Thursday, 1 November 2018

Maybe I've got this white supremicist thing all wrong?

I've been contemplating the white supremacist thing and wondering if I should rethink my attitude towards them. I was musing on the tremendous courage and bravery of someone with a machine gun and two powerful handguns entering a synagogue full of worshipping Jews and shooting a 97 year old unarmed lady in a wheelchair. That took a lot of courage, especially when you remember that this old lady was Jewish, and Jewish wheelchair bound 97 year olds are renowned for their ferocity. It is similar to attacking a week old kitten, something even the most battle-hardened military expert would baulk at. You then must consider the tremendous bravery of someone entering a school and mowing down unarmed children and their teachers and contemplate on the undeniable wisdom of the Moron in the White House describing such people as having real good and decent people in their midst, people with the courage to drive a car into a group of unarmed demonstrators and kill a young woman, because it is obviously only the finest specimen of white supremist who engages in such acts of outstanding valour. Thus it would be unforgivable of me to even attempt to criticise the Moron for his wise and thoughtful comments on such matters. Those patriotic upstanding and indeed outstanding members of the white supremist community must therefore take up the banner of role model for all their more undeserving brothers and sisters who think all they need to do is vote for racists and fascists who will do the job for them, because, much as he would like to, the Moron cannot do it himself as his security people will not let him. I mean imagine if the Moron was faced with an unarmed 97 year old Jewish wheelchair-bound terrorist, or a schoolchild brandishing their satchel, or, perish the thought, an African-American pastor wielding a Bible. It is too horrific to contemplate.

I was then led to consider which is the most glorious act, massacring unarmed Jewish worshippers, unarmed children, or massacring a similar number of black people who were engaging in the outlandish activity of Bible study when they were shot by one of the Moron's good upstanding white supremist citizens. White supremists are all of course Christians, as they and the Moron continually assure us, which makes their acts of bravery all the more impressive because they had to enter places of worship, particularly those Jewish places, that are by definition Satanic and engaging in hellish conspiracies to take over the world and exterminate the white Christian problem. African-Americans can't possibly be real Christians anyway because they too are all busily engaged in an anti-white, anti-Christian conspiracy? I mean it's obvious, why? because they're not white and God is white isn't He? So, their churches are in effect permissible targets for those paragons of Christianity who are identifiable by their hoods, hatred, and their worship of the new Messiah, who has been identified by his sacred number, 45. Thus the white Christian is being assailed on all sides, by Jews, African-Americans, Muslims, transgender and feminist fanatics, CNN, HIAS, The Pittsburgh Steelers and of course the Muppets. It is therefore necessary for those white Christian patriots to step up to the plate, which I understand to be an American baseball metaphor for courage, tenacity and patriotism.

I fear America is heading into another form of civil war, as, rather than the leadership of the nation attempting to impose peace and unity, since the recent atrocities, the opposite is occurring and hatred is being intensified as the perpetrators attempt to portray themselves as victims. America is a graphic example of how you get what you vote for. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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