Monday 21 January 2013

Wisdom from an unlikely source

There is a very interesting and illuminating article in the Guardian by Kevin McKenna a self-confessed unionist, anti-nationalist and Labour supporter, in which he states that independence for Scotland is fast becoming the only option due to the greed and corruption of the Westminster elite and system and states that it is increasingly difficult to find reasons why Scotland should remain within the United Kingdom. In his article McKenna states that
 "London has already broken away from the United Kingdom and now exists as a world super-state governed by the greed of unhindered capitalism and recognisable as British only by its taxis and bad service."

This is quite remarkable honesty from an opponent of Scottish nationalism as he goes on to define why he has reached such conclusions. It is actually very refreshing for someone like this to admit to having made mistakes in their political analysis of events. What is also revealing is his conclusion that Labour simply haven't a clue and are being eclipsed by Alex Salmond and his team.

What is clear is that the UK is in terrible trouble and are governed by an incompetent class ridden elite who not only have no idea how the majority of the British people live, but couldn't care less. The three major parties are led and staffed by characters straight out of PG Wodehouse. The difference is that Wodehouse's characters are completely stupid but harmless, whilst our political leaders are completely stupid but dangerous. I have mentioned the benefit and back to work assessors ATOS and how they are quite simply responsible for people dying, so we must never forget that they were originally hired by Labour and that appalling Yvette Cooper. In Scotland the Labour leader Johann Lamont has been chuntering on about the need to tackle the something for nothing benefits culture. How can the Scots be expected to vote for imbeciles like that? I attended a clinic in my local hospital today and couldn't help remarking that if the NHS continues its creeping privatisation under such people, most of the people attending clinics like that will, in future, simply suffer their ailment, rather than seek treatment, as they will not be able to afford it. That will not happen in Scotland

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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