Friday, 6 July 2018

The White House and Ten Downing Street are occupied by the worst

I have not posted for a bit because of a recent bereavement and I trust you will understand as my thoughts and focus have been elsewhere. In addition, I have not posted as regularly recently because I have found myself being overtaken by reality and have had to stand back and take stock as things have gotten even worse than I have predicted that they would. That the dominant free market economic model has demonstrably failed is now too obvious for anyone to challenge, but in their desperation, the free marketeers on both sides of the Atlantic, incapable of admitting the obvious, have descended into a fantasy world of their own invention, a world of nightmare to the rest of us as they unleash an unrestrained political free market that is as dangerous as the economic. This is a politics that also demands unregulated and unrestrained freedom for its adherents, a freedom from rules, norms and values, decency and the conventional regulatory frameworks that have governed our respective political systems for centuries. Both the White House moron and the Tories feel justified in slandering their opponents, lying with abandon, ignoring both their respective elected decision-making forums, insulting other nations and their elected leaders, and breaking all forms of diplomatic and political protocols, and if anyone dare challenge them they unleash a torrent of vitriol and hatred
that defies decency and civilised behaviour. If you challenge either the Know Nothing or the Tories you are a traitor, an enemy of the people, a threat that must be destroyed and demonised. Neither the White House moron, nor the Tories, won anything close to a majority of their popular votes yet both claim, and demand that we accept, that they now embody the will of the people. This is democracy going mad. Britain and America have become ugly and dangerous places.

Free market political and economic ideology has descended into dogma, it is faith based and presents itself as self-evident, that is, its adherents feel that they do not need to justify themselves and that people such as me are deluded if they seek to challenge or reject its fundamentals. As the Blessed Mulgarath Thatcher claimed, it has no alternative. Within this narrative it appears to me that there are two explicit assumptions underpinning what passes for debate in modern western economies, one, that there is and can be such a phenomenon as free markets, and two, that they are self-evidently good things, that is, they are superior to all other forms of economic and social organisation and therefore ethically and morally superior as well. This approach has come to represent a mirror image of its mortal enemy, Soviet style communism, in that it must not, and will not be challenged. It is this belief, that it is both scientific and true, that prevents the free marketeers from embracing reality and accommodate meaningful change and leads them to become increasingly disconnected to reality. Thus, within this fantastical ideological bubble, because the free market is the most superior, economic, political, moral and ethical model in existence, the damage it has wreaked throughout the world cannot have been caused by this self-evidently superior model, it must be someone else's fault. That is why I tell you that the free market is a fundamentally totalitarian ideology.

This is the fundamental reason why the governments of both the USA and the UK now live in an environment of persistent and ever blatant lying, to mask the fact that they are disconnected to reality and their respective societies, indeed their mendacity is now our greatest threat to social order and stability. Added to that is the ratcheting up of the scapegoat strategy, it is everyone else's fault but theirs. We have the spectacle of the White House moron blaming the Democrats for his own policies and daily denying things he has said only days previously whilst the Tories lie so brazenly that even their own civil servants are publicly calling them out in disgust. All the while the Tories cruelty has become so unacceptable that others in the pigsty, not known for their humanity, have been shamed into calling them to account. Our respective societies are indeed in a very dark place that is only going to get worse because of the atrocious personnel that we have elected into office. What is also worrying is that the public on both sides of the Atlantic seem quite unconcerned about the conduct of their elected representatives. If any party can challenge the Tories for incompetence and indifference to the damage being done by their leaders it is the Republicans, and in both nations the opposition, Labour and the Democrats, are quite incapable of mounting any kind of effective opposition or alternative to the carnage being unleashed by those in government because they are also committed to the fundamentals of free market stupidity. It genuinely beggars belief when you sit and reflect on the quality of political representatives we have today, and is one of the reasons I tell you that they may be well schooled but they are far from well-educated. They can neither see, nor offer, any alternatives because they are incapable of seeing reality. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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