Tuesday 8 January 2013

We pay your benefits, oh do you really?

Margaret Thatcher can now finally look back and take great pleasure in her most cherished dreams coming true, the welfare state is finally dead. Oh it will stagger on for a few years in its shredded state until it finally collapses but her attempts to kill it off and demonise all welfare recipients as shirkers and scroungers have finally been realised by her devoted successors.

The English people will bear a heavy burden for their adoption of the neoliberal agenda and all that it will entail for them, but if that is their choice, then so be it. I say the English because the Scots are far too intelligent to go down the same route and I am confident that this legalised criminality by successive governments will result in Scottish independence. The Tory hatred of the poor and their open loathing of the working class have reached levels that are hard to understand. They not only despise the poor, but they also fear them. England has gone back into the Victorian mentality that Disraeli described as Two Nations. This time, however, the poor and the deprived will not simply doff their caps and wait for the crumbs off their masters tables, there will be widespread repercussions. The free market economic system has been the fundamental cause of Britain's troubles. The free market has failed and was always going to fail in its present form as it is an illusion and cannot work. But the British elite's remedy for free market failure is more free market medicine. You see it has not failed the elite, it has worked wonders for them. I have warned before on this site that the Tories have a longterm goal of reintroducing forms of slavery into British society and we see this coming to pass. If you are being forced to work in a job you do not want to work in, either for no money, or for minimum benefits that you are threatened with losing if you do not accept the work, then you are not free and are being coercively forced and threatened. If that is not a form of slavery then I do not know what it is. The British public are being forced to turn to food banks and handouts in order to survive, in the fifth richest country in the world. Bankers are being given bonuses, six years into the financial crisis that their incompetence and criminality caused, that are the equivalent of a lottery win every year. People are dying in  our hospitals because of government policies and private firms are making fortunes out of exploiting the opportunities that governments have opened up for them in health. Private provision grows, deaths and disasters multiply.

Our education system is similarly stricken and is on its knees. The solution? More private provision. The real culprits are the Tory supporting newspapers who churn out their hatred of the poor, immigrants, benefit scroungers, Muslims, and the disabled on a daily basis, and the general public lap it up. Nothing like a good scapegoat to get the juices flowing at the teabreak and down the pub eh? I was disappointed, but not particularly surprised when the crowd in the Alexandra Palace in London at the World Darts Championship were chanting 'We pay your benefits' to all the rest of the country. What does worry me is that these people genuinely believe that. The reckoning is coming, I just hope you are ready for it as a country, and remember you read it here first.

Your Servant

Doktor Kommirat

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