Tuesday, 11 December 2018

English nationalism and the end of civilisation

I have not posted for a month because I have been watching the unfolding of the events that you have also been watching on both sides of the Atlantic and I did not wish to simply provide a running commentary on events as they unfolded. As with most of you I expect, I am quite staggered by the levels of incompetence that the Westminster pigsty are displaying. I say Westminster because, despite the Prime Minister proving to be as thick and stupid as I have always credited her with being, we are completely devoid of any kind of opposition. Labour are embarrassingly hopeless and this most tragic of governments is getting away with murder, killing our constitution, our international relationships, alienating friends and partners and destroying our futures and our economic prosperity, to say nothing of the destruction of our social structures. The Health Service, care, hotels etc. are grinding into crisis because of the lack of foreign workers necessary to man such services. Foreigners have had enough of the continuous barrage of hatred they are faced with and are leaving in droves. The British political system is literally falling apart with poll after poll showing that trust in and respect for, our political class has evaporated. We can no longer be described as a civilised society as the abiding characteristic of life in this country is increasingly hatred. We are seeing a huge rise in racist attacks, of antisemitism, of homelessness, child poverty, and degenerating mental health. Homeless people are being attacked and persecuted and in many areas of the nation it is simply not safe to be a Muslim. This is all the fallout from Brexit which itself has its genesis in a cruel and heartless dominant economic ideology that promotes greed, selfishness and hatred of the poor and disadvantaged.

As I have said from the start, Brexit is 100% racist as the determination of Westminster is to appease those racist nationalists who blame everything on immigrants and foreigners in general. To listen to a Brexiteer you would think that the EU is some kind of invading barbarian horde determined to enslave us and make us a colony. What is now apparent is that all British politics is being driven by English exceptionalism. These people still genuinely believe the 'Great' in Great Britain. The singular most pertinent problem for Brexit is Ireland, because, true to a thousand years of history, the English treated the Irish with their normal contempt and never gave a moments thought to the consequences of their actions for either Eire or Ulster. In a similar manner they have simply dismissed any consideration of the wishes or concerns of the Scots or the Welsh. This, whether people like it or not, is racist. Only the English matter, and the Irish, Welsh, and Scots must doff their caps in gratitude and accept what our masters and betters are prepared to give us. We actually had a Tory MP tell the government to use the threat of food shortages in Ireland after Brexit in order to get the Irish government to help them out of their impasse. You literally could not make it up. A Tory free market neoliberal is not a heartless creature, they are not up to that level, they are soulless, devoid of humanity and common decency. Theresa May has displayed a dogmatic and ideological obsession with trying to reconcile a Brexit that gains as many advantages as possible without giving an inch on the question of pesky foreigners and the nuisance of Ireland. International law, decency, humanitarian concerns are completely foreign to this creature, she has to get her own way regardless of the damage she inflicts in the process. People talk about her strength and her determination, but they are wrong, what she displays is weakness and arrogance, and a complete indifference, indeed contempt, for opposing opinions and arguments. However, perhaps her most notable achievement is in setting a new standard for staggering incompetence and lying without a shred of shame or remorse. One British MP noted that she spent over three hours in front of a Commons committee without answering a single question, she just lied and swerved around every issue she was asked about. A friend finally confided in me recently that he now understands why I call Westminster a pigsty as it is populated by a breed of creature who delight in wallowing in their own filth.

There is light at the end of the tunnel however. Sense still prevails in the Celtic regions as the Scots, the Welsh, and the majority of Northern Ireland have seen through the Westminster stupidity and refuse to be bullied by the Tory English nationalist narrative and threats. I am becoming increasing confident that Brexit will not happen. Even some Tories are taking fright at the monster they have created. There are calls for another referendum and even some arguing, as the ex Prime Minister John Major has, to abandon Brexit all together and revoke Article Fifty. Such arguments will have to overcome the utter hatred and blind ideological obsessions of the swivel eyed barbarians who are in the ascendancy at the moment. Brexit is both rank insanity and completely irrational. Surely sense must eventually prevail.  You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Westminster, the root of all evil

A persistent theme of this blog since I first started has been my repeated warnings how the British Conservative Party and its allies throughout our society have displayed a steely determination to complete the free market project of Margaret Thatcher, a crucial part of which is to reduce the majority of British people to a state of modern slavery, to impoverish them and deprive them of as many rights, civil, political and employment rights as they possibly can. This policy is designed as part of their determination to transfer as much wealth as is possible into the pockets of the British elite and to ensure as little resistance as possible. They have been, and continue to be, extremely successful. This ultimate goal is, of course, the principal driver behind the Brexit programme.

Over the years, many friends and colleagues have dismissed my arguments and accused me of hyperbole, simply on the grounds that they could not bring themselves to see what is staring them in the face. They offered no evidence in their rebuttals of my arguments, just a condescending form of pity that I was losing the plot. They refused to accept that the British could elect evil people, that the Tories were fundamentally wicked and had nothing but loathing and contempt for the majority of the British population. Slowly, however, the Scots are wakening up to the facts of the Tories, and indeed the entire Westminster pigsty establishments withering contempt for Scotland with their behaviour over Brexit. I suppose it is too much to ask, but perhaps even the most braindead amongst our forelock tugging population will take heed of the United Nations, who, I do not hesitate to say, give substance to everything I have been saying over the years. I trust most of you will be familiar with the UN Report by their poverty envoy Philip Alston and will not go into it in detail other than to remind you of his most crucial findings. His language was enlightening as he writes that the UK government (the Conservative Party) has inflicted 'great misery' on the British people with “punitive, mean-spirited, and often callous” austerity policies driven by a political desire to undertake social re-engineering.

Now I wish you to note that this is a programme of social engineering according to Mr Alston (what I call the Thatcher project) that is, it is deliberate and calculated policy producing amongst other things, levels of child poverty that are “not just a disgrace, but a social calamity and an economic disaster”, even though the UK is the world’s fifth largest economy. Mr Alston reports that about 14 million people, a fifth of the population, live in poverty and 1.5 million are destitute, being unable to afford basic essentials, citing figures from the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. He highlighted predictions that child poverty could rise by 7% between 2015 and 2022, possibly up to a rate of 40%.
“It is patently unjust and contrary to British values that so many people are living in poverty,” he said, adding that compassion had been abandoned during almost a decade of austerity policies that had been so profound that key elements of the postwar social contract, devised by William Beveridge more than 70 years ago, had been swept away.

Mr Alston gives the British more credit than they deserve when he tells us that such things are contrary to British values, because one of the greatest of the Tories achievements, aided and abetted by the Labour Party whilst in office, has been the destruction of what we call British values and their replacement with greed and selfishness as the only permissible values. The British have no values left of any consequence as we have seen over the Brexit disaster and the indifference of the population to the conditions that Mr Alston so vividly describes. But the most telling part of his report is the one that I have been warning for so long, that in the United Kingdom “poverty is a political choice”. That is correct, he tells us that British government policy is deliberately creating poverty, it is not an accident or an unintended consequence, it is a choice. As this post is getting too long I will leave it there, but the British can no longer deny the empirical reality of their political and social system. As I repeatedly tell you, you have been warned, although I have no confidence that the British will take any heed as they are too attached to their royal weddings and the trust of their beneficent and kindly aristocratic betters. You get what you vote for and the British persistently vote for their own impoverishment and slavery.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 12 November 2018

Brexit - British hubris writ large

As you will all be too aware it hardly requires me to remind you of the utter incompetence and stupidity of the British ruling class as it is demonstrated on a daily basis so graphically over our catastrophic Brexit negotiations, or rather what passes for negotiations. You will all be familiar with the Europeans bewilderment at the British approach, at their arrogance, their inherent belief in their superiority and their towering sense of entitlement. The English upper class really do adhere to stereotype and are as stupid as they are portrayed in comedy. P.G.Wodehouse was only marginally exaggerating. This is the Eton, Oxbridge mentality, when that imbecile Liam Fox (whom I am ashamed to say is a Scot) proclaimed loudly and longly that a free trade deal would be the easiest thing in history. Two years and hundreds of thousands of air miles later we are still waiting for this cretin to justify his existence, never mind his expenses. It is rare, even in the Tory Party, to find someone as utterly useless.

It was Einstein who told us that the definition of insanity is attempting the same thing over and over whilst expecting different results. That characterises the Brexiteers and particularly the disastrous Theresa May who is even more thick and stupid than I gave her credit for. The EU repeatedly tell them that what they propose is not possible because of EU law and the various Treaty Articles, but that falls of deaf Tory ears. If you listen to Tory Brexit voters, all they ever parrot is that we should just get on with it, oblivious to the fact that 'it' is not an option. Indeed they have no idea what 'it' is. In addition, they repeatedly tell us that Brexit is the will of the people, despite the fact that, if the polls are correct, three million of the leave voters in the 2016 referendum have now changed their mind and the will of the people is now something quite different. But that is the Tory way, never let facts get in the way of a good story.

