However, this report on immigration is quite serious, and should be a cause of national concern, because what has always been obvious to me, but has been repeatedly denied by most of the Westminster pigsty and their lackeys in the media, and in particular by the Tories, in order to fuel the myths that the political class peddled for the purpose of scapegoating their own incompetence and criminality, was that immigration was the principal source of the Brexit vote to leave the EU, which I remind you was unadulterated racism and hatred of foreigners, despite what the British majority white population want you to think by their repeated and indignant denials that they are racist, anti-Muslim or antisemitic. That British white nationalistic population are of course a significant minority in Scotland which, I again remind you, is by far the most intelligent and civilised sector of the United Kingdom. Without going into details which are widely available in the press, I quote you the summary of the government report from the Independent newspaper.
"Key myths on the negative impacts of EU immigration have been blown apart by a major report commissioned by the government. The document found EU citizens have little impact on UK workers’ wages, pay more in taxes, have no adverse impact on young Britons’ schooling, are not linked to increasing crime and contribute “much more” to the NHS than they consume. It did highlight how immigration helped push up house prices, but concluded the rise is directly linked to a broader failure to build new homes".
Crucially, the Migration Advisory Committee concluded that EU immigration has been significantly beneficial to the public purse with each EU migrant contributing £2,300 more to the exchequer each year, in net terms, than the average adult, and over their lifetimes, they pay in £78,000 more than they take out in public services and benefits, while the average UK citizen’s net lifetime contribution is zero. How does that grab you Boris the Spider and Nigel Garbage?
There is some good news however, Theresa May has just been firmly rejected by the EU and her policies are in tatters, and demographic data shows that, statistically, on 19th January next year, the majority of the electorate will now reflect that pro-EU voters will outnumber leavers by several percentage points and the prospect of Brexit will begin to recede rapidly. In some ways that is bad news for me. because, as I have told you before, I hope for the hardest of Brexits. Brexit will be a disaster and I firmly believe that the only way that the braindead Brexiteers will come to their senses is when they are faced with the disaster that they cannot deny was of their own making. They will need to have their noses firmly and repeatedly rubbed into their own mess. As you know, I have been thinking about Brexit for three years now and I still fail to see even one positive about it. It is an act of national political suicide based on lies, hate and quite frankly, stupidity. As the man said, 'that makes no sense at all.' The other reason I want the hardest of Brexits of course, is that I am quite certain it will bring about a large majority for Scottish Independence and Scotland will be free to create a Tory free zone. Hope springs eternal. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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