Sunday, 18 November 2018

Westminster, the root of all evil

A persistent theme of this blog since I first started has been my repeated warnings how the British Conservative Party and its allies throughout our society have displayed a steely determination to complete the free market project of Margaret Thatcher, a crucial part of which is to reduce the majority of British people to a state of modern slavery, to impoverish them and deprive them of as many rights, civil, political and employment rights as they possibly can. This policy is designed as part of their determination to transfer as much wealth as is possible into the pockets of the British elite and to ensure as little resistance as possible. They have been, and continue to be, extremely successful. This ultimate goal is, of course, the principal driver behind the Brexit programme.

Over the years, many friends and colleagues have dismissed my arguments and accused me of hyperbole, simply on the grounds that they could not bring themselves to see what is staring them in the face. They offered no evidence in their rebuttals of my arguments, just a condescending form of pity that I was losing the plot. They refused to accept that the British could elect evil people, that the Tories were fundamentally wicked and had nothing but loathing and contempt for the majority of the British population. Slowly, however, the Scots are wakening up to the facts of the Tories, and indeed the entire Westminster pigsty establishments withering contempt for Scotland with their behaviour over Brexit. I suppose it is too much to ask, but perhaps even the most braindead amongst our forelock tugging population will take heed of the United Nations, who, I do not hesitate to say, give substance to everything I have been saying over the years. I trust most of you will be familiar with the UN Report by their poverty envoy Philip Alston and will not go into it in detail other than to remind you of his most crucial findings. His language was enlightening as he writes that the UK government (the Conservative Party) has inflicted 'great misery' on the British people with “punitive, mean-spirited, and often callous” austerity policies driven by a political desire to undertake social re-engineering.

Now I wish you to note that this is a programme of social engineering according to Mr Alston (what I call the Thatcher project) that is, it is deliberate and calculated policy producing amongst other things, levels of child poverty that are “not just a disgrace, but a social calamity and an economic disaster”, even though the UK is the world’s fifth largest economy. Mr Alston reports that about 14 million people, a fifth of the population, live in poverty and 1.5 million are destitute, being unable to afford basic essentials, citing figures from the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. He highlighted predictions that child poverty could rise by 7% between 2015 and 2022, possibly up to a rate of 40%.
“It is patently unjust and contrary to British values that so many people are living in poverty,” he said, adding that compassion had been abandoned during almost a decade of austerity policies that had been so profound that key elements of the postwar social contract, devised by William Beveridge more than 70 years ago, had been swept away.

Mr Alston gives the British more credit than they deserve when he tells us that such things are contrary to British values, because one of the greatest of the Tories achievements, aided and abetted by the Labour Party whilst in office, has been the destruction of what we call British values and their replacement with greed and selfishness as the only permissible values. The British have no values left of any consequence as we have seen over the Brexit disaster and the indifference of the population to the conditions that Mr Alston so vividly describes. But the most telling part of his report is the one that I have been warning for so long, that in the United Kingdom “poverty is a political choice”. That is correct, he tells us that British government policy is deliberately creating poverty, it is not an accident or an unintended consequence, it is a choice. As this post is getting too long I will leave it there, but the British can no longer deny the empirical reality of their political and social system. As I repeatedly tell you, you have been warned, although I have no confidence that the British will take any heed as they are too attached to their royal weddings and the trust of their beneficent and kindly aristocratic betters. You get what you vote for and the British persistently vote for their own impoverishment and slavery.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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