You see, it is now demonstrable, even to the most stupid, that everything, and I mean everything, that the Leave campaign told us during the referendum was wrong, and what wasn't simply wrong, was a barefaced lie. Having said that, I am happy as there would now appear to be only two options left, a complete withdrawal with nothing to show for it, or staying in the EU. That is because, unless there is agreement in the next few days, there will be no time left to get anything through either the Westminster Parliament or the European system. It is not for nothing I call Westminster a pigsty, although I am beginning to reconsider that opinion as I now accept that it represents a grievous slur against a noble breed of animal that is very efficient and quite intelligent, and far more worthy of my respect than a Westminster MP. I will be happy with a disaster because it will almost certainly lead to Scottish independence and the English in their arrogance will never learn anything until they are faced with the disaster they not only voted for, but wish for. I personally do not think Brexit will happen, but then I am wrong about most things. But one thing appears almost certain, the Irish are about to get their revenge and the Brits will only have themselves to blame. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Maybe I've got this white supremicist thing all wrong?

I've been contemplating the white supremacist thing and wondering if I should rethink my attitude towards them. I was musing on the tremendous courage and bravery of someone with a machine gun and two powerful handguns entering a synagogue full of worshipping Jews and shooting a 97 year old unarmed lady in a wheelchair. That took a lot of courage, especially when you remember that this old lady was Jewish, and Jewish wheelchair bound 97 year olds are renowned for their ferocity. It is similar to attacking a week old kitten, something even the most battle-hardened military expert would baulk at. You then must consider the tremendous bravery of someone entering a school and mowing down unarmed children and their teachers and contemplate on the undeniable wisdom of the Moron in the White House describing such people as having real good and decent people in their midst, people with the courage to drive a car into a group of unarmed demonstrators and kill a young woman, because it is obviously only the finest specimen of white supremist who engages in such acts of outstanding valour. Thus it would be unforgivable of me to even attempt to criticise the Moron for his wise and thoughtful comments on such matters. Those patriotic upstanding and indeed outstanding members of the white supremist community must therefore take up the banner of role model for all their more undeserving brothers and sisters who think all they need to do is vote for racists and fascists who will do the job for them, because, much as he would like to, the Moron cannot do it himself as his security people will not let him. I mean imagine if the Moron was faced with an unarmed 97 year old Jewish wheelchair-bound terrorist, or a schoolchild brandishing their satchel, or, perish the thought, an African-American pastor wielding a Bible. It is too horrific to contemplate.

I was then led to consider which is the most glorious act, massacring unarmed Jewish worshippers, unarmed children, or massacring a similar number of black people who were engaging in the outlandish activity of Bible study when they were shot by one of the Moron's good upstanding white supremist citizens. White supremists are all of course Christians, as they and the Moron continually assure us, which makes their acts of bravery all the more impressive because they had to enter places of worship, particularly those Jewish places, that are by definition Satanic and engaging in hellish conspiracies to take over the world and exterminate the white Christian problem. African-Americans can't possibly be real Christians anyway because they too are all busily engaged in an anti-white, anti-Christian conspiracy? I mean it's obvious, why? because they're not white and God is white isn't He? So, their churches are in effect permissible targets for those paragons of Christianity who are identifiable by their hoods, hatred, and their worship of the new Messiah, who has been identified by his sacred number, 45. Thus the white Christian is being assailed on all sides, by Jews, African-Americans, Muslims, transgender and feminist fanatics, CNN, HIAS, The Pittsburgh Steelers and of course the Muppets. It is therefore necessary for those white Christian patriots to step up to the plate, which I understand to be an American baseball metaphor for courage, tenacity and patriotism.

I fear America is heading into another form of civil war, as, rather than the leadership of the nation attempting to impose peace and unity, since the recent atrocities, the opposite is occurring and hatred is being intensified as the perpetrators attempt to portray themselves as victims. America is a graphic example of how you get what you vote for. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Hate is so much more powerful than love and understanding

If our present history is demonstrating anything it is the real and graphic evidence of the power of language. On both sides of the Atlantic we are seeing daily how words are both symbolic and meaningful and being utilized to spread a hatred and division within our societies that is having real and tragic consequences. Language has power. The Brexit debacle was founded on a hatred of foreigners and the result of a national referendum was founded on the exploited fears of immigration. The US midterm elections are being fought on exactly the same kind of platform. In both cases the leading opinion formers utilise Nazi propaganda techniques to promote fear and loathing, arguing that outsiders are going to invade us in large numbers and destroy our social order, our culture and our fundamental way of life. They then feign surprise and innocence when such fears produce results, and atrocities are committed by people motivated by such hostile and inflammatory language. The purveyors of hate and violence then adopt the Monty Python defence, "it wasn't me guv, honest".

We live in a symbolic social world and our language is symbolic, it supplies us with images that we associate with the words we use to describe our everyday life. When we hear words we conjure up symbols and images from our consciousness and socialisation, from our particular cultural upbringing. Depending on our worldview we will have a positive or negative reaction to words like, Jew, Muslim, Black, Homosexual, immigrant etc. When someone asks you for a chair, they do not need to explain to you what a chair is, you immediately recognise the word chair by the symbolic representation you carry of a chair. In the same way you will respond to words like Jew or Muslim according to how you symbolically envision them as a result of your worldview. If you have a deeply negative symbolism of such associations you will react negatively which may be so intense that it spurs you to action. It is quite likely that your reaction will be inexplicable to you yourself, you will not be able to definitively articulate why you reacted in that manner, it will be genuinely irrational, and that is what the sowers of hate and poison are counting on, an irrational reaction that will lead to similarly irrational action, such as gunning down completely innocent strangers, simply because you associate them with a word.

It has become essential, indeed incumbent on us, to highlight and call to account those powerful people and institutions who habitually demonise others, who utilize language to promote the hatred and division we are seeing so graphically and tragically on a daily basis, hatred and division that terrorises some and motivates others to kill. It is time to say enough to those sowers of poison, the liars and propagandists, whether politicians, the press, or influential individuals and groups. By calling those who disagree with us, those we do not like, members of our own society, enemies of the people, parasites, not like us, etc. and portray our own citizens as ‘others’, outsiders who don’t belong, we promote an image, and exert a powerful influence that encourages others to refuse to see such people as real and appropriate human beings. By such methods we create an image of real and concrete enemies, see other people as threats, not only to our way of life and culture, but to our very existence. When we seek to quite deliberately demonise individuals and groups, we should not be surprised, or feign innocence, when such people are actually viewed as demons, as monsters who are not legitimate human beings but are something else. We create a society where people do not see Jewish, Muslim, Black, LGBT, immigrants etc. as human beings; instead they see demons, others, monsters who threaten them and their way of life. It therefore becomes our duty to oppose such demons and object to their presence amongst us. In the same way, we create demons who are a real and existent threat to our society when we label people on welfare, the unemployed, the disabled etc. as scroungers and skivers, as parasites  depriving us of our hard-earned money through the need for taxation to provide for those we deem undeserving and ungrateful.

By this process we create an alternative reality of an underclass of subhumans who are different from us and not deserving of the normal considerations we give to real people, and importantly, who do not belong amongst us. These are the people who are taking our jobs, our houses, destroying our children’s education, living off the benefits system and all the other malicious and mendacious propaganda we are subjected to on a daily basis from those who seek to profit from other people’s misery. Thus we reduce living human beings to the category of those untermenschen who were so powerfully and effectively demonised  by Hitler; that subhuman underclass who threaten to engulf society and destroy our culture and our way of life and who should be removed for the greater good of those of us who are real people, real citizens and  meaningful members of society.

When such language is being deployed from 10 Downing Street, the Home Office, The White House, Fox News, the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, it carries the cloak of authority and respectability and therefore gives permission for others in society to share such opinions and indeed promote them. However, it is then only a short step from holding such respectable opinions of hatred and division to acting upon them as we see being so horribly enacted in the United States and increasingly on our own streets. It must stop, now! You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 25 October 2018

So, The Moron's language is finally having its desired effect

Well it had to happen, and this is just the start. It now appears that numerous people have been warning the White House Moron that his rhetoric and behaviour was dangerous and liable to cause trouble, but that he wouldn't listen. Well, as you know, I have been telling you why he won't listen, because this is what he wants. At his rally last night, after all his weasel words about how America needed to unify, he reverted back to type by once again sowing division and trying to blame the media, when the whole world and his brother knows that he is the cause of  the terrorist attacks on American citizens who dare to oppose him. He can't help himself because he is a complete psychopath and is not in control of his behaviour or his emotions. He is an imbecile but a very dangerous imbecile, a deeply evil person who never sees opponents, only enemies that have to be vanquished and destroyed. I believe he is quite deliberately trying to foment civil unrest to give himself an excuse to delay and ultimately suspend, the democratic process so that he can begin the process of making himself president for life. What I don't understand is why legal and corporate bodies such as the Democratic Party and CNN don't sue him and seek to have him removed from office for his persistent lies and slanders about them. The Moron is a classical bully who must be confronted on his own terms because he doesn't understand anything else. He is a coward, as all bullies are, and therefore only understands threats and confrontations that will damage him, he is completely impervious to reason or appeals to decency.

