a government. However, I remind you what I told you yesterday, the difference between being in politics and actually understanding it, because the electoral system delivered exactly the opposite to what they expected, much to their astonishment, and they haven't yet worked out how it happened. What the Labourites never factored in was the Scots realisation that Labour was as bad as the Tories and that the Scots would actually vote for an alternative, an alternative that so far has been met with a tolerant acceptance by the Scottish electorate.So, Labour must never be trusted on anything, they are completely unscrupulous. Always remember, poverty, foodbanks, zero-hours contracts, privatisation of the health service are all as much to blame on Labour as the Tories.

The referendum is the logical outcome of the process Thatcher started in 1979 and pursued by all governments since. The Scots have had enough of the Westminster neoliberal experiment in poverty, inequality that is a scandal in the modern world, the demonization of the poor, the sick, the disabled etc. and most of all of the Scots, the sponging, whingeing Jocks. You should be proud and as I trust you can see from all of the UK media, there are very few people who actually understand what has happened, you have confounded them all. But do not be complacent and do not trust any Westminster personnel, they are not on your side. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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