Saturday, 22 September 2018

Can there be anyone more disgustingly hypocritical than a white American Christian?

Can there be anyone more disgustingly hypocritical than a white American Christian? I have reached this conclusion after watching and reading innumerable documentaries and articles about this strange group of people, who, whilst preaching brotherly love, tolerance, and peace and goodwill to all men, must rank amongst the most hate-filled, intolerant and potentially murderous people on the planet. I could fill this blog with quotes from Christians who appear to genuinely believe that their god, not only put the White House Moron into office, but supports and defends him, and regards him as his/her true representative on earth, a protestant pope. It was Jesus Christ Himself who told us that when we wish to know the true character and motivations of a person we should judge them 'by their fruits'. There are few people who can match the Moron for lying, fostering hatred, demonising others, abuse, racism and misogyny, and those are his better characteristics. They are however, his fruits which are divisive in the extreme and very dangerous, as he continues to incite and encourage violence and hatred. He would make a perfect Tory Party leader.

I fear American Christians are rather selective in their understanding of the teachings of their own religion. I have an article in front of me of a Christian rally, by something called the Values Voter Summit, where one woman actually told the reporter that Trump had surrounded himself with godly men. Either me or the Christians are living in an alternative universe, because in the world I inhabit, all of Trump's godly men are in serious trouble with the law as they have been exposed as a bunch of gangsters and criminals. I watched a rally last night during which the Moron praised his Supreme Court nominee as a great man and dismissed the lady who has accused him of sexual assault without even listening to what she had to say, and the great and good American Christians applauded enthusiastically. This is a lady who has already submitted to a polygraph. So, what kind of Christian justice is that supposed to represent? By what moral standards are these people operating? Is that Christian morality and justice? Perhaps that is actually what the Christian religion is evolving into in its American context!

However, I am seriously beginning to think that Trump and his army of godly men are indeed representative of the American Christian community. I have watched three documentaries about the Ku Klux Klan in recent months and they all spout the same gibberish about love of god, love of country and love of the Moron. They all claim to be Christians, and as a result of watching the Christian community in America in its many forms I confess that I no longer understand what Christianity is, or what it is supposed to represent. The things that appear to unite all white Christians in America are hate, guns, and the Moron. If these people are indeed representative of the god of the Bible, then I no longer understand the Bible either and want absolutely nothing to do with their god. Imagine going to heaven after you die and spending eternity surrounded by such people and under the authority of a god who endorses them, their teachings, and their behaviour?

By the standards of their own Bible, the behaviour of the Moron has been, and still is, on a daily basis, a catalogue of never ending sin. Nor is he either repentant or even slightly remorseful. Now, I do not judge this creature on his behaviour by the same standards as a Christian is supposed to, but it is they who claim to uphold their commandments, which, the last time I looked forbade lying and adultery amongst other things, both of which forms of behaviour are the Moron's supreme talents, indeed they appear to be his only talents. That matters not a jot to our good, upstanding white American Christian community however. They are quite happy to ignore this because morality and ethical behaviour is selective and relative in their world. Their brand of Christianity is a moral and ethical supermarket where you exercise your individual choice, and, as long as you are happy with it, you are a rational consumer, a good old boy or girl. This is the real manifestation of the American free market, it is a free market of moral and ethical choices, and as long as you utter enough 'praise the lords' and 'hallelujahs' you're in the gang. If the Supreme Moron does indeed qualify to be accepted as a Christian, and the Christian community continue to support him on his own terms, then the Christian religion has lost all meaning and relevance. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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