What is perhaps more dangerous to the world and its security is the people who surround him, who recognise the atrocities that are his language and behaviour, fully understand the consequences of such language and behaviour, but persistently support him and deny what they know to be true. They are more evil than him, because, being insane, he probably ends up believing his endless lies, but his supporters aren't mad, they are simply bad, those people who emerge all throughout history around and behind tyrants and demagogues and who exploit their positions and encourage their mad masters to even greater excesses for their own personal gain. There can be few more soulless and amoral creatures on earth than his press secretary, a creature who lies even more effortlessly and shamelessly than the Moron himself. The people who surround the Moron are no less loathsome or inhuman than those who were despatched by the Saudis to butcher and murder Jamal Kashoggi, people who have sold their soul and quite deliberately taken that step, so graphically described by Solzhenitsyn, into the bottomless pit, people who have quite deliberately given up the essence that makes a person human.

There is no doubt that today's events will only prove to be a temporary setback and restraint on his language and behaviour, because he is incapable of restraining his baser instincts. He will seek to turn these events to his advantage and will soon construct an alternative reality where he is in fact the victim. American government and politics cannot get much lower or out of control and the American people do not have much time to turn things around. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 18 October 2018

The Tories, the party of financial probity

In a recent post I was warning about the destruction of local government and the catastrophe that is austerity, In Scotland, there has been resistance to austerity and the Scottish national and local governments have been indulging in imaginative initiatives to mitigate the worst effects of this government's cruelty. Remember, austerity is a political choice, there is nothing inevitable or absolutely necessary about it. England is largely Conservative and a prime example of how you get what you vote for can be graphically seen in Northamptonshire.

Northamptonshire County Council is officially the most incompetent council in the UK, if not the world. I had written the most incompetent in the civilized world, but deleted it for obvious reasons, because it is no longer correct to describe modern Britain as civilized. Northamptonshire has a catastrophic financial crisis and today it has announced that it will cut its financial help to the blind and the deaf, thus declassifying Northamptonshire as a civilized place and the personnel who took that decision as civilised people. I trust the reader will accept that as self-evident because I am quite certain that the councillors will still roll up to claim their expenses and their perks whilst the blind and the deaf can get by however they can. In February Northamptonshire Council announced that it was bankrupt and government inspectors concluded that the council’s problems were so deep rooted that it should be abolished as it was impossible to rescue it and any attempts to do so would amount to a reward for failure. Northamptonshire has seven parliamentary constituencies returning seven Tory MP’s. The County Council has 57 councillors, 43 of whom are Tories. In the EU referendum, all seven parliamentary constituencies voted to Leave the EU and Northampton voted 59% to Leave. You can only conclude that the electorate in Northamptonshire must be the dumbest voters in the world. Their councillors must certainly be amongst the most callous, which is simply stating the obvious because they are Tories.

Under their beloved Tory government, English councils have suffered sixteen billion pounds of cuts since 2010, proving, as I continually tell you, that you get what you vote for. That same Tory government all those good people in Northamptonshire voted for have ordered the council to save 74 million pounds out of a 441 million pound budget. The council has announced the closure of 21 out of 36 libraries in the county. Today the Swiss bank, Credit Suisse released a report telling us that 0.8% of the world's adult population own 44.8% of the world's wealth. The same report tells us that 5,000 people in the UK have fortunes in excess of $50 million (38 million pounds, I am afraid my pound sign has disappeared off my computer). These are the people that the government steadfastly refuses to compel paying their taxes. I assume none of these people are blind or deaf.

For those of you who probably feel that I am obsessed with the Tory Party, let me remind you that these are empirical facts and I am simply reporting them. In addition, there can be no excuse for an electorate who continually support demonstrable gangsters and staggering incompetents. I mean they are not even good gangsters, at least the Mafia makes a profit. This is the result of blind allegiance to a bankrupt political and economic ideology. This is Tory rule under free market conditions that have become demonstrably grotesque and is most certainly the fate of England and Wales if they succeed in exiting the EU under the present proposals. I say England and Wales because I cannot envisage the Scots tolerating such a scenario. It will almost certainly result in Irish unification  as well. I watch the fate of Northamptonshire with interest, and although this may appear quite callous, I have not a shred of sympathy for them, they not only voted for it, but continue to vote for it. Indeed such a fate awaits many more English and Welsh areas before they will learn the price of their self-imposed folly. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Our role models are the scum of the earth

Throughout the world we are seeing outpourings of hatred in different nations that is being manifest by the rise of political parties and individuals capitalising on and encouraging that hatred. Previously civilised societies like Britain and the USA are becoming ever more divisive and characterised by hatred and the demonisation of others and this is exploited by unscrupulous and dangerous demagogues like the Know Nothing Moron, The Spider, Rees-Mogg, and their loathsome ilk. Such vile characters are making the world a truly dangerous place. If you consider the nations that are becoming degenerate under such disturbing events you will notice that they are all those that have experienced the strongest commitment to free market economics. The free market divides and poisons, that is its nature. It requires division and scapegoats to divert attention away from its  consequences. Its adherents and greatest advocates are people of a psychopathic nature, devoid of compassion, self-respect, dignity or any form of social responsibility and driven by a towering sense of entitlement and superiority.

In the White House Moron we have a creature whose language and personal behaviour does not even reach the level of the gutter. This creature is a role model who's entire agenda is to appeal to the lowest common denominator and as a role model he is increasingly being copied by the scum who are whipping up hatred and division in the UK and elsewhere throughout the world as he shamelessly mocks and derides anyone he deems an opponent. This is, whether people like it or not, the essence of fascism. Mocking people's looks, their disabilities, their racial and ethnic backgrounds is the essence of a truly vile and seriously disturbed person. When it comes from the highest office in a nation, and is applauded and supported by a significant portion of the populace, not least by one of the major political parties in that nation, then that nation is in serious trouble and suffering from a collective psychopathy. All the ingredients are there for significant social unrest. The United States has a history of lynchings and the persecution of minorities that appears to be ready to raise its head again. Such an environment is the consequence of the language and behaviour of its head of state.

In the UK division has become acute. Again this is a combination of free market dominance and the consequent public policies that flow from it, and the behaviour and language of the ruling elite. The Westminster pigsty has just been condemned for serious bullying and harassment in an official report by a leading QC by an elite who believe that they should be allowed to get away with whatever behaviour they wish and never be held to account. This is the same elite who were found to be robbing the public purse through fraudulent claims for expenses. In this case the worst behaviour has again been identified at the top, whilst again such behaviour is being covered up and protected by a vile elite system of privilege and entitlement.

The greatest divisions are of course the result of Brexit, a situation that has occurred as a result of the catastrophic failure of free market inspired public policies and by the lies and the demonization of others of an unscrupulous set of abominable personnel who lie with an ease that astonishes and whose behaviour is indefensible. I no longer trust anyone who wears a suit and speaks with an upper class English accent. The Spider for example, a product of Eton and Oxford who studied the classics, is a prime example how anyone can graduate from Oxbridge without learning anything as long as they have the right background. If you study the classics you will learn loyalty, decency, dignity and self-respect. You will learn the duties and responsibilities of citizenship and civic pride. You will learn the demands and expectations of leadership and political responsibility. The Moron will have not a clue about any of such education, indeed the Americans elected a head of state who openly boasts that he never reads books. I have it on good authority that the Know Nothing believes that Plato is a horse running in the Kentucky Derby, but the Spider has no excuse. He has no shame, but as I have told you before, neither he nor any of his contemporaries display any evidence of having been educated as opposed to being schooled. The cleansing and healing of our respective societies requires fundamental change starting at the top, and that includes the top of our education system as well, to cleanse it of the elite poison that characterises our dominant ideology. The end product of Brexit will almost certainly mean the end of the United Kingdom. As I keep telling you, the Scots and Irish are far too intelligent and civilised to put up with this much longer. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

I wonder if God would let me help Him/Her?

I'm watching extensive coverage of Hurricane Michael on CNN, and although I am watching the effects of 150 mph winds, I cannot imagine them in reality, they genuinely overwhelm the imagination. I read an article earlier that although there is no such thing as a category 6 hurricane, because there has never been one, it seems it is only a matter of time until there is. All of this leaves me wondering when Americans are going to accept the facts of global warming? I mean it is they who are suffering the brunt of it just now with hurricanes, drought, and wildfires in different parts of the nation. It is not so long ago that it seemed to us on this side of the Atlantic that the whole of California was on fire. America seems to be suffering one natural tragedy after another just now, and those have come just after a winter that brought what was incredible snow and cold over a massive area for someone like me who lives in a nation that does not see such things. If I was an American I would be asking the White House Looney if the costs of altering the nations energy supplies and usage will come anywhere near the cost of the effects all those natural disasters will have, which, whether the nutjob likes to admit it or not, have their genesis in changing climate patterns caused by human activity. That is the conclusion of all sane and rational scientific evidence and research. It matters not what the Moron thinks, it matters what Americans know but seem to be in complete denial of. Anyone who denies climate change and how it is affecting the different parts of the world, is either a completely cynical liar, totally insane, or both.

If America is to be hit, some time in the near future by a category six storm, Americans need to sit and quietly contemplate such a possibility, and then contemplate the type of politician they are electing who scoffs at such scientific evidence, and, more importantly, is quite prepared to take the chance that such events will occur because it will not affect them. It will only affect the little people. Whether it happens or not, the mere possibility of such an occurrence should scare the living daylights out of anyone.

