In the UK we are ruled by ideologues, the very worst kind of person to have in government. Government is the art of the possible, requiring compromise and the ability to consider other opinions and the necessity to be able to admit that you may be wrong. Those qualities are completely absent from British government and the mainstream political class. In the USA we see a person who is psychologically incapable of even contemplating that he is not totally correct in everything he says and does, we know that because he keeps reminding us how omnipotent he is. Thus in both our nations we are governed by people who are unwilling, indeed determinedly unwilling, to consider alternatives or compromise. This is government of the worst kind.
At a time when a coherent and active opposition is absolutely essential the British Labour Party are immersed in a quite insane ideological war within itself over antisemitism, with a leader who is a dogmatic ideologist of the worst kind, rendering it incapable of mounting any serious challenge to anything this most incompetent government does, whilst in the US, the Democrats hold blindly to the dominant economic narrative of free markets and therefore fail to offer any coherent alternatives to an imbecile. That is a serious state of affairs, when a major political party in the most powerful country in history cannot mount a serious campaign against an ignoramus who is demonstrably deranged. In the UK Labour has ensured that it has lost any chance of support from the Jewish community and those sympathetic to them and from anyone who intelligently sees that this is not a party that will support a wider constituency than those who ideologically support them. They simply will not compromise, and as I keep reminding you, is why they continually fail to hold any credibility in Scotland where they are widely regarded as a branch office of the London Labour elite (a branch office was what they were branded by their own Scottish leader).
That is the same story we have with the Tories, whose ideological commitment to the free market is an obsession. As you know, I maintain that there is no such thing, nor can be any such thing, as a free market. It is an illusion, and a fraud. Free trade is one thing, a free market is quite another, but no-one in this sorry society seems prepared to challenge the assumption that they are different and normally incompatible. That is why I hold modern economics, and modern economists in such contempt. Even so-called socialists today believe that there can be free markets, they just don't want them. They seem oblivious to the fact that they are a nonsense. As a result, the dominant narrative goes unchallenged, and it is the dominant narrative that is the problem. That is what has given us Brexit, The Know Nothing, and the descent into barbarism we are witnessing throughout the world.
The free market narrative has very successfully campaigned over many years against restraints, against regulation, and this anti-regulatory mentality has spread into every corner of our lives. We now habitually complain about any kind of restraint on our behaviour and activities as some kind of breach of our human rights. As a result, far too many people believe that their behaviour should be uncontrolled, and this extends to language, both verbal and print, leading to people believing they have the right to abuse whoever and however they please. This has its worst manifestation in government and in the political classes, but it percolates right down throughout society. The Know Nothing takes any form of restraint on his language and behaviour as a personal insult and launches a tirade against whoever or whatever seeks to hold him to account, be it the press, the judiciary, foreign governments, or his political opponents. In the UK we have a similar phenomenon that is more widely diffused throughout society as we have some of the most odious media outlets who are prepared to say anything they like regardless of truth of fact. This again spreads throughout society causing racism, misogyny, anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner hatreds and violence. But they all refuse to accept responsibility or be liable to constrain their language and behaviour. Thus, the free market has destroyed decency, self-respect and respect for others. It has fostered hatred, violence and division. The free market, both in its economic and political manifestations is a sickness that is rotting the body politic.
But the worst crime of the free marketeers is that they persistently preach about freedom and liberty without having the faintest idea what freedom and liberty mean. To the free marketeer, freedom means being able to do exactly as they wish free from being held accountable to anything or anyone, including the law, and the rule of law, and most certainly not the electorate. In addition, freedom and liberty only apply to them, not to the rest of us. To the free marketeer freedom means that they must have the freedom to remove freedom and liberty from the rest of us and reduce us to a state of slavery, poverty and dependence, because our freedom and liberty means that they will have to sacrifice some of their wealth, but more importantly, the mechanisms by which they gained that wealth. We must never be allowed freedom to challenge them or campaign for real concrete and meaningful freedom and liberty, from poverty, from austerity, from unemployment, homelessness etc, all goals that the free marketeer insists must be our legacy whilst they enjoy the fruits of their selfish criminality. This is what Toryism represents, this is what the Know Nothing and the Republicans represent, this is what Brexit represents, this is what so many of you voted for. Keep believing in your free market paradise and keep it in mind in your coming slavery. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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