Tuesday 15 January 2013

Modern politics is simply incompetent

Politics must be concerned with the secure, safe and peaceful living of those that are encompassed by any political authority. Thus, the first and most important function of any political authority must be to make people’s lives as ‘good’ as possible with respect to safety, security and peace. This of course is a moral purpose and therefore demands an ethical approach from government. However, the concept of good in such a political context must not be determined by government or politicians and must be a reflection of the normative order that exists within any given society, as 'good' is a relative concept. That said, if we try to develop a theoretical model of the purpose of politics and political action, then we have already accomplished it as politics has no other role or function outwith securing and maintaining the good of the people.

As people are all different, and have diverse talents and desires, the aim of politics must be to provide the parameters for each person within any given society to achieve as much of their potential for success and happiness as is possible. This of course requires politics to ensure that no individual, institution, or corporate body causes unnecessary harm to another as far as possible. That may appear to be extremely idealistic, and may even appear to be impossible, but if that is not the ultimate goal of political behaviour then it is meaningless.

As a result, modern British government is evil in the properly understood meaning of that term. For example, the Conservative Party, as a corporate body, openly displays a complete indifference to poverty, to the damage inflicted on individuals and communities by its policies, or to human suffering generally. The Conservatives were party to the biggest financial crisis in the nation’s history, and, when taking office in the midst of this crisis, proceeded to successfully shift the blame for the financial crisis onto its victims whilst refusing point blank to hold the guilty to account. The financial crisis had three basic causes. Banks were lending far too much money with little or no reserves in hand to support them if something went wrong, people were borrowing far too heavily on the assumption that their assets, particularly the value of their homes, would continually increase, and governments were borrowing far too heavily on the assumption that their incomes from tax receipts would similarly continue to increase. All those causes were a form of gross incompetence by bankers, property owners, and politicians, but it is the people on welfare benefits and low pay who are being made to take the blame and bear the brunt of other peoples greed and incompetence.

The Conservatives deliberately frame national policy to transfer wealth from the poorest sections of society to the richest. They quite deliberately create poverty within the majority of the population, in order to create wealth for a minority. They systematically deprive the poorest sections of society of the little that they have in order to create the conditions within which such people will take whatever form of employment is available at whatever conditions. They are systematically creating new forms of slavery. As I'm sure readers of this blog are by now fed up hearing, this situation cannot continue for much longer and you should brace yourself for the coming storm.

Your Servant

Doktor Kommirat

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