This is another consequence of free market neoliberalism. Necessary climate change measures will be costs and will require changes to the American (and everyone else's) lifestyle. As a result, it will affect those people responsible for the things that cause climate change and that will not be tolerated. Such people will quite genuinely watch millions of people die before they will allow measures that affect them, and their wealth, and they will utilise every political measure and politician who is corrupt enough to support them to ensure they remain completely unaccountable. It never seems to occur to the average voter that all climate change deniers, in tandem with holocaust deniers, are all right-wing Republican and Tory free marketeers. In this country we are having the same kind of experience, but on the subject of fracking. Despite massive local opposition, despite the evidence that areas where fracking has been allowed are suffering earthquakes, however mild, this free market obsessed Tory government is completely deaf to reality and to their own constituents. They are bribed and corrupted to their very soul. Earthquakes, in Britain? They are suffering minor, but real earthquake activity in the area outside Blackpool. If any of you are familiar with this area it is unbelievable, and is the largest holiday area in the UK, as Blackpool is Britain's largest holiday resort and sits less than an hours drive from the Lake District. Significantly, this has only occurred since the Tory Blackpool council allowed licences, with the full support of the government, to begin fracking.

You see the free-marketeers don't care. Just as Bush was completely unmoved by Hurricane Katrina, so the Moron cares not a jot about what will happen in Florida and those southern states that bear the brunt of the hurricanes and the floods. Similarly the Tories care nothing for anything that happens outside of London. As you know I am not religious, but there is a part of the Bible that tells us that God is going to return to destroy those who destroy the earth. That is enough to encourage me to be a believer, and, if He/She does return, and will allow me, I will gladly help as much as I can. You have been warned

Your Servant

Sunday, 7 October 2018

It is all about choices

I apologise for not having posted for some time but mein laptop vost kaput and I had to have it repaired. This involved getting a new hard drive and having to reinstall everything including Windows and Office etc. which, for a technological imbecile like me, was a daunting and time consuming process. However, the absence of a computer has given me time for reflection and I cannot avoid my increasing incredulity at the speed of descent into the bottomless pit of politics on both sides of the Atlantic. The situation in the USA is truly alarming with the divisive nature of congressional politics assuming the status of open hatred and this is reflected on the streets and in the media. Both The Moron and Theresa May have turned out even worse than I bargained for and both American and British governments are in a genuine and dangerous crisis. The Moron's stint as president must assuredly end very badly for the USA as its political culture is now genuinely scary, but it is the UK I wish to comment on here.

The Tories persistently peddle the mantra that because the 2008 financial crisis left the nation with such a punitive and costly deficit then austerity was not only necessary, but also, reverting back to the sacred words of the Blessed Margaret, there was no alternative. That of course is not only a barefaced lie, it is patently stupid. Austerity is both an ideological and political concept. Ideological because it is based on a very narrow and specific way of thinking, and political because it involves a series of quite deliberate choices that are the result of that specific way of thinking. It is part of a belief system that is itself rooted in the entrenched and ever present class warfare that is the essential characteristic of the United Kingdom. Britain, as I have repeatedly told you in this blog, is based on privilege, entitlement, and exclusion, and to the Tories it was neatly summed up by the Blessed Margaret who categorised people by whether they were 'them' or 'us'. I frequently comment that the notion that there is no alternative is a totalitarian concept. Now, those familiar with British politics will be aware that the Tory government will not allow a vote by either Parliament or the British people on the Brexit situation. It will not even sanction a vote by its own MPs or party. It has also refused to allow any input by the Scottish Parliament, The Welsh Assembly, or any political institution in Northern Ireland other than the DUP who they bribed to support their government after the last election. Thus Britain is governed by a set of ideological politicians who simply refuse to even pay lip service to democratic norms. They are both ideologically and by nature, authoritarians who must get their own way. One of the largest targets for the Tories war against democratic institutions has been local government. Local governments have suffered an average 60% cut in their budgets since the last election and local government has been effectively crippled. In his ‘Representative Government’ John Stuart Mill argues that
‘The very object of having a local representation, is in order that those who have any interest in common which they do not share with the general body of their countrymen may manage that joint interest by themselves.’

Liberal democracy requires a system of limited government with defined independent centres of power. Thatcher launched an aggressive war against such independent centres of power and her main targets were Britain's system of local government and the trades union movement. Both have been effectively crippled allowing central government to do what it wants, which was Thatcher's primary aim. Democratic governance requires legitimacy and representation and as wide a dispersal of power as is necessary. The principle of local government is designed to satisfy such requirements as is neatly summed up by Mill. If such local responsibility were to be replaced by centralised administration from London, it is argued that such local individuality of approach would be sacrificed to uniformity, and that the adaptability of local decision-making would give way to rigidity and the centralised imposition of a bureaucratic ‘only one way’ of doing things. That is exactly what has happened in the UK. If local government enjoys a degree of autonomy from the centre, the power of the state is therefore fragmented and limited and that is anathema to authoritarians like Thatcher and her successors. As the political commentator John Kingdom notes, the elimination of local government is generally taken as a symptom of totalitarianism.

However, austerity is not inevitable, even given the disaster of the financial crisis. Politics is the art of choosing between alternatives and the Tories made the classic fundamental choice between imposing cuts or raising taxes, which was of course, completely ideological. For example Alfred Marshall was professor of political economy at Cambridge from 1885 till 1908 and founded what we know as the Cambridge School of Economics and so is hardly qualified to be labelled a socialist or a Marxist, even by the fevered imaginations of right-wing Tories or American Republicans. In his 'Principles of Economics' in 1890, he wrote that

"It has been left for our own generation to perceive all the evils which arose from the suddenness of this increase of economic freedom. Now first are we getting to understand the extent to which the capitalist employer, untrained to his new duties, was tempted to subordinate the wellbeing of his workpeople to his own desire for gain; now first are we learning the importance of insisting that the rich have duties as well as rights in their individual and in their collective capacity; now first is the economic problem of the new age showing itself to us as it really is. This is partly due to a wider knowledge and a growing earnestness.......In particular this increased prosperity has made us rich and strong enough to impose new restraints on free enterprise; some temporary material loss being submitted to for the sake of a higher and ultimate greater gain. But these new restraints are different from the old. They are imposed not as a means of class domination; but with the purpose of defending the weak, and especially children and the mothers of children, in matters in which they are not able to use the forces of competition in their own defence".

If Marshall was to write this today, The Moron would be mocking him and sneering at him at one of his infamous rallies and the Tories and their lickspittles in the media would undoubtedly seek to have him removed from his Chair at Cambridge. Today's capitalist employers are no longer untrained in their duties, indeed they are all too well trained today in how to subordinate the wellbeing of their workers to the desire for their own gain, another of the legacies of the Blessed Margaret, and sentiments such as Marshall's would render them impotent with rage. As Marshall obviously tells us, there are choices, there are alternatives. Both The Moron and the British Tories are quite deliberately dismantling our respective systems of politics and remodelling them in their own image. If our peoples allow them to do that, then they will get exactly what they deserve. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Can there be anyone more disgustingly hypocritical than a white American Christian?

Can there be anyone more disgustingly hypocritical than a white American Christian? I have reached this conclusion after watching and reading innumerable documentaries and articles about this strange group of people, who, whilst preaching brotherly love, tolerance, and peace and goodwill to all men, must rank amongst the most hate-filled, intolerant and potentially murderous people on the planet. I could fill this blog with quotes from Christians who appear to genuinely believe that their god, not only put the White House Moron into office, but supports and defends him, and regards him as his/her true representative on earth, a protestant pope. It was Jesus Christ Himself who told us that when we wish to know the true character and motivations of a person we should judge them 'by their fruits'. There are few people who can match the Moron for lying, fostering hatred, demonising others, abuse, racism and misogyny, and those are his better characteristics. They are however, his fruits which are divisive in the extreme and very dangerous, as he continues to incite and encourage violence and hatred. He would make a perfect Tory Party leader.

I fear American Christians are rather selective in their understanding of the teachings of their own religion. I have an article in front of me of a Christian rally, by something called the Values Voter Summit, where one woman actually told the reporter that Trump had surrounded himself with godly men. Either me or the Christians are living in an alternative universe, because in the world I inhabit, all of Trump's godly men are in serious trouble with the law as they have been exposed as a bunch of gangsters and criminals. I watched a rally last night during which the Moron praised his Supreme Court nominee as a great man and dismissed the lady who has accused him of sexual assault without even listening to what she had to say, and the great and good American Christians applauded enthusiastically. This is a lady who has already submitted to a polygraph. So, what kind of Christian justice is that supposed to represent? By what moral standards are these people operating? Is that Christian morality and justice? Perhaps that is actually what the Christian religion is evolving into in its American context!

However, I am seriously beginning to think that Trump and his army of godly men are indeed representative of the American Christian community. I have watched three documentaries about the Ku Klux Klan in recent months and they all spout the same gibberish about love of god, love of country and love of the Moron. They all claim to be Christians, and as a result of watching the Christian community in America in its many forms I confess that I no longer understand what Christianity is, or what it is supposed to represent. The things that appear to unite all white Christians in America are hate, guns, and the Moron. If these people are indeed representative of the god of the Bible, then I no longer understand the Bible either and want absolutely nothing to do with their god. Imagine going to heaven after you die and spending eternity surrounded by such people and under the authority of a god who endorses them, their teachings, and their behaviour?

