Friday 28 December 2012

2013? Look out!

Its been almost three weeks since I last posted and for anyone who is kind enough to read this blog I do apologise for such a barren interval. Anyway, seasons greetings to you all and I hope you have a very good and enjoyable festive season.

The main reason I haven't posted is that I have been in a state of some despair about the current social and poliotical situation and find the attitude of the general public difficult to both accept and to understand. The gutter tabloids have been full of their usual bile and hatred towards the unemployed and people on benefits and these attitudes are becoming the norm thoughout the population. We are actually in the quite unbelievable situation where the victims of the criminality and greed of our elite are being successfully portrayed as the criminals. The government's policies are now starting to kill people, particularly the disabled who cannot cope with the consequences of the government's hatred of them and their persistent demonisation of the most vulnerable in society, and the statistics for hate crimes against such people have never been higher.

The government and the gutter tabloids consistently attack anyone who does not, or cannot work as useless and a parasite. They insist that anyone who can breathe and get out of bed in the morning is not only fit for work, but will get a job if they only bother to look for one. If you are not working you are a burden on society and you should be ashamed of yourself as everyine else is fed up looking after you. In Nazi Germany, they had a term for the disabled and people who could not work, they called them ballastexistenzen or human ballast that should be cast overboard when they become too much of a burden on the rest of society. Such people were called useless eaters as they were consuming valuable resources and not giving anything back. As a result, the proper policy towards such people was to simply exterminate them as you were obviously doing the rest of us a favour. By persistently encouraging hatred and contempt for the unfortunate in our society, the British elite are following the same kind of policy. When I contemplate the coalition government's social and economic policies, the term arbeit macht frei springs to mind. The UK has lost its soul, and is losing its sense of humanity. Over half a million British children are being fed from food parcels whilst the elite earn money that they cannot possibly spend in ten lifetimes. It genuinely beggars belief, and the majority of the British population simply couldn't care less. This situation cannot and will not continue. If Britian withdraws from the EU it is definitely finished and there will be social unrest that is unimanginable. All we can do is warn, and I wish you a good new year, although 2013 is not a year you should be looking forward to as things will deteriorate seriously. Take care of yourselves, because you get what you vote for.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

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