If anyone wishes definitive proof that the White House Moron is genuinely insane then he has furnished all the proof you need this week on his visit to the UK. At the start of his visit he gave an interview to the Sun newspaper which was recorded and played on every news bulletin on every news media in Britain, as well as being reported in every available form of news media. I myself heard it at least half a dozen times and read as many different reports. As you will appreciate, the UK is known as the news capital of the world because we have the widest diversity of news outlets, press, radio, television etc. of any nation of earth. So, there is no other nation where you can enjoy such blanket news coverage, or such in depth reporting. Today in his press conference with Theresa May, he denied point blank saying what everyone in the world heard him say, calling the reports of his interview fake news. The Sun is owned by the Murdochs and so is a subsidiary of Fox news, Know Nothing's favourite outlet and one he exploits every chance he gets, and is why he chose to be interviewed by that paper, yet he has branded their reports as fake news, despite the fact that their reports have been backed up by an audio recording that everyone on earth must have heard. In addition, he has repeatedly claimed that he arrived in the UK the day before the result of the Brexit referendum and accurately predicted the outcome of that referendum, when the world and his brother knows that he arrived the day after the referendum, which is also recorded for posterity. He thinks he can make such claims made because, as he told us on worldwide television, he is a very stable genius, he actually said that. Only someone completely insane can behave like this, someone completely divorced from reality. This is a person with no capacity for shame or common decency. There is actually something inhuman about this creature. But he must not just be dismissed as a nutcase because he has become the most dangerous person on the planet.
In his interview with the Sun he gratuitously insulted the British Prime Minister and heaped praise on Boris the Spider, another psychopathic nutcase, thus heaping further humiliation on May and deliberately undermining her position and her policy programme for Brexit. This came after he had quite deliberately insulted almost every European head of state, but particularly the German Chancellor. He has therefore broken almost every known diplomatic protocol and interfered directly in British politics. He is the classic bully, daring anyone to call him to account for his behaviour and behaving in such a manner simply because he can, or he at least thinks he can. He has now shown us beyond reasonable doubt that he has an agenda that includes destroying the European Union and NATO in collusion with Vladimir Putin. His goal is divide and conquer and install himself as a dictator.
But we must not allow ourselves to feel sorry for May. She has brought all of this humiliation and ignominy on her own head, fawning and grovelling to a person who anyone with an ounce of common sense would immediately recognise as quite mad and untrustworthy. Even before he was elected it was obvious what he was, but the Tories could not wait to prostrate themselves at his feet because they know in their hearts that Brexit is a disaster and they want to found a recovery in alliance with the USA. They now must assuredly know that this will not happen. The Moron wants to humiliate all things European and destroy their prosperity and that includes the UK. Whatever the Russians have on him must be very damaging as he is obviously doing their every bidding. What we have seen so far from this person is only the beginning, it is going to get a lot worse unless the American people call enough is enough. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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