By the standards of their own Bible, the behaviour of the Moron has been, and still is, on a daily basis, a catalogue of never ending sin. Nor is he either repentant or even slightly remorseful. Now, I do not judge this creature on his behaviour by the same standards as a Christian is supposed to, but it is they who claim to uphold their commandments, which, the last time I looked forbade lying and adultery amongst other things, both of which forms of behaviour are the Moron's supreme talents, indeed they appear to be his only talents. That matters not a jot to our good, upstanding white American Christian community however. They are quite happy to ignore this because morality and ethical behaviour is selective and relative in their world. Their brand of Christianity is a moral and ethical supermarket where you exercise your individual choice, and, as long as you are happy with it, you are a rational consumer, a good old boy or girl. This is the real manifestation of the American free market, it is a free market of moral and ethical choices, and as long as you utter enough 'praise the lords' and 'hallelujahs' you're in the gang. If the Supreme Moron does indeed qualify to be accepted as a Christian, and the Christian community continue to support him on his own terms, then the Christian religion has lost all meaning and relevance. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Immigration - the myth that will not die

The British Government's Migration Advisory Committee has just released a report confirming all that The Kommirat has been telling you about immigration since the start of this blog. The government should be congratulated as they are only six years behind me, which for a Tory Party led by the appalling Theresa May, is quite an intellectual triumph. If you are following the Brexit saga you will now be aware that the British government are even more staggeringly incompetent than I have been giving them credit for. They are genuinely useless and we, in the UK, are at present in crisis in almost all parts of our social life, particularly in railways, transport in general, health and education just to name the most crucial. But our biggest problem is political as we have a government of unbelievable stupidity and an opposition which is possibly even worse.

However, this report on immigration is quite serious, and should be a cause of national concern, because what has always been obvious to me, but has been repeatedly denied by most of the Westminster pigsty and their lackeys in the media,  and in particular by the Tories, in order to fuel the myths that the political class peddled for the purpose of scapegoating their own incompetence and criminality, was that immigration was the principal source of the Brexit vote to leave the EU, which I remind you was unadulterated racism and hatred of foreigners, despite what the British majority white population want you to think by their repeated and indignant denials that they are racist, anti-Muslim or antisemitic. That British white nationalistic population are of course a significant minority in Scotland which, I again remind you, is by far the most intelligent and civilised sector of the United Kingdom. Without going into details which are widely available in the press, I quote you the summary of the government report from the Independent newspaper.

"Key myths on the negative impacts of EU immigration have been blown apart by a major report commissioned by the government. The document found EU citizens have little impact on UK workers’ wages, pay more in taxes, have no adverse impact on young Britons’ schooling, are not linked to increasing crime and contribute “much more” to the NHS than they consume. It did highlight how immigration helped push up house prices, but concluded the rise is directly linked to a broader failure to build new homes".

Crucially, the Migration Advisory Committee concluded that EU immigration has been significantly beneficial to the public purse with each EU migrant contributing £2,300 more to the exchequer each year, in net terms, than the average adult, and over their lifetimes, they pay in £78,000 more than they take out in public services and benefits, while the average UK citizen’s net lifetime contribution is zero. How does that grab you Boris the Spider and Nigel Garbage?

There is some good news however, Theresa May has just been firmly rejected by the EU and her policies are in tatters, and demographic data shows that, statistically, on 19th January next year, the majority of the electorate will now reflect that pro-EU voters will outnumber leavers by several percentage points and the prospect of Brexit will begin to recede rapidly. In some ways that is bad news for me. because, as I have told you before, I hope for the hardest of Brexits. Brexit will be a disaster and I firmly believe that the only way that the braindead Brexiteers will come to their senses is when they are faced with the disaster that they cannot deny was of their own making. They will need to have their noses firmly and repeatedly rubbed into their own mess. As you know, I have been thinking about Brexit for three years now and I still fail to see even one positive about it. It is an act of national political suicide based on lies, hate and quite frankly, stupidity. As the man said, 'that makes no sense at all.' The other reason I want the hardest of Brexits of course, is that I am quite certain it will bring about a large majority for Scottish Independence and Scotland will be free to create a Tory free zone. Hope springs eternal. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

The Tyranny of a so-called majority wedded to madness

There can be few more stupid and fatuous statements than Theresa May’s claim that a second referendum on Brexit would be a betrayal of democracy. It demonstrates the childish grasp of politics that predominates within the Westminster class and shows that we really have reached the point where the dominant Brexit narrative from the leave lobby has established itself as what John Stuart Mill called ‘the tyranny of the majority’. It now stands as a form of bullying and is exposed as a fraud. It is this kind of asinine approach that allows people to claim that the referendum result demonstrated ‘the will of the people’. Mill himself told us that, in practical terms, the will of the people means ‘the will of the most numerous or the most active part of the people; the majority, or those who succeed in making themselves accepted as the majority’. Thus, when we consider ‘the people’ we must remember that this actually means the electorate as opposed to the population, and that the Leave vote of 51.89% on a 72.21% turnout in the referendum equalled 37.47% of the electorate. In other words, 37.47% of the British electorate have succeeded in their demand that they must be accepted as the majority of the population, that their decision is sacrosanct, and to oppose it is treason. Thus, the result of the referendum has suddenly appropriated the authority of a sacred text.

This is important for several reasons, first, in differentiating between the population and the electorate, it must be remembered that the government refused to extend the vote to those 16 to 18 years old’s who were included in the Scottish Independence referendum (and who numbered 1.46 million in the UK in 2016) despite being earnestly advised to do so. Also, the referendum was only ‘advisory’ according to the government as they were determined they would not be held to the result if they did not like it or by claims that the vote embodied ‘the will of the people’ if it went against them. In addition, the Electoral Commission has confirmed that the winning side achieved their goal illegally with Vote Leave, Leave UK and BeLeave all having openly broken electoral law. This should have declared the result null and void, and therefore goes to the heart of the British claim to be a nation of laws; can the future of the British people be dependent on a flagrant breach of the rule of law and can we be bound for time immemorial on the ‘advice’ of a minority of the population who reached their decision on a farrago of lies and criminality? If anything constitutes a betrayal of democracy, it is a government who are determined to proceed with an openly corrupt policy process in the full knowledge of that corruption.

In addition all recent polling data shows that many of those who expressed their will in 2016 have now changed their minds and their ‘will’ is now something quite different, a fact of life that the tyrannous majority quite happily ignore, and that is an abuse of both power and the democratic process heaped on top of the abuse of proceeding with a lie, a fraud and deliberate criminality. Thus, we are all now expected to quietly submit to the demand that we must accept the result of a process of illegality, lies, damned lies and statistics. It would be funny were it not so serious. Is it any wonder that the Brexit process is such an incompetent farce when the authors of the Brexit vote are such liars and criminals?

It would appear that America suffers from a similar complaint about an apparent majority, that is in fact a minority, exercising a tyranny over policy and the political process and threatening unrest if their 'will' is either challenged or thwarted, and who also appear to have gained their victory illegally. In 2016 the American election saw a turnout of only 55.3%. Of that 55.3% of the electorate, the White House Moron polled 46% giving him 25.4% of the possible vote. Hilary Clinton polled 26.5% of the possible vote. As the American Presidential election is a first past the post election, The Moron won the electoral college whilst in fact losing the vote, and so claims that he represents the majority and therefore 'the will of the people' just as our own Brexit gangsters do as well. The fault of course lies with that 44.7% of the electorate who couldn't be bothered to vote.

That the Moron is demonstrably insane is too obvious to challenge, but what is so worrying is that just as a significant section of the British seem oblivious to the madness and lies of the Brexiteers, especially the Spider, so a significant sector of the American people are either oblivious, or simply don't care, that their president is a lunatic. The following is part of a speech given by The Moron in July 2016 at a venue in South Carolina, in a place called Sun City. This is a word-for-word transcript of a section of his speech

“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

That passage not only displays, but is, genuine insanity. This is in his own words. How can anyone who attended that speech support, let alone applaud, such demonstrable gibberish? Were they not listening? This demonstrates better than anything else that the American president is a gibbering bombastic charlatan who is incapable of rational narrative, or of even finishing a complete sentence, without an autocue. As I keep saying, the British and American people are in a very dark place at this moment in history and it is getting darker. Both the Conservatives and the Republicans have sold their souls and, because of the crisis they find themselves in, are becoming more intolerant and tyrannical. British politics are quite insane and completely irrational just now and are a reflection of the leading elites. In both of our nations we are seeing the ghosts of the 1930's rising up to haunt us. The future is in your hands and you cannot say that you never saw it coming. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 27 August 2018

The USA and Britain, societies devoid of justice.

