Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Is your vote returning to haunt you?

If you think I may be a bit hard on Boris the Spider, let me share the opinion of the largest selling Scottish newspaper the Daily Record with you. The Record is a committed Labour supporting paper and opposes the SNP and Independence. They are a Westminster loving unionist organisation, so they do not endorse people like The Kommirat. However, this morning they ran an opinion column that said

"Is Boris Johnson the most selfish, despicable and morally repugnant politician to ever hold a great office of state?This is the guy who was fired from a newspaper job for making up a quote, sacked from the Tory frontbench for lying to the party leader over an extra-marital affair and agreed to give a reporter’s address to a convicted fraudster so he could beat him up....Johnson should never have been allowed in the same room as the Foreign Secretary, never mind given two years in the role to trash Britain’s reputation on the international stage....That he was made Foreign Secretary as a reward for running the most deceitful political campaign in British history quite neatly sums up the shower of charlatans that currently pass for a UK Government.....Even BoJo’s resignation was a masterclass in dishonesty......Once again Johnson showed that he has no political ideology, no principles and not a shred of decency. His only focus is pursuing the advancement of Boris Johnson." 

A penitent is always to be welcomed, but I just wish that the British press had shown the courage, or perhaps it needed the perception, to understand this creature from his first manifestation as a caricature of a human being, never mind a politician. It must always be remembered, this is the creature that the English electorate repeatedly fawned over and voted for and who they consistently, for many years, proposed as a future Prime Minister. I also hope you note their description of the Tory government as a shower of charlatans. I don't think they read this blog, but then again, maybe they do. Whatever is the case, they most certainly should. That is what you get when your vote is thoroughly racist and you ignore all other considerations because of your hatred of foreigners, particularly those of a different colour.

As I have written before, the Spider is the prototypical result of the British class system and the people's fawning sycophancy for 'their betters.' He comes from an upper class family, he has a posh name, went to Eton and Oxford and therefore he is entitled to considerations that the little people are not. He must be clever, he must be a gentleman etc. It is the classic emperor with no clothes on syndrome. For years I have listened to people telling me how wonderful the Queen is, what a nice lady she is. I always ask them how long they have known her, and when they look at me in puzzlement I tell them that they must know her well if they can say she is nice, wonderful etc. otherwise how do they know? That is the British way and is why they deserve all they get.

On that same theme, I am amused by the panic that is rippling through America over the threat to Roe vs. Wade posed by the Moron's choice for the Supreme Court. In the news clips I have seen I was struck by the number of white women demonstrating against the possibility of Roe vs. Wade being overturned. This is the demographic that voted 53% for the Know Nothing and if I was a news commentator I would ask each of those women who they voted for before I allowed them to express an opinion. Again, I suspect that this is another consequence of people voting for a single issue and ignoring all other considerations. The Know Nothing made it quite clear even before he was elected that he would overturn Roe vs. Wade if he got the opportunity, but still these people elected him. So they do not deserve any sympathy or support. The people who do are those who have been left behind, those whom society has abandoned, the African Americans and the minorities for whom those nice white ladies have nothing but contempt and indeed hatred for. You get what you voted for, you get what you asked for. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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