I have not posted for some time because I am watching the gradual disintegration of our political systems on both sides of the Atlantic due to the quite deliberate and sustained assault by the political classes on our traditional norms and values, but only as they impact on them, they are still required for the rest of us. Poisoned by so many years of entrenched free market ideology it has now become the one prevailing norm that the political and economic elites must not be restrained in any fashion and that their behaviour must not be subject to traditional forms of regulation, that they should be able to act, and say, anything they want free from accountability or restraint. I have also been wondering if there is any point in writing such things as there is no one listening. I'm beginning to suspect that the White House Moron was quite correct when he said that he could shoot anyone in the streets and get away with it as he is beginning to resemble Der Furher in his language and behaviour and apparently in the eyes of his supporters. A similar state of public paralysis bedevils the UK with an unbelievable display of recurring incompetence in both government and opposition. What is most worrying is the contempt that our political elites display for the law and conventional decency.  

If I may I seek your tolerance to return to a recurring theme of this blog, let me remind you how Adam Smith told us that society cannot subsist among those who are at all times ready to hurt and injure one another and that justice is essential to the existence of society, indeed he tells us that the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society. According to Smith, justice is the main pillar that upholds the whole edifice that is society and that if justice is removed the great and immense fabric of society must in a moment crumble into atoms. He tells us that few men have reflected on the necessity of justice to the existence of society, regardless of how obvious that necessity may appear to be. Thirteen hundred years before Smith, Augustine of Hippo reached the same conclusion telling us that if you take away justice, what are nations but massive gangs of thieves? He tells us that where there is no justice there is no commonwealth. His term, commonwealth derives from the Greek, res publica, the public realm. Thus, without justice there can be no public realm, society will be atomised and fractured. Thus as Smith told us, there is no society.

I don't think that many intelligent people would argue with the notion that both the USA and the UK, dominated by an addiction to free market ideological dogma, have become characterised as massive gangs of thieves and that our public realms are both fractured, divided and atomised. Yesterday we had the EU warning us that the United Kingdom will probably not survive Brexit as it will almost certainly lead to Scottish Independence, with the further possibility of Irish unification thus causing the UK to lose two of its four constituent parts. This is because the UK has now become devoid of any forms of justice, with intolerance, inequality, open hatreds and the demonisation of large sectors of our populations now quite accepted as the norm.

You see justice and the free market are incompatible, they are mutually exclusive. As the free market demands the continued deregulation of human behaviour and activity, justice demands the opposite, because justice is a form of regulation. Justice is a constraint, it regulates human behaviour and particularly the behaviour of the powerful, redressing the gulf between power and powerlessness. Justice demands that people restrain their greed, their selfishness, and prevents abuse and damage. It redistributes opportunity, a certain amount of wealth and life chances. It is the realisation of the truism that all people are born equal, that fundamental concept that has been abandoned in both the US and the UK by those at the top, the worst in society whose governments now can be truly defined as kakistocracies. Our problems are fundamentally ideological. It is the ideological obsession with a particular political and economic dogma that has shaped the institutional structures of our respective societies and has unleashed greed and ruthlessness and the determination to utilise power to do whatever the powerful want in their own interests, regardless of the effects on the rest of us. The result is that we are in danger of watching our nations crumbling into atoms because we tolerate and indeed support, organised gangs of thieves masquerading as politicians. As a result, the worst has risen to the top and we are getting what we voted for. This is the legacy of Thatcher and Reagan. I trust we can live with the consequences. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

Thursday, 9 August 2018

It will have to get worse before it gets better

Well it looks as if its the end for the Spider, brought low by his own overweening arrogance, a case of classic hubris. He will of course limp along, clinging on to his parliamentary constituency, but he must now be surely discredited, branded a Poundland version of the White House moron. We may even be spared any more idiots assuring us that he is an intelligent man. What his latest disgraceful episode does highlight, however, is the destructive divisions that beset this sorry nation and demonstrates the deep seated racism that characterises the British public, or at least the English public and the media that encourages them and people like the Spider.

Johnson is only the latest manifestation of the horrendous racism and division brought to the surface by Brexit. As I write, we have a national scandal being played out that plagues both of our national major political parties. Labour is at war over anti-semitism and the danger that the Labour party poses to the Jewish community, and the Tories are at war over anti-Islamism and the danger the Conservatives pose to the Muslim community. All commentators are agreed that Johnson's jibes at Muslim women were aimed at garnering support from the Tory grassroots Muslim hating supporters. It was, in his own imbecilic manner, an attempt to position himself for the Tory leadership. What that tells you is the nature of the Tory grassroots. At the other end of the spectrum, Labour assumes that every Jewish person is a quasi-fascist, Palestinian hating Zionist. This is a sample of the narratives that drive national party politics in the UK. I am confident that Corbyn and his Jewish hating supporters don't even know what a real Zionist, or indeed Zionism, is. By the same logic, the Tories assume that every Muslim is a closet Jihadi terrorist, just waiting for a call to turn themselves into a suicide bomber. Politics in the UK is not in the gutter, it has sunk well below that. Indeed it is significant that Johnson's Telegraph article came on the heels of his meetings with Steve Bannon and his circle. 

I have written before, and do not apologise for repeating it, that what we are witnessing is the end product of Thatcherism and her determination to destroy the normative and value systems of British life. She saw a society she hated and determined to destroy it. She has been spectacularly successful, I hope she is proud. Thatcher set in motion a systemic agenda to destroy the public and collective nature of British society, to atomise it and reduce all values to an economic price imperative. She promoted a policy of aggressive and ruthlessly selfish individualism, and we now have a nation of aggressive and ruthless selfish individuals. In modern free market Tory Britain, if anything has no  monetary value, if it cannot be priced, then it has no value, it is worthless, and that includes people, the type of people the Nazis called the ballastexistenzen; untermenschen to be discarded and eliminated wherever possible. If you read this from outside the UK I trust you are aware of how frequently the Tories are referred to as cruel and heartless as they target the poor, the disabled, the unemployed, those people who have no market value, the worthless. Coupled with that is their demonstrable racism towards immigrants and foreigners in general. They openly display a genuine loathing of non-whites. This is what a significant section of the British electorate persistently vote for. If England ever becomes an independent country, its declaration will begin with "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all white, English, Christian men are created equal." The Spider is the role model for this form of English nationalism. It should also be asked why the Daily Telegraph commissioned and published his article if you think he is a lone eccentric voice, or why the Prime Minister was careful not to personally condemn him, contenting herself with agreeing with others who did.

What we see around us is the wreckage of free market Thatcherism, but she never gets the blame. It is always the scapegoat, the unions, socialism, immigrants, and above all, the EU. As you know I sincerely hope that we get the hardest of Brexits because not until the British get their noses firmly rubbed into the filth that results from their own stupidity, until it becomes too obvious even for Nigel Garbage, Liam Fox or Michael Gove to deny, will we be able to begin a meaningful recovery. That will require a new politics and a new political class. The signs are not hopeful. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

The free market is an illness that will destroy the body politic

In the UK we are ruled by ideologues, the very worst kind of person to have in government. Government is the art of the possible, requiring compromise and the ability to consider other opinions and the necessity to be able to admit that you may be wrong. Those qualities are completely absent from British government and the mainstream political class. In the USA we see a person who is psychologically incapable of even contemplating that he is not totally correct in everything he says and does, we know that because he keeps reminding us how omnipotent he is. Thus in both our nations we are governed by people who are unwilling, indeed determinedly unwilling, to consider alternatives or compromise. This is government of the worst kind.

At a time when a coherent and active opposition is absolutely essential the British Labour Party are immersed in a quite insane ideological war within itself over antisemitism, with a leader who is a dogmatic ideologist of the worst kind, rendering it incapable of mounting any serious challenge to anything this most incompetent government does, whilst in the US, the Democrats hold blindly to the dominant economic narrative of free markets and therefore fail to offer any coherent alternatives to an imbecile. That is a serious state of affairs, when a major political party in the most powerful country in history cannot mount a serious campaign against an ignoramus who is demonstrably deranged. In the UK Labour has ensured that it has lost any chance of support from the Jewish community and those sympathetic to them and from anyone who intelligently sees that this is not a party that will support a wider constituency than those who ideologically support them. They simply will not compromise, and as I keep reminding you, is why they continually fail to hold any credibility in Scotland where they are widely regarded as a branch office of the London Labour elite (a branch office was what they were branded by their own Scottish leader).

That is the same story we have with the Tories, whose ideological commitment to the free market is an obsession. As you know, I maintain that there is no such thing, nor can be any such thing, as a free market. It is an illusion, and a fraud. Free trade is one thing, a free market is quite another, but no-one in this sorry society seems prepared to challenge the assumption that they are different and normally incompatible. That is why I hold modern economics, and modern economists in such contempt. Even so-called socialists today believe that there can be free markets, they just don't want them. They seem oblivious to the fact that they are a nonsense. As a result, the dominant narrative goes unchallenged, and it is the dominant narrative that is the problem. That is what has given us Brexit, The Know Nothing, and the descent into barbarism we are witnessing throughout the world.

The free market narrative has very successfully campaigned over many years against restraints, against regulation, and this anti-regulatory mentality has spread into every corner of our lives. We now habitually complain about any kind of restraint on our behaviour and activities as some kind of breach of our human rights. As a result, far too many people believe that their behaviour should be uncontrolled, and this extends to language, both verbal and print, leading to people believing they have the right to abuse whoever and however they please. This has its worst manifestation in government and in the political classes, but it percolates right down throughout society. The Know Nothing takes any form of restraint on his language and behaviour as a personal insult and launches a tirade against whoever or whatever seeks to hold him to account, be it the press, the judiciary, foreign governments, or his political opponents. In the UK we have a similar phenomenon that is more widely diffused throughout society as we have some of the most odious media outlets who are prepared to say anything they like regardless of truth of fact. This again spreads throughout society causing racism, misogyny, anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner hatreds and violence. But they all refuse to accept responsibility or be liable to constrain their language and behaviour. Thus, the free market has destroyed decency, self-respect and respect for others. It has fostered hatred, violence and division. The free market, both in its economic and political manifestations is a sickness that is rotting the body politic. 

But the worst crime of the free marketeers is that they persistently preach about freedom and liberty without having the faintest idea what freedom and liberty mean. To the free marketeer, freedom means being able to do exactly as they wish free from being held accountable to anything or anyone, including the law, and the rule of law, and most certainly not the electorate. In addition, freedom and liberty only apply to them, not to the rest of us. To the free marketeer freedom means that they must have the freedom to remove freedom and liberty from the rest of us and reduce us to a state of slavery, poverty and dependence, because our freedom and liberty means that they will have to sacrifice some of their wealth, but more importantly, the mechanisms by which they gained that wealth. We must never be allowed freedom to challenge them or campaign for real concrete and meaningful freedom and liberty, from poverty, from austerity, from unemployment, homelessness etc, all goals that the free marketeer insists must be our legacy whilst they enjoy the fruits of their selfish criminality. This is what Toryism represents, this is what the Know Nothing and the Republicans represent, this is what Brexit represents, this is what so many of you voted for. Keep believing in your free market paradise and keep it in mind in your coming slavery. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine

I have been watching the political situation in both the UK and the USA closely for the past few days and find it difficult to believe how things are getting progressively worse on both sides of the Atlantic as our respective political systems get closer to breaking point without a significant sign that our general populations have any kind of awareness of how bad things are. It is a truism that the closer you get to the woods, the less you can see of the wood because of the trees. This is the agenda set on both sides of the Atlantic by our respective governments. Both governments have become quite expert at deflecting our attentions away from the real political problem by bombarding us with minor 'crises' downright lies and falsehoods and their old favourite, scapegoating. And, despite all the evidence to the contrary, despite all that our respective governments are doing being demonstrated daily as something resembling genuine insanity, our electorates are lapping it up. They are loving the lies, the hatreds, the chaos unleashed by the most unprincipled set of fraudulent gangsters in modern history. They know they are being lied to on an industrial scale and they simply don't care. Well good for them, I trust they are prepared for the consequences.

Today we got marvellous news in the UK, the Prime Minister is taking personal control of the Brexit negotiations. This is the imbecile who all commentators are now freely describing as the worst Prime Minister in British history. Years after the Kommirat told you, they have now reached the conclusion that she is incompetent because she is thick. This is marvellous news because the EU will walk all over her and the UK will crash out of Brexit without any kind of deal and begin the rapid descent into national bankruptcy. That is the only lesson that the British nationalists will pay any heed to. Until they wallow in the consequences of their own hubris they will never see the woods that they have blundered into. By that time, Scotland will be independent! More and more Scots are now coming to realise that if they had voted for independence in 2014 they would be free of Westminster and a member state of the EU with all the advantages that England are hoping to discard. Most importantly, they would have been free of the Tories and the Eton and Oxbridge Mafia.

In the same manner, Putin and Little Rocket Man have just walked all over the Know Nothing. It is common knowledge in the European media that the Russians regard the Know Nothing as a moron (their description) who is there to be taken advantage of, and that is precisely what they are doing. The Know Nothing is the classic example of what the Russians refer to as a useful idiot. By the same token, the Tories fall into that same category with the British government doing exactly what the Russians want them to. Make no mistake, both the Tories and the Know Nothing are systematically dismantling British and US democracy and at the same time, in their own way, dismantling both the EU and NATO. It is no use criticising the Russians, they make no secret of their agenda, and, from the Russian perspective their agenda is perfectly logical and rational. What is illogical and irrational is the support for both the Tories and the Know Nothing in the UK and the US. What this demonstrates is that their supporters are as thick and stupid as they are. That is the greatest threat in our respective nations, not the Russians, not Little Rocket Man, nor Iran etc. It is our own populations who will bring about the fall of our own societies, and, just like 1930's Germany, they will do it at the ballot box.

You see, on both sides of the Atlantic the government agenda is the establishment of elite authoritarian rule. There are 350 million people in the USA and I sit in wonderment at how the Know Nothing, the most ignorant, ill-mannered, thuggish bully imaginable, a pathological liar who is demonstrably insane, has caught those 350 million people in his headlights, paralysing them into inaction and incapable of mounting, not only a defence, but indignation at his conduct and the manner in which he is positioning himself for mounting a campaign to be made president for life. I say this, not from a position of the moral highground, because in the UK we are just as paralysed by liars and charlatans and an astonishing ignorance about what is actually happening. Parliament broke up for the summer recess today, which means that they effectively have one month to negotiate the entire Brexit process once they return in the autumn. For two years they have not moved forward one clause in one negotiation. Future historians will look back on this era of British history with genuine disbelief. I leave you with some wise messages to contemplate. As you know I am not a religious person, but I am always pleased to find wisdom and guidance from whatever source, and in the Bible I find some eerie insights into the great malaise that afflicts both America and the UK. In Isaiah 30.10 we read of the dominant narrative from the American and British people to their leaders

"Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits"

and in 2 Timothy 4.3 and 4 we read

For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires....So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 13 July 2018

Hey Nurse, get your pad, this guys insane (with apologies to Bob Dylan)

If anyone wishes definitive proof that the White House Moron is genuinely insane then he has furnished all the proof you need this week on his visit to the UK. At the start of his visit he gave an interview to the Sun newspaper which was recorded and played on every news bulletin on every news media in Britain, as well as being reported in every available form of news media. I myself heard it at least half a dozen times and read as many different reports. As you will appreciate, the UK is known as the news capital of the world because we have the widest diversity of news outlets, press, radio, television etc. of any nation of earth. So, there is no other nation where you can enjoy such blanket news coverage, or such in depth reporting. Today in his press conference with Theresa May, he denied point blank saying what everyone in the world heard him say, calling the reports of his interview fake news. The Sun is owned by the Murdochs and so is a subsidiary of Fox news, Know Nothing's favourite outlet and one he exploits every chance he gets, and is why he chose to be interviewed by that paper, yet he has branded their reports as fake news, despite the fact that their reports have been backed up by an audio recording that everyone on earth must have heard. In addition, he has repeatedly claimed that he arrived in the UK the day before the result of the Brexit referendum and accurately predicted the outcome of that referendum, when the world and his brother knows that he arrived the day after the referendum, which is also recorded for posterity. He thinks he can make such claims made because, as he told us on worldwide television, he is a very stable genius, he actually said that. Only someone completely insane can behave like this, someone completely divorced from reality. This is a person with no capacity for shame or common decency. There is actually something inhuman about this creature. But he must not just be dismissed as a nutcase because he has become the most dangerous person on the planet.

In his interview with the Sun he gratuitously insulted the British Prime Minister and heaped praise on Boris the Spider, another psychopathic nutcase, thus heaping further humiliation on May and deliberately undermining her position and her policy programme for Brexit. This came after he had quite deliberately insulted almost every European head of state, but particularly the German Chancellor. He has therefore broken almost every known diplomatic protocol and interfered directly in British politics. He is the classic bully, daring anyone to call him to account for his behaviour and behaving in such a manner simply because he can, or he at least thinks he can. He has now shown us beyond reasonable doubt that he has an agenda that includes destroying the European Union and NATO in collusion with Vladimir Putin. His goal is divide and conquer and install himself as a dictator.

But we must not allow ourselves to feel sorry for May. She has brought all of this humiliation and ignominy on her own head, fawning and grovelling to a person who anyone with an ounce of common sense would immediately recognise as quite mad and untrustworthy. Even before he was elected it was obvious what he was, but the Tories could not wait to prostrate themselves at his feet because they know in their hearts that Brexit is a disaster and they want to found a recovery in alliance with the USA. They now must assuredly know that this will not happen. The Moron wants to humiliate all things European and destroy their prosperity and that includes the UK. Whatever the Russians have on him must be very damaging as he is obviously doing their every bidding. What we have seen so far from this person is only the beginning, it is going to get a lot worse unless the American people call enough is enough. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Is your vote returning to haunt you?

If you think I may be a bit hard on Boris the Spider, let me share the opinion of the largest selling Scottish newspaper the Daily Record with you. The Record is a committed Labour supporting paper and opposes the SNP and Independence. They are a Westminster loving unionist organisation, so they do not endorse people like The Kommirat. However, this morning they ran an opinion column that said

"Is Boris Johnson the most selfish, despicable and morally repugnant politician to ever hold a great office of state?This is the guy who was fired from a newspaper job for making up a quote, sacked from the Tory frontbench for lying to the party leader over an extra-marital affair and agreed to give a reporter’s address to a convicted fraudster so he could beat him up....Johnson should never have been allowed in the same room as the Foreign Secretary, never mind given two years in the role to trash Britain’s reputation on the international stage....That he was made Foreign Secretary as a reward for running the most deceitful political campaign in British history quite neatly sums up the shower of charlatans that currently pass for a UK Government.....Even BoJo’s resignation was a masterclass in dishonesty......Once again Johnson showed that he has no political ideology, no principles and not a shred of decency. His only focus is pursuing the advancement of Boris Johnson." 

A penitent is always to be welcomed, but I just wish that the British press had shown the courage, or perhaps it needed the perception, to understand this creature from his first manifestation as a caricature of a human being, never mind a politician. It must always be remembered, this is the creature that the English electorate repeatedly fawned over and voted for and who they consistently, for many years, proposed as a future Prime Minister. I also hope you note their description of the Tory government as a shower of charlatans. I don't think they read this blog, but then again, maybe they do. Whatever is the case, they most certainly should. That is what you get when your vote is thoroughly racist and you ignore all other considerations because of your hatred of foreigners, particularly those of a different colour.

As I have written before, the Spider is the prototypical result of the British class system and the people's fawning sycophancy for 'their betters.' He comes from an upper class family, he has a posh name, went to Eton and Oxford and therefore he is entitled to considerations that the little people are not. He must be clever, he must be a gentleman etc. It is the classic emperor with no clothes on syndrome. For years I have listened to people telling me how wonderful the Queen is, what a nice lady she is. I always ask them how long they have known her, and when they look at me in puzzlement I tell them that they must know her well if they can say she is nice, wonderful etc. otherwise how do they know? That is the British way and is why they deserve all they get.

On that same theme, I am amused by the panic that is rippling through America over the threat to Roe vs. Wade posed by the Moron's choice for the Supreme Court. In the news clips I have seen I was struck by the number of white women demonstrating against the possibility of Roe vs. Wade being overturned. This is the demographic that voted 53% for the Know Nothing and if I was a news commentator I would ask each of those women who they voted for before I allowed them to express an opinion. Again, I suspect that this is another consequence of people voting for a single issue and ignoring all other considerations. The Know Nothing made it quite clear even before he was elected that he would overturn Roe vs. Wade if he got the opportunity, but still these people elected him. So they do not deserve any sympathy or support. The people who do are those who have been left behind, those whom society has abandoned, the African Americans and the minorities for whom those nice white ladies have nothing but contempt and indeed hatred for. You get what you voted for, you get what you asked for. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 9 July 2018

I know an old lady who swallowed a spider

There may be a God after all. The Spider has gone, consumed by his own web of lies, deceit, self-aggrandisement and downright treachery. There can no longer be any doubt, the British are lumbered with the worst government that anyone alive can remember, and even the press are now admitting to that. The British are now wondering how on earth a creature like that, revealed now as the self-publicising clown that he is, can rise to such prominence. Boris tells you all you need to know about British politics. This is what the Kommirat has been telling you ever since this grotesque shower came into office. Over the pond, the White House moron stands revealed as having been comprehensively shafted by Little Rocket Man as I safely predicted he would be before his much publicised summit. As Elton sings, Rocket Man is not the man you think he is at home, and the Americans are having to face the reality of that now. So, how much evidence do the British and American public need as to the complete disaster that their respective governments really are?

To give you another flavour of the British political class, before they were allowed into the much publicised Cabinet day at Chequers to thrash out the most important decision a British government has had to make, probably since the Second World War, all Cabinet ministers were obliged to surrender their mobile phones and their tablets along with all other forms of communicatory technology. What does this tell you? That the Prime Minister had no confidence that any of her ministers would respect the confidentiality of such an important discussion. That she could not trust any one of them to respect their office, or the oaths that they take on assuming that office. That is the type of personnel who compose British government, wretched, treacherous vermin, and it starts with the PM herself whose Cabinet is a reflection of the circles that she herself inhabits and indeed helped to create. Remember I told you from her first day in office that she was both grossly incompetent and thick. Another thing that the British government shares with the American is that they are pathological liars who have no concept of service other than self-service. They have no interest whatsoever in 'the people' whom they fear and hate in equal measure.

May has consistently and persistently intoned the standard mantra that Brexit means Brexit, but well, now it doesn't actually mean that after all. Well when we said we were coming out, we didn't actually mean we were coming out the whole way, when we said we were taking back control, we didn't actually mean full control blah, blah, blah. Even when they get it wrong they have neither the sense not the self-respect to admit it. People can respect when you tell them you have made a mistake, that you have made a cock-up, but they never respect when you have got it so wrong, but still insist you are right, that you are 'doing the right thing.'

As I have said many times, government, especially in a polity that operates without a formal written constitution, is wholly dependent on trust. That trust is now non-existent in the UK as our political class are demonstrated to be liars, self-serving and seriously incompetent. This is not confined to the Tories. Jeremy Corbyn is just as hopeless as May, vacillating, devious, unaccountable with no-one really knowing what he stands for. Despite this government still unable to define what they mean by Brexit after two full years of debate and discussion, Labour are in exactly the same position. That is one of the reasons that the Tories have managed to get away with being so useless for the past two years, because they have no opposition, and all that I can glean from the American media is that the Democrats are just as bad as Labour, both are quite pointless. What will be the final disaster will be if England can actually win the football World Cup. Xenophobia is already at fever pitch and we're only at the semi-final stage. The English are still talking about 1966, so if they do win it it will be unbearable. As you will gather, I am an ABE, anyone but England. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 6 July 2018

The White House and Ten Downing Street are occupied by the worst

I have not posted for a bit because of a recent bereavement and I trust you will understand as my thoughts and focus have been elsewhere. In addition, I have not posted as regularly recently because I have found myself being overtaken by reality and have had to stand back and take stock as things have gotten even worse than I have predicted that they would. That the dominant free market economic model has demonstrably failed is now too obvious for anyone to challenge, but in their desperation, the free marketeers on both sides of the Atlantic, incapable of admitting the obvious, have descended into a fantasy world of their own invention, a world of nightmare to the rest of us as they unleash an unrestrained political free market that is as dangerous as the economic. This is a politics that also demands unregulated and unrestrained freedom for its adherents, a freedom from rules, norms and values, decency and the conventional regulatory frameworks that have governed our respective political systems for centuries. Both the White House moron and the Tories feel justified in slandering their opponents, lying with abandon, ignoring both their respective elected decision-making forums, insulting other nations and their elected leaders, and breaking all forms of diplomatic and political protocols, and if anyone dare challenge them they unleash a torrent of vitriol and hatred
that defies decency and civilised behaviour. If you challenge either the Know Nothing or the Tories you are a traitor, an enemy of the people, a threat that must be destroyed and demonised. Neither the White House moron, nor the Tories, won anything close to a majority of their popular votes yet both claim, and demand that we accept, that they now embody the will of the people. This is democracy going mad. Britain and America have become ugly and dangerous places.

Free market political and economic ideology has descended into dogma, it is faith based and presents itself as self-evident, that is, its adherents feel that they do not need to justify themselves and that people such as me are deluded if they seek to challenge or reject its fundamentals. As the Blessed Mulgarath Thatcher claimed, it has no alternative. Within this narrative it appears to me that there are two explicit assumptions underpinning what passes for debate in modern western economies, one, that there is and can be such a phenomenon as free markets, and two, that they are self-evidently good things, that is, they are superior to all other forms of economic and social organisation and therefore ethically and morally superior as well. This approach has come to represent a mirror image of its mortal enemy, Soviet style communism, in that it must not, and will not be challenged. It is this belief, that it is both scientific and true, that prevents the free marketeers from embracing reality and accommodate meaningful change and leads them to become increasingly disconnected to reality. Thus, within this fantastical ideological bubble, because the free market is the most superior, economic, political, moral and ethical model in existence, the damage it has wreaked throughout the world cannot have been caused by this self-evidently superior model, it must be someone else's fault. That is why I tell you that the free market is a fundamentally totalitarian ideology.

This is the fundamental reason why the governments of both the USA and the UK now live in an environment of persistent and ever blatant lying, to mask the fact that they are disconnected to reality and their respective societies, indeed their mendacity is now our greatest threat to social order and stability. Added to that is the ratcheting up of the scapegoat strategy, it is everyone else's fault but theirs. We have the spectacle of the White House moron blaming the Democrats for his own policies and daily denying things he has said only days previously whilst the Tories lie so brazenly that even their own civil servants are publicly calling them out in disgust. All the while the Tories cruelty has become so unacceptable that others in the pigsty, not known for their humanity, have been shamed into calling them to account. Our respective societies are indeed in a very dark place that is only going to get worse because of the atrocious personnel that we have elected into office. What is also worrying is that the public on both sides of the Atlantic seem quite unconcerned about the conduct of their elected representatives. If any party can challenge the Tories for incompetence and indifference to the damage being done by their leaders it is the Republicans, and in both nations the opposition, Labour and the Democrats, are quite incapable of mounting any kind of effective opposition or alternative to the carnage being unleashed by those in government because they are also committed to the fundamentals of free market stupidity. It genuinely beggars belief when you sit and reflect on the quality of political representatives we have today, and is one of the reasons I tell you that they may be well schooled but they are far from well-educated. They can neither see, nor offer, any alternatives because they are incapable of seeing